Bigger tits

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'I wrote another one as soon as I got here. For the royal family for the banquet... let me know if you think mother would approve!'

'this is how I think the feast is going to go after seeing the royal family and how sansa fawned over the prince.'

'you weren't at the line up.' Theon remarked

'I was at the wall, perched high up so I could see everything!' rina told them.

'Tis the season!

It's a season for elegant ladies!

Reputations dictated by the queen!

Must be perfectly perfect

Must meet every expectation

May god save all our souls!


Dearest listener

The time has come to place our bets

For the upcoming social season!

Consider the household of the Lord Mankret

3 misses foisted upon the marriage market

Like sorrowful sows by their tasteless and tactless Mama

Is she to breathe mama?

When I was your age I could fit my waist into an orange and a half and so shall you!



Ooh! Ooh!' rina tipped forward pretending she couldn't breathe. Another family was joining them a family to which wanted the queens approval for their daughter to marry her son. But rina knew that was doubtful.

'Far better odds might exist

In the household of the Lord Stark

A shockingly prolific family

Known for its bounty of perfectly handsome sons-' she gestured to her brothers.

And perfectly beautiful daughters' she gestured to herself smirking at them.

'okay now I'm acting out everyones parts for this new part so just try and follow along as I switch between siblings' she instructed.

'Ugh, I'm boiling in this dress already'

'Are you to complain the entire time, Katrina?

Well, what else am I good for?

I look rediculous! – that's arya- Do I look it?

Arya, you wish to know what I think you look like?


And where's the lovely Sansa?

She's only been getting ready the whole evening

Only her whole life

Well, I'll go fetch for her

No, I'll go fetch for her

She likes me better than you anyway

And who says that?

Everyone says that

Ugh, sansa! You must make haste!' rina yelled making her brother laugh.

Should you think she heard me?

How very perfect indeed

Okay this next part is sansa's how I think it will go tonight.' rina informed them.


'This is only the beginning

Of the life that I'll be living

I'm dreaming of a match for love

Just like Mama and Pa had done

So Father I'm marrying for love

Tis the season, it's a season for elegant ladies

Must be marvelous down to every seam

Must be perfectly perfect, with impeccable reputations

So may she save us all!' rina smirked.

'okay jon, theon hold back robb please.'

'what?' robb questioned but theon and jon grabbed hold of him

'Where is he?

If your brother is to be obeyed as Lord stark

He must act like Lord stark

Theon, Jon, where is Robb?

I do not know... this your part Robbie...

Just hold me closer now

Our time is running out

Ros, you know it's half-past nine!'

'you little-' robb got out of theon and jons grasp and started chasing her around as she sung. Tyrion couldn't help but laugh.

'My lord, just stop the time!

Just put it in your pocket, and lock it away

You know I cannot stay

Ros, my duties they await

So I'll see you Saturday... robb, robb stop!' rina screamed as he picked her up. 'I have more people to make fun of!' she declared.

'There's a reason, there's a reason for all of this crazy

The only word that matters is the Queen's!- I mean that what she thinks right?

Today is a most important day

And for some, a terrifying one

For today is the day

London's marriage-minded misses

Are presented to Her Majesty, the Queen

To the Queen!

Presenting, ladies Prudence, Philipa, and Penelope Mankret

All escorted by their mother

The right honorable Lady Mankret

Your Majesty

We're as perfect as we seem

Not the cake but with the cream

Think I forgot how to breathe!

A glimmer of displeasure

And a young lady's value plummets to unthinkable depths

Presented by her mother

The right honorable lady stark

Miss Sansa stark- I imagine this is how tonight will go... I heard her practising in her room as well.' Rina said laughing.

'Don't trip, don't falter

Just make it to the altar

Don't break, don't crumble

Make certain you're perfectly humble

Show Her Majesty, the Queen

That I'm more than worthy

Don't you let it show that you're more than nervous

Finally, I'm living with a purpose

Must be calm and cool, collected at the surface

Must be perfectly perfect

She's perfectly perfect

Must be perfectly deserving

She'll be the diamond of the season

Don't trip, don't falter

Just make it to the altar

Must be perfectly perfect

It's a season, it's a season for all of the ladies

It's a season, ah

Perfectly perfect

Must be-

Flawless, my dear' rina smiled at her brothers. 'well... what did you think?' they shared a look before bursting out laughing.

'that was brilliant Rina!' jon said

'yeah great! Thanks for adding me in there.' theon joked punching robb in the arm.

'I think you could take out my bit and it would be better but overall... really cute kat.'

'awe why thank you!' suddenly a slow clap was heard and rina spun around. 'fuuuuuck.' She muttered hiding behind her brothers. 'I just made fun of his sister... do you think he likes his sister?'

'I think we are about to find out.' Robb said. 'hello lord Tyrion, welcome to winterfell.'

'thank you... you must be Robb and you...' he looked past them to rina hiding and blushing profusely. 'I would say the lovely katrina but she is supposed to be married and living else where...' Tyrion said but knew the engagement had been broken off. Due to the lord sudden death.

'oh... um no.' she said stepping forward. 'I'm Ros.' She stuck out a hand but then put it down at her side. 'probably don't want to shake that, don't know where its been, well I do. With robb and theon but not my Jon, my good boy.' Rina said pointing at each brother. Theon and robb swatted at her.

'lovely to meet you lady katrina. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your would be husband.' Tyrion went on.

'oh yes, sad. So sad,' she drew a tear down her cheek with her finger. 'someone help me restart my broken heart!' she pounded on her chest and whipped her head around a smile on her face. Her brother tried to withhold their laughter. 'well I should be off, back to the brothel... you know me...' she teased. 'robb theon... see you boys later.' She joked 'lovely to meet you my lord, feel free to stop by the brothel and ask for ros.' She winked at him backing out of the room.

'I was there already, I met ros. Her tits were at least double yours.'

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