"I'm marrying Saitama. That, in itself, is a super power," she grinned and pressed a loving kiss on Saitama's mouth.

"No! I challenge you!" he said and was quick to stand up. Now Saitama turned to face him with a puzzling look.

"Why?" Saitama had to ask.

"Girls should not be heroes!" he said defiantly.

"Hmm. Should we see if Inichi can bring Terrible Tornado here?" Zenchu asked. Instead, Saitama let Mitsumi down. Within five seconds, she had darted around the B class hero, let her deadly fans flick out and was quickly back in Saitama's arms like nothing happened. Then Saitama snapped his fingers for the man's top to simply fall apart like shredded paper.

"That's much better," Saitama smiled at her, pressed a kiss to her cheek and lifted her up in his arms. "Be glad she warns with clothing. Better that than your skin, eh? Anyways, see you around."

"Ah!" the man stood there in shocked silence.

"Shall we take a small nap?" she asked and snuggled into Saitama's shoulder. "Or should we watch some shows?"

"Hmm. Shows would be nice. You can snuggle me more," he nodded.

"Good," she beamed and pressed into him. They were able to get back home without any further interruptions, and they simply collapsed on the couch. Zenchu was able to clean off Saitama's glove first to hand back over before stretching out on the long couch with a contented sigh. An hour passed by neatly this way, and Mitsumi was lightly sleeping against Saitama's chest as he browsed through the channels.

"You plan to stay dressed up for the night market?" Zenchu asked.

"Possibly. Just to show that no one can mess with us," Saitama shrugged. At his phone ringing, he sighed and answered it. "Hello? Um...who is this? Sorry. No name, no talk. Bye."

"Hmm?" Mitsumi frowned and got a gentle pat to her back to calm her. When his phone rang again, he narrowed his eyes and put it on speaker.

"I wasn't done talking!" the angry man growled.

"Oh. Daiki? Why are you calling my fiancée?" Mitsumi frowned.

"Ah..." the man paused.

"It's my oldest brother. The one under Atsuko," she said.

"Okay. Now we have a name. Why are you calling my phone?" Saitama asked. Zenchu was already nudging Inichi.

"When do you plan to marry the pet?" Daiki sneered.

"Why did you feed her pet food?" Saitama asked.

"She was just a trapped dog! It was out of kindness! Why bother feeding her what normal people eat? It's a waste of food," Daiki snorted.

"Wait. That story he wrote...about pet owners eating food...with their pets..." Mitsumi blinked at the connection. Now Saitama's eyes widened. Zenchu hissed in disgust. Now Inichi was livid beyond words and sent the information to Sweet Mask. Inichi gave the report to Saitama directly.

"I was just informed that Sweet Mask is shredding your script," Saitama said with a neutral gaze on the television.

"What?!" Daiki said with shock.

"It deals with the abuse of my fiancée. He won't tolerate it," Saitama said calmly and accepted a soda from Zenchu. "Anyways, we're done. Good-bye."

"NO! Wait!" he pleaded.

"For what? You all just want me dead!" Mitsumi said.

"Let me talk," Saitama said and soothed her with a soft kiss. "As she said, you never cared about her. You just want her inheritance."

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