Chapter 2 •Ready•

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Uni was long and tedious and it is so good to be home. I acknowledge my family and drag myself up to my bedroom to find Reagan had beaten me home and was waiting for me on my bed. "Surprise baby!" He sings, the biggest grin on his face. My thick, black curtains that seal all light out of my room are drawn but there are a few candles lit in the corners of the room, sending flickering lights around the ceiling and walls. His laptop was set up and our favourite movie was ready to go. He had even gone to the trouble to get kettlecorn, skittles and chocolate-dipped strawberries, dusted with icing sugar, my three favourite things. "You are truly the cutest little butt ever! What is all this even for?" I ask as I walk over to my boyfriend, now standing up, waiting to pull me into his arms. "I thought I'd surprise you. You seemed liked you needed something nice for a change." He spoke softly and kissed the top of my forehead. He plodded back over to my bed and motioned for me to join him. I watched him affectionately as he grabbed his favourite pillow and snuggled into my bed. "I love how you do that" I smile and step softly over to my join him on my bed. "Do what?" He questions as he snuggles into my lap and stuffs his mouth full of the freshly popped kettlecorn he brought in for us. "Make yourself at home all the time! It's just, nice."
"I'm always at home when I'm with you." He beams, his smile engulfing every feature on his face. He taps the space bar softly and the oh-so familiar sounds of the movie flood into my ears. I shiver and feel the goosebumps take hold of my arms. I feel Reagan shift so we can do the starting actions together. "Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music..." Bumper, Reagan and I sing as our hands slide down the invisible wall, perfectly in sync. A quiet giggle slips across my lips, followed by a playful "shush" from Reagan and a quick peck on the mouth before a nudge and a point toward the small screen perched in front of us. I snuggle into his shoulder and feel my eyes get heavier and heavier. I try to force my lids open but they defiantly have other plans. I drift slowly off to sleep to the gentle thud of his heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of his breaths. "Here's the thing, we started off friends, it was cool but it was all pretend..."


I woke up in a sweaty mess. Reagan's face had grown a blonde beard that looked amazingly like the hair atop my head, our limbs were so intertwined that you could barely distinguish who's was what and I was pretty sure I had managed to toss and turn my shirt backwards. But, even with all this chaos, Reagan still slept peacefully with a soft smile placed gently on his full lips. He was happy and that was all that really mattered. I close my eyes and sigh a happy little sigh. "Good morning, beautiful." He yawned, sleep threaded through his voice. "Good morning Babe" I smile. I wrapped my arms tighter around his torso and stretched my neck up to kiss him gently. "Did you sleep well?" He asks me sleepily through another yawn that slips out of his mouth. "You asked me this yesterday, dork! Answer that for yourself!" I smile and punch him playfully in the arm. He pushes out his bottom lip and pouts at me like a little kid. "Ouch! Meanie!" He whinges and folds his arms over his chest.
"Is Weegeepoo a bit gwumpy?" I tease, pinching his fuzzy cheeks lightly. His frown grows larger as he tries to continue the facade but fails miserably. He bursts into laughter, the kind that not only comes from the belly, but from the heart. He falls flat back onto my bed and pulls me down with him. I feel his chest rise and fall to the melodic sound of his laughter and smile as the movement of my head matches those of his chest. The smile in his voice is evident as he speaks. "You're pretty great, you know?" He sighs a happy little sigh. "Which is why you," He jabbed me gently in the cheek, "have to get up and ready!" A large smile took hold of my mouth but confusion made its way into my eyes. He notices. "We're going on a date." He says through the biggest grin. I take a quick moment to observe his features, the warm smile smothered all the way across the lower half of his face, the playfulness dancing in his chocolate eyes and the way his black hair flops messily to the side, styled with sleep. My face softens as I take it in, as I take him in. His smile grows wider and he tries to roll me off my bed. "Well?" He grins as I grumble and attempt to hide back under my blankets. "Lissa! Get up!" I hold on to my headboard and wait for his attack. Soon enough, I feel his strong hands come underneath my body, beginning to pry me away from my bed. "You have 5 seconds to release and get up before I am forced to tickle you up!" Reagan warns as I cling to my bed even harder. "One," he pushes me gently. "Two," Another push. "Three," He grabs ahold of my waist and pulls me up. "Four," A harder tug of my waist as a final attempt to free me. "FIVE!" He yells and tickles my torso manically. "REAGAN!" I yell through my fits of laughter. "REAGAN, YOU LUMP!" I try to yell again but he tickled me harder. "Okay, okay! You win! I'll get up!" I squeal just as I feel the warmth of his hands on my stomach, ready for round two. Reagan smiles triumphantly and flops breathlessly onto my bed. I grin widely at him as I sit up and catch my breath. "You have 25 minutes" he says playfully and walks out with a grin.

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