What happened in my day

55 2 9

Tw: breakdowns, people, rude things, just a lot of shit

(something good actually happened today, so it's not a full on vent, it's just a rant, I think)

7:35- got woken up from 5 hours of sleep

7:39- checked 1 notification on Wattpad, then left my room

7:41- ate breakfast

7:43 to 8:11- got ready for school and witnessed mild arguements

8:13 to 8:45- got in the car and headed to school

8:46- had a meltdown in front of the school

9:00- had another meltdown but in class and overheard that people were saying slurs and swears

9:15- meltdown ended and went to assembly

10:05- got a 2nd place writing award for an age group I wasn't even meant to be in from the district for a poem that I didn't even remember writing

10:16 to 10:45- assembly ended and my current class went outside for 15 mins

10:50 to 12:15- worked on a musical production my year was doing that I didn't wanna do until lunch

12:15 to 12:45- ate lunch

12:48 to 1:15- had a half hour long breakdown in the playground

1:16- a teacher linked arms with me, which made me feel... not good, to say the least

1:17 to 2:06- went into the office, had my current teacher text my mum to come get me, and got useless advice from teachers to 'nOt WoRrY aBoUt StUfF', and got picked up from school, having 2 more breakdowns as well

Yep, I'm lovin life rn :D /hj

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