83|| Double Surprise

358 17 16

August 13th, 2025

Jaemin woke up to seeing his boyfriend looking at him with the biggest smile on his face. "Ugh Jeno go away! It's too early to be happy!" He said as he threw the blanket over his head, the older male wrapped his arm around the male's waist as he was about to kiss his neck a hand stopped him. "Too early Jeno, go away." The younger told his boyfriend. "Do you know what today is bun?" Jeno asked as he drew circles on the male's waist, Jaemin didn't answer as he was too tired to respond.

Jeno smiled at the sight before leaving a kiss on his boyfriend's temple. He got off the bed before walking out the room, once Jaemin heard the door closed he let out a deep sigh. "Why is he so happy today?" He asked himself as he sat up in the bed. The younger male was indecisive if he should get out of bed or not but didn't feel like getting dragged out like the other days he stayed in bed, Jaemin got out the bed before looking at himself in the mirror seeing how he was wearing his boyfriend shirt in bed "I should've went to work today."

Jeno soon came back into the room as he walked behind Jaemin. "Why are you so gloomy today Jaemin? You should be happy, we both got the day off." Jeno told his boyfriend, Jaemin looked at his boyfriend through the mirror "I'm tired, it's too early for me to be happy Jeno. I told you this already." The younger told his boyfriend before walking into the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

Jaemin was currently eating breakfast while Jeno watched him in admiration. "Do you really not know what today is baby?" He asked his boyfriend, the younger male shook his head "Did you get some type of promotion yesterday?" Jaemin asked his lover.

Jeno sighed deeply as a smile formed on his lips. "It's your birthday Jaemin, how can you forget your own birthday?" He questioned the younger, Jaemin shrugged his shoulders "I just said a month and a date back in highschool when I was temporary, I didn't think you guys would stick with it for so many years." Jeno looked at his boyfriend suspiciously before shrugging his shoulders "Well for 7 years we been celebrating this day that's about you, now what do you wanna do for your 25th birthday?"

Jaemin thought for a minute as he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want to do anything actually.. I'm not a teenager anymore so I don't find most things fun anymore Jeno." Jeno hummed in response as he started to realize how Jaemin been acting for the past years "Then we can just walk around in a park and go eat somewhere fancy, how does that sound nana?" Jeno asked his boyfriend, Jaemin nodded as he went to put his dish in sink before starting to wash the dishes.

Jeno got up from his seat before going up to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Loosen up bun, you're extremely moody.. you're not pregnant are you?" Jeno teased hoping to get a reaction out of the younger which worked since Jaemin turned around to hit his boyfriend on his chest "You know I can't get pregnant! Why would you ask something like that?!" Jeno broke out into a smile as he left a kiss on the male's lips "Baby it was just a joke, where's the fun energetic Jaemin I known for the last 18 years? I don't like this new Jaemin. Bring my baby back."

Jaemin looked into the older's eyes instantly feeling smaller under his gaze. Jeno trapped the boy between his arms before leaning closer "Or do I have to get my baby back myself?" He whispered as he bit the male's ear having the younger yelp "Jeno don't do that.." Jaemin told his boyfriend, Jeno smiled as he slowly trailed wet kisses down the younger's neck, a moan slipped passed the younger's lips as he tugged on his boyfriend's shirt. Jeno stopped before smashing his lips on the younger's having Jaemin immediately kiss him back, bringing his hands to cup his boyfriend's face making the kiss deeper.

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