The Inkwisher

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You were inside the Castle with Mario as he was currently begging you to let you use the Wish Ring.

Y/N: For the last time Mario, No. The Wish Ring is way too powerful and I know that with you, Something bad is going to happen and I'm not having that

Mario: Pleeeeease, Nobody won't get me more Spaghetti!

Y/N: Mario, The Ring wouldn't even fit your Fingers, They're way too Big and this Ring is so Small

Djinn: Plus, I'm not in the mood to grant wishes today.

Mario: Well, Can I at least use that Ink Pen? You don't even use it

Y/N: No Mario, I made a Promise to Melony that she'd let me keep it for safety reasons as long as I don't use it

Djinn: Actually, I wonder what that Inkweaver is supposed to do

Y/N: Apparently, Anything that you draw with it will come to life. An old friend of ours named Axol wielded this but ever since He died, We don't use it as much

Djinn: Hmmm, Perhaps maybe I could make a Replica of the Inkweaver and apply some of my power to it. The only problem is that It might have a chance of getting a mind of its own

Y/N: Why would you want to do that? Better yet, Why should I let you do that?

Djinn: Because one, It would make my job easier since I can still grant wishes and so will the Magical Pen I wanna make so that Mario will leave us alone, and Two, I could send you to the Shadow Realm at any time if I wanted to

Y/N: That last part's debatable. But it would be nice if we could make another Inkweaver use even if it grants wishes...Alright, Go ahead

Djinn picked up the Inkweaver as he then uses his Magic to create a Second one that looks just like the Original but it was completely Black

Mario: Woah! How did you do that?

Djinn: Magic

Y/N: What's the difference between this Inkweaver and the Original?

Djinn: Easy. Unlike the original, This new one can draw almost ANYTHING possible and it doesn't need Ink at all. Also, I used some of my powers and transferred only 10% of them inside it, so If you want to grant wishes then you can get it from this one. The only problem is you can only wish for certain things like Inanimate Objects or stuff like that

Y/N: I see. Then maybe we should give this one a new name...Why not "The Inkwisher"

Djinn: Oh, That's got a good ring to it

Mario then had the thought that he could get as Many of his Wishes and then steals the Inkwisher and ran off



Djinn: Relax Y/N, He can only wish for Inanimate Objects, He probably is just gonna use the Inkwisher to wish for Spaghetti or something

Y/N: I guess you're right. I might as well give the Inkweaver back to Melony since I think she is the one to be the most trustworthy and it sorta belongs to her anyway

Meanwhile, Mario was out in the City as he was already causing trouble He already had a Large Mountain of Spaghetti and called it "Mt. Spaghetti". Mario even had his subjects that were also made entirely out of Spaghetti. He eventually kept making wishes like being Rich and such which eventually led to him getting his Kingdom

Back at the Castle, You were with SMG4 as he was explaining to you some more things about what it's like to be an SMG. While you do have some similar yet different Deity powers like Melony, The origin of where they came from is Unknown but you can still Convert Memes into Power as you try doing that. Eventually, something was going on outside.

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