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"Gerard please" I sobbed.
His his face was against my neck and he was pinning me down.
I was too scared to even think straight and I passed out.

"What happened?" The familiar voice asked.
"I think I'm dead. My friend is a vampire and he-"
"It's okay" the man said. "Death comes for all of us, some day"
I hugged him and just cried.
I was scared and confused and I didn't know what to do.

Gerard's POV:

Stop stop stop! Control yourself! Idiot idiot idiot!

Y/N was unconscious on the floor and I had blood all over my face.
I didn't bite him but I sure did scare the living daylight out of him.
I picked him up, carried him to the basement and put him on my bed.
I went to clean myself up and cursed at myself in the bathroom.
I have to make sure I've eaten before I meet up with Y/N again.

Your POV:

"It's your time to leave now" he said. "But when you die, just know that I'll be right here waiting for you"
I kissed him and everything faded away like last time.

I woke up in a dark room, the basement I think. I looked around but saw no one.
"Oh hey you're awake" Gerard answered, coming out of the darkness. "Listen, I'm really sorry about what happened, I didn't mean to, I got out of control-"
"You're a vampire" I sighed in disbelief.
"Yes, I am"
He got closer to me. "But I promise I won't hurt you"
I backed away from him. "I'm gonna call Ray"
I took out my phone and dialed Ray's number in.

"What's up?" He asked
"How long does it take you to come here?" I asked.
"I'm almost there don't worry"
"Well hurry the fuck up, you're slow" I sighed.

There was silence between me and Gerard.
I didn't dare say a thing.

Gerard walked over to me and sat down next to me on the bed.
"I didn't wanna scare you and I'm sorry"
I looked up at him and he gave me a sad smile.
"Is it fun?" I asked. "being a vampire?"
"Kinda but my freedom was taken, I can't be in the sun for long and I have to drink blood every now and then" he sighed. "I can't stand the thought of losing my friends and family but never dying of old age"
"Immortality doesn't mean never dying" I said.
"HEY GUYS I'M HERE!!" Ray's voice came from upstairs.
Gerard yelled.

Ray's footsteps came down the stairs and the door opened.
"OooOoo, together in the dark basement when no one's home" he winked.
"Shut up" I sighed with a smile on my face. "Where's your brother at?" Ray asked Gerard.
"Oh Mikey should be home soon, he was out with friends" he shrugged.

We played video games in the basement and fought about the best music.

"So Gerard, do you have anyone special?" Ray winked.
"No not really" he shrugged.
"What's your type in girls?"
"I- uhm. Okay so, I have to tell you guys something, I'm bisexual" Gerard sighed.
"Congrats, so am I" I said.
My heart was pounding in my chest, I might actually have a chance with him.
I could finally have the love of my life.
But then another thought hit me, he's a vampire, he might kill me.

Maybe I should just stick to that guy from The Black Parade place, he's cute.

"HEY GEE I'M HOME!!" Someone yelled from upstairs.
"HI MIKEY!! I HAVE FRIENDS OVER!!" Gerard answered.
Footsteps came down the stairs and the door opened.
"Hey I'm Mikey" the small boy smiled.
He was skinny and he had glasses.
"I'm Ray and this is Y/N" Ray smiled, pointing at himself and then at me.
"I'm gonna be in my room if you need me" Mikey said before going back upstairs.
"He's nice" Ray chuckled.

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