Stress free Sunday

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When you woke up in the morning, you were excited for farmers market as well as making the grocery run. It had been a busy few days, with date night along with the big bar-b-que yesterday. You rolled out of bed naked and padded your way to the dresser and slipped on a pair of panties before grabbing a nightgown and robe. You stopped beside the bed where Bucky was still sleeping and leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek with a smile. You were feeling a little tired still this morning, but excited to get out for the day. You put on your mask and made sure that it was on properly before heading down the stairs to make coffee. You went and grabbed the newspaper while you were waiting for the coffee to finish being made and looked at the front page. You knew Bucky would want to read the paper, and didn't want to mess with it too much. You grabbed a pencil for the crossword, then made your coffee before heading outside with Daisy.
You pulled out the center inserts that you liked from the newspaper, and sipped at your coffee while starting to work on the crossword.
"Good morning" you heard Laura, and looked up with a smile.
"Good morning" you smiled happily. "How are you this morning?" you asked gently.
"Good, how are you?" she looked pointedly at your neck and the new love bites. "I'm thinking pretty good" she winked.
"Wonderful. I'm so excited for the farmers market" you admitted. "We are going to head to town to do the groceries after"
"Full day planned I see. Are we still on for our lunch date tomorrow?" she asked expectantly.
"Of course! I'm looking forward to it" you giggled. "Its nice to have company" you admitted.
"You know, if you get pregnant, coffee is bad for the baby" she warned you and you blushed. "Same with wine"
"I have so much reading to do on it. We haven't been trying long" you admitted softly.
"Dean and I have been trying" she smiled softly. "Nothing yet though. We have thought about adoption too, you know. There's so many kids out there that needs a good home" she sighed.
"They do, I think I should talk to James about that option too" you decided. "We know a couple who can't have kids back where we used to live, but they seem happy without kids"
"Well, its not for everyone" Laura admitted. "You know, I have a few books on pregnancy that I've read. Did you want to borrow one?"
"Sure! I'd love that" you nodded eagerly.
"Great, I'll bring it tomorrow. Your husband is awake" she nodded towards the kitchen where you saw Bucky making his coffee. You smiled watching him move around. He came out with the pot and nodded to Laura before warming up your coffee and heading back inside. "I'll probably see you later" she grinned and left.
"Hopefully" you called to her retreating figure.
"Good morning my rose" Bucky came back outside and leaned down to give you a kiss on the lips quickly. "You already working on the crossword?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you'd be sleeping longer" you admitted.
"I wanted to spend the morning with my beautiful wife. How about we have breakfast at the farmers market?" Bucky leaned forward and held your hand gently. "I looked out front, and saw some food trucks pulling in"
"I think we can make that work" you smiled happily. You handed back the part of the newspaper that Bucky likes to read, he folded the newspaper and leaned over and started helping you with the crossword first. You giggled and leaned forward more and got more into the puzzle.

"This was one of the best idea's you've ever had" you moaned appreciatively as you ate your strawberry crepe.
"I knew you'd like it" Bucky chuckled while you licked your lips. He leaned forward and gave you a brief kiss on the lips. "Don't forget there's a waffle truck if you're still hungry"
"You know me too well" you giggled.
"I should just go get it now" he stood up and handed you Daisy's leash before heading to the waffle truck where he had already finished his crepe. He came back a few minutes later with two strawberry covered waffles, and two coffee's with a large grin on his face as he sat back down. He passed you your waffle and coffee before he took a moment and sipped his coffee. You quickly finished your crepe and started digging into your waffle, humming with happiness. You had whipped cream on your face again, and Bucky leaned across to wipe your face for you and you blushed. "Perfect, as always" he smirked.
"I'm really happy we decided to do this" you smiled at him, and took a sip of your coffee.
"Me too, there's lot of people from around the community here" he grinned. You knew he meant potential targets. A few people would wave to you as they walked by, and you both waved back politely. You finished your coffee and Bucky went and put everything in the trash can for you both. You got up and took his hand as you both started to walk through the fruits and vegetable stalls. You kept picking up lots of fruits and vegetables. Bucky easily carried all the bags for you, and looked like he was getting overloaded.
"I'm not quite done yet" you admitted after a few minutes. "That looks heavy"
"You're right, I should run some of this home. Do you mind looking around for a few minutes without me, and I'll be right back?" he knew he shouldn't be showing his super strength this easily. He switched so he had a bunch of bags in each hand instead. He gave you a brief kiss before he left.
"Melody!" you heard from behind you as you were picking out a large bag of apples for the pies for the week. You turned and saw Stephanie and her husband you assumed was Ron.
"Hi Stephanie" you smiled shyly.
"Where's that loving husband of yours?" she asked quickly.
"He ran some of the groceries home, I've been going a little overboard" you gave a small giggle.
"You're so lucky. Once I get a few bags Ron always wants to go. This is my husband Ron" she introduced you. You gave a smile, and shook his hand. You noticed he barely looked at you.
"Pleasure to meet you" you gave a small shy smile, and brushed some hair out of your face.
"This is the famous Daisy I assume?" she asked and reached down to pet her. Daisy backed up for a minute, but then came forward for some pets.
"Yes, she's our baby. That and Alpine, but he's a stay at home cat" you grinned. "He's beautiful, big white and fluffy" you admitted softly.
"I wish we could have pets, but Ron's against it" she whispered to you, but you saw Ron scowl a bit.
"They become like family" you smiled. "I don't know what we would do without our Daisy or Alpine"
"Doesn't it make keeping the house clean harder?" Stephanie asked straight out.
"Not that badly. A few muddy tracks aren't so bad, and the fur shedding is not too bad if you remember to brush them daily" you shrugged. "Daisy stays more on the grass and plays with her balls. Its her favorite game"
"Are you two headed into town today too?" Ron suddenly asked.
"Yes to the pharmacy and the grocery store" you nodded. "James promised so I could get some meat and other things I need for the week" you added.
"You should get there early before they run out of stock" he tried to seem polite, but you felt there was an ulterior motive behind his questions.
"We will make it I'm sure" you gave a bright smile.
"I'm back my rose" Bucky came running over slowly and smiled putting his arm over your shoulders.
"I was just buying some apples and some more plums when Ron and Stephanie came over" you smiled happily and leaned into him. "Miss Daisy also got to say hello to our new neighbors" you added.
"Daisy is such a gem" Stephanie cooed.
"She's been our baby for a long time" Bucky grinned. "Good to see you two" he leaned over and kissed you on the side of your head.
"You two might want to hurry since you have so much to do today. We will see you later" Ron waved, and pulled his wife away.
You finished making your fruit purchases and Bucky took the bags and looked at you curiously.
"Ron asked if we were going to be out of the house today, and I confirmed that we were headed to town to the grocery store and pharmacy" you leaned in closely to speak softly into Bucky's ear.
"I'll do a bug sweep when we get home" he whispered in your ear. You saw someone looking at you both, you leaned in and kissed his cheek and gave a small giggle before pulling away.
"How about some eggplant this week?" you asked as you saw some.
"Sure, I always look forward to your meals" Bucky nodded and you smiled at him happily. You picked up some zucchini as well. Bucky followed you through several stalls until his hands were full again. "Lets go home" he leaned down to kiss you on the cheek.

You were excited for grocery shopping, and especially feeling more comfortable in a pair of jeans today, with one of Bucky's white shirts instead of a dress for a change. You were still full from breakfast as you walked up and down the aisle with Bucky helping you pick out snacks and things to eat for the week. You couldn't help but giggle at some of the sweets that he chose out for his lunches.
"Don't let these spoil your meals" you warned him.
"I'd rather eat the meals you make me" he chuckled. "Its just for a snack" he shrugged.
"I might even try them" you decided.
"I'd be surprised you would have time to eat anything besides all the strawberries you bought" Bucky chuckled. "Or the peaches" he added.
"I'm going to make the best fruit salads for breakfast in the mornings" you sighed happily. "I'm going to make a strawberry cheesecake. The possibilities are endless"
"I love you" Bucky chuckled and put his arm around you.
"I love you too!" you nuzzled into him a bit.
"We have to go to the pharmacy" Bucky reminded you.
"I'm kind of excited" you danced a little under his arm.
"Just remember it might take some time" he looked at you seriously.
"I know, I realize that" you sighed a little.
"Are you sure you are ready for this step?" he paused and looked at you.
"I want this. Do you?" you asked gently.
"I want this too" he smiled.
"Then lets buy a few of these and try" you pointed to the pregnancy tests in front of you. Bucky pulled out a few of each kind while you stopped to read them. "This one can tell in the first few weeks" you put it in the cart. Bucky grabbed a few more of them, and put them into the cart.
"Let's go home and try it out" Bucky whispered to you.
"Someone's excited" you giggled.

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