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Ally's POV:-

*ring, ring, ringggg!..ahh f*cken stupid alarm. Seems to be enjoying messing with my dreams. God I was having the best dream ever, i was working with Beyonce and we were about to realise our latest album.

Well i guess there's not much left to do than to actually wake up get ready for school before mom comes up here and starts yelling at me.

I get up and re-do my bed, after i heard straight for the bathroom and get in the shower. After a whole 40 minutes, I get out and rep a towel around my body and head for my walk in closet.

Today I chose to were simple clothes and I just put on my black crop-top written "Wat Now!"...a pair of ript boyfriend black jeans and a pair of my Navy vans. My body is really nice, its not fat not too skinny and I've got all the carves on right places. I let my red/black hair loose and apply a mascara and a little bit of lip gloss.

After am satisfied with my look, I head down stairs and my mom is busy preparing breakfast while listening to John Legend.

" morning ma, how you doing this fine morning?" I say with a goofy smile on my face.

Mom turns around and gives me a surprised look before pulling me in her arms giving a tight hug..."am doing great, and what got you so happy this fine monday morning?"....she says raising one eyebrow.....the truth is i didn't wake up like this, I guess its the magic of an early shower.

After I finish breakfast i head straight for school. I arrive and after packing my car, I go inside and am getting complements from guys which is odd cause they never recognised me before. So i guess i out did myself today.

As am walking to my locker, i feel like someone is watching me. I turn around but there's no one giving me a special attention look. I just shrug off and get my books and head for the geometry class.

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