What Happened to Me!

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〈Thought Communication〉

《Unique Skill, Ultimate Skill, or Manas if using thought communication to their master or otheir》

Thought to self

Note or info

{Action- fight, dance, magic, and ect }

Unique Skill, Ultimate Skill, or Manas using the Skill




I am walking in the street, heading to meet one of my best friends and a coworker. It is almost the end of the year 2021. The evening is clear. The weather is cold and icy. This year is the second year of the Corona Virus, but the country handles the virus very well. It is still spreading in most of the world. The streets are bustling. Many people are moving back and forth. Everyone is getting ready for New Year's Eve. Luckily the news is very hyped about the New Year. Of course, the news is also buzzing about a criminal who escaped while being taken to prison. The car that carried the prisoner crashed, and he escaped leaving two police officers dead. I listen to the news once in a while. Generally, I play games, read light novels or manga, watch anime, listen to music, and ehum enjoy male entertainment.

While walking in the cold, it is getting very chilly. I wonder about the weather; however, the news is not reporting anything unusual. The wind is picking up rapidly. On my way, I met my friend, Tamura, and... he was with his girlfriend!〔That Jack Ass always loves to show off everything, even his girlfriend. What a jerk! He always acts nice and sweet, but honestly, he is like a venomous snake biting my heart. Man, I need to get a girlfriend soon.〕As I get closer to them, they see me, acknowledge me, and come to me. "Hey, how is it going, Makami?!" said Tamura. "We have been waiting for a while. I hope there is still seating at the coffee shop. Oh yeah, hey sweetie, let me introduce you to my friend. I present to you the man I told you about, my friend, Satoru Takehiko Mikami. He is the nephew of the man who owns the company that we work for."

Of course, I didn't tell many people about my relationship with my uncle. I did tell a few of my closest friends, including Tamura, that idiot. What is he thinking? Is he trying to make me jealous? As Tamura finishes the introduction, I see that his girlfriend is very nervous.〔If I remember correctly, her name is .... 〕"Ea..ea.ea.ea... Um, sorry, my name is Miho Sawatari. I...I. We met each other at work. I can not believe that you are the Ne...ne...Nephew of our boss, I mean your boss, I mean my boss." I recognize her from work. She is a very talented girl, I must say. She is cute, especially when she is nervous. Of course, I know that Tamura wants to show off his girlfriend, and they have been hanging out more often. Ha, I think this is goodbye to my friend's freedom to hang out with the guys and play video games.〔I pray that you have a slow and painful death.

As we enter the Excelsior Caffe Ningyocho, it is busy; however, seating is available. Taking our seats, the aroma of dark coffee fills the air. Shouts and laughter also fill the room. I see that Tamura and Miho are looking at each other. Their faces are bright cherry red. My first thought is that it is cold here, but now I realize they are a couple. Couples should be a little bit shy when talking about relationships. We order our coffee; there is some awkward silence at the table. I want to end this shy lovey-dovey atmosphere.

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