Truth About Sam part 2

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(Sorry no photo)

Rachel used her equipment to track Sam down with the rangers helping her.  "I'm picking up his reading over there" stated Rachel.  She directed where to go before the group parked at the courthouse.  "A courthouse?" Asked Travis.  "Strange, Sam wouldn't come around here" added Aria.  Everyone got out after Duane parked the car and they all got out each equipment piece.  They headed in slowly to stay aware of any enemies.  "You sure we picked up his readings?" Asked Druanne. 

The group gasped when soul guards appeared.  "Ambush!" Yelled Rachel.  Two more spirits appeared with Rachel gasping.  "Oh god the Scoleri Brothers" she added.  The rangers with her looked over worried seeing the brothers had electric based powers.  "I would say we can't let you in" one brother said.  "THEY CAN TALK NOW?!" exclaimed the group minus Druanne due to her never knowing about the spirits until she moved here.  "I'm... guessing they didn't talk last time" added Druanne.

  "Nope, even I know about them, all they did last time was laugh and nearly electrocute an entire courthouse.... one party I'd never attend" added Duane. The duo laughed joining the soul guards.  "You're fetching slimer aren't you, sorry that won't happen" added the other brother.  "Well....not alive at least!" They all went after them as the rangers and Rachel had to dodge all forms of electricity so no one had equipment malfunction either.   "Is everything a party to you?!" Exclaimed Travis in fear.  "What I got to make a living somehow" added Duane.  Travis being the youngest sighed dodging and helping them.  "Guys we'll have to change direction, partner up" added Druanne. 

Aria did a check on history of the brothers as the rangers partnered up and started fighting back.  "Last time these two were around it was from negative energy of an ecto river of sorts, nearly killed the original ghostbusters" she said.  Rachel researched into it and nodded.  "Ok your best course is send them back to an ecto pool or a river".  "Luckily there is one beneath the city" added Rachel.  "That's all we need" added Druanne.  The group stood forward and were ready to fight.  "Shall we?" Asked Druanne awkwardly. 

"Put some bravery in there girl" added Duane.  "I'll go with you all" added Travis.  "Science and spirits, well... Least I'm here" added Aria.  The group got their morphers out and did the call of Ecto spirit engage before morphing.  Each ranger did their introduction and posed saying power rangers spirit force.  "So we were told the truth on rangers" one brother said.  "Destroy them" stated the other brother.  The spirit guards went for the rangers and the fight started. 

Rachel though was able to sneak through.  She took the battle as the distraction needed to get herself to continue the search.  "Hold on Sam I'm coming" she said.  She activated her equipment and started the search.  Rachel looked around in the courthouse worried.  She headed in the direction the signal had the strongest reaction.  "That better be you" she muttered.  Rachel ran ahead in that direction coming across an unconscious Sam. 

"Oh my god Sam" she said.  Sam groaned and gasped.  "Rachel you can't be here!" He exclaimed.  "What?" Asked Rachel.  A male appeared next to Sam that seemed normal....except the red eyes making her gasp.  "Which guardian?" She asked recognizing the eyes.  "Its keymaster!" Exclaimed Sam.    Rachel gasped in result. 

Keymaster growled at Rachel.  "Bad choice human" he said.   He attacked Rachel making her unconscious.  "Now comes the leverage on the rangers" he said.  Sam groaned sadly as Rachel had fallen into the trap.  Meanwhile the rangers defeated the minions before facing the brothers.  *"Think before you fight them rangers"* a distorted voice said around them making them gasp.  "Who's doing that?" Asked Travis. 

*"I'm known as keymaster, and while I have my own mission.....I currently have some friends of yours"* stated Keymaster.  The group gasped as from a courthouse window the unconscious body of Rachel and the distraught Sam floated into view.  "Rachel, Sam!" Exclaimed Duane.  "Not good, what do you want?!" Exclaimed Druanne.  Aria was nervous.  *"I'll give them back....if you let my allies go...."* stated Keymaster.  "Bold from a coward refusing to show his face" muttered Travis. 

(A/n: Still a part 3 to come.  Anyway hope you enjoy!)

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