Author's Note

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Okay. So I've been binge reading Percy Jackson fanfics. I don't know but the betrayal and Avenger fanfics are hands down my favorite. I had been working on two books in the past and I just found them again. But... I also came up with a slightly different idea because I forgot about one of the books. So I need some advice about which one I should go with first. 

Option 1: The Prince of Olympus

{This is after the Giant War. After the war, the campers turn their backs on Percy because they feel he's no longer needed. Well, all the campers except Clarisse, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. After everything that's happened at camp, Chiron suggests Percy visit his mother. After an altercation with some monsters, Percy uses his wish to get the gods to send his mother, Paul, and Estelle somewhere with the least godly influence (that's not Alaska.) After they are gone, the fates arrive and announce to Percy that he will be made the Prince of the Olympus.}

This book involves the gods, titans, and primordials being good family members after working out their problems. It also involves them being somewhat domesticated.

Option 2: The Soul Family of Olympus

{The fates announce that a prophecy from millennium ago is finally being put into progress. The Olympians are finding their soulmate. (Familial soulmate. It's enough incest already.) After finding out the news, Zeus sends Hermes to get Percy. Hermes returns hysterically with a bloody, bruised, and mangled Percy. After healing Percy, the Olympians tell Percy of the fates decision. Percy does not want immortality so he vapor travels from Olympus. Hestia, not wanting to force immortality upon Percy, suggests they talk to Sally about convincing him to accept godhood. After giving the Olympians conditions, Sally gives the Olympians her blessing and convinces Percy to accept godhood. After receiving godhood, the throne room doors are opened by frantic demigods looking for Percy. What happened for Percy to arrive on Olympus so badly hurt? Why are the campers looking for Percy so frantically? What will happen?

Option 3: Percy Jackson and the Avengers: The New Old Threat

{This book is a Percy x Apollo story. It starts off pretty cliche with Percy leaving Camp Half-Blood to get Athena and Fredrick's permission to marry Annabeth only to find out she was cheating. He leaves camp and heads to his parent's home only to find them dead. Meanwhile, at the Olympian's meeting, Hestia, Hera, and Aphrodite have collapsed because of the raw feelings Percy has left in their domains. Concerned, the Olympians flash to him to see him crying over his dead family. They try to comfort him but is stopped by a barrier. Inside the barrier, Kronos comes out to Percy taunting him. To make Percy suffer, Kronos gives him immortality. Two months later, Percy has come to terms with his godhood and the fates give him a new mission. Save the world...with the Avengers. This book features fanboy Thor and Loki, confused Steve and Bucky, mother Natasha, and father Tony.}

They are somewhat similar but also different. I'm leaning towards Option 1 or 3 (mostly 1) because the story line is more developed. But give me your advice in the comments.

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