This is just a book full of yttd oneshots.
I'll really write pretty much any characters and any type of story too. So please request what ever you want.
Types of stories I'll write:
Female x Female
Male x Male
(There will be slight spoilers in this chapter. But it is just mentioning it.)
Y/n L/n, is my name! And you probably are wondering what is about to happen. Will today is my last day at my school. I'm moving to a new place because of my mother getting a new job. I live with only my mom because my father and her had a divorce a while ago. But how it doesn't really bother me. I live with my mom and visit my father every once in a while. But since my mom got a new job that means new place, school, and people. Now I am not mad about moving, just a little sad. I will miss all my friends dearly. But we promised to call every night to check in. But one good thing about where we are moving is a old friend! My friend from elementary school, Sara Chidouin. She moved to the place I'm going now because of some reason. She left in the 5th. And now we are already in highschool. But we kept in contact and talked almost every night. She told me about her new friends. One Ryoko and the other I think was Joe. I don't really know much about them but from what Sara has told me they sound nice. While packing my bags and boxes I get sidetracked and started to get lost in my head. "Y/n! Sweetie, are you almost done?" My mom called to me from down the stairs. "Oh! Yeah almost down!! I just need to pack a few more things." "Okay! Do remember the moving people will take anything you miss. So don't worry about a thing!" "Okay mom!" "Just please hurry! We don't want to get there too late. If we do you won't be able to meet your friend!" "Yes I know mother!" "Okay!" I grabbed a few more things from my closet and then shut it. I then closed my eyes and took one last breath. Bye old home. I hope the next owner doesn't do anything to you. I will miss you a lot. But it is a good thing to start fresh. Right? I picked up my bags and walked down the stairs. "Okay I'm all done now, mom." "Okay, good!" She then hugged me and kissed my cheek. I smiled a little and looked at her. She had such a loving look in her eyes. But also something she wanted to say in her eyes. "What is it mom?" "Well... I was just thinking." "Think about what exactly?" "How we are going to be moving into a fresh start. That means a new friends, people, places, and even boyfriends. Maybe you will meet the one!" "Mom I already told you I am not looking to be in a relationship right now." "Yeah yeah that is what everyone says!" "Mom!" She just smiled and started to walk to the car. I walked closely behind her. I got into the car and she closed the door for me. She went to her side and got in. She closed the door and started the car. She started the car and we started to move. Bye for the last time house. I felt sad but also relieved.
I woke up from a nap. I didn't even know I fell asleep. I looked around and noticed I was still in the car. I looked up and saw my mom still driving. I looked out my window and saw a place I have never been to. "We're almost there, sweetheart!" "Okay, mom" I said very lazily. We passed by a school. A big school. Is that the school I'll be going to? Probably. It's huge. A little too huge for me. We continued to drive and then stop. I looked up and now saw a more older house. It was definitely a vintage house. "We're here!" "Nice! Looks like a place we could be kidnapped and put into a death game!!" "Hey, don't be rude to a house you haven't been into and lived in yet! Okay?" "Okie dokie. Still sticking to the fact about getting into a death game and having to do something like majority votes!" "You definitely have an imagination." I smiled at her and opened my door. I wiped my black dress off just in case there was any dirt on it. My mom didn't like how I wear mostly black all the time. But she just accepts it. (What you are currently wearing.)
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"Maybe use that imagination on something more brighter though! Like a pink flower dress on your beautiful body!!" "Eh." I then walked into the house. It definitely looked old but it was still beautiful. But I'm not letting the thing I said early pass me. Went up the old stairs up to my new room. It actually doesn't look that bad. But it doesn't have anything in it. Maybe if I use my imagination I can imagine a whole murder here. Maybe even a framed murder! Like a man thinks he killed someone but later he found out he didn't. That the man is still alive. Yeah that will work! I set my bags down and then sat down on the floor and laid there. Nothing to do. I got my phone out and got a text message. 'Look out your new window!' - from Sara. 'Okay.' - from Y/n. I did what she said to do. When I looked out I saw the redhead that I call a friend. She still has a weird hairstyle. Eh if she likes it then it's fine. But really did she have a hard time deciding what hairstyle to go with? Eh it doesn't matter. What mattered is that I get to see her! I ran down the stairs and went to her. "Sara!!" I said to her. "Y/n!" "Sara!" "Y/n!!" "Sara and a person I don't know!" I looked over to see a girl with black hair. I had absolutely no idea on who she was. Then Sara realized she hadn't introduced the two of us. "Oh yeah! So Y/n this is Ryoko. Ryoko this is Y/n." Sara spoke and gestured to the both of us. "It's nice to meet you, Y/n!" "It's nice to meet you too, Ryoko!!" I said while smiling. Then Sara started to speak again. "I told Ryoko and Joe to come over so you could meet them. But only Ryoko could come. He said some lame excuse. But I just accepted it." "Oh that's fine. I don't want to force anyone to see me." The three of us just then walked around the town and talked about random stuff. We tried to catch up with each other. Me telling her about everyone back at the old house. And her telling me about the school and some people. She told me not to hang out with some people at school and to hang out with these other people. She told me everything I would need to know about the school. Then it was already nighttime. We walked back to my house and said bye. "See you tomorrow at school, Y/n!" Sara said while Ryoko smiled. "See ya!" I said and then watched as they waved to me. Then walked away. Well that was fun! I wonder if my mom got my uniform? I looked around and realized she was already at work. She normally worked at night and I was left home alone. I normally don't get too scared in my house but because this is a new house. Every step I took I got scared. I am so getting murdered. Maybe I'll get my blood sucked out of me or maybe even get a drill through me?. I walked up the stairs slightly jumping at every creak. But I finally got to the top and went into my room. My mom had set up some of my stuff when I was gone. I went to my bags and got a pusheen plushie from it. Yes I still love stuffies! Especially pusheen plushies. I put the plush on my bed and then heard my stomach talk. I haven't eaten dinner yet. I don't feel like going to get something to eat right now. I'll just wait until tomorrow. I went to do my normal stuff I do when getting ready for bed. I then went and picked up my sheets and blanket. I then slipped into the bed and covered myself with the blankets. Now all I feel is warmth. I then felt a beep from my phone. I looked at the phone. The light from it blinding me because of it being pitch dark in the room. It was from Sara. 'Hey Y/n! I have to my class early tomorrow. So meet me after school and I'll introduce you to Joe. Is that okay with you?' - Sara. 'Yeah sure. :)' - Y/n. I then turned some music and closed my eyes. Maybe tonight I'll finally get some good sleep. Then next thing I know is the sun coming up. Well guess what I didn't even get a blink of sleep... I got up to see and note on my door. I looked at it and it was from my mom. 'Hello sweetie! I just home from work when writing this. And yeah. Well I got your uniform and washed it. It should now be in your closet. There is also breakfast on the table for you. With that I hope you have a wonderful day at school! See you when you get back. - love, mom.' I went to my closet and got the clothes out. Wow... this uniform is really um something. I got the uniform and put it on. I looked in the mirror. Too bright and too short with the skirt. I can't change the rules of the school though. I walked down the stairs. I got my bag and put some notebooks and stuff I need for school. I looked at the plate of food. It had eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and some cut up fruits. I am really not hungry right now though. I wrote a small note that said. 'Not hungry, sorry.' Then I walked out my door and locked it to be safe. Started to walk to school. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right fo- I wasn't paying attention to anything around me and looking down at my shoes. Next I know I am being knocked over. "Eek!" I slightly said when I fell with a person on top of me. I opened my eyes and looked down. I saw a guy's face in my chest. I quickly flinched and tried to get him off of me. "Please get off of me, guy!" The guy quickly looked up at me and gave me a awkward smile. I took in some of his appearances. He had brown spiky weird hair. Red eyes, to be honest his eyes were really pretty. In the guy uniform at the school. Why do guys get brown pants while the girls have these bright purple skirts?? He had a cute dog keychain in his pocket of his blazer. He got up and let his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it and he lift me up. He started to speak. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you but I am running late and kinda bumped into you." He then thought for a second. "It is really okay. Just a little weird about where your face was. But it doesn't seem like you planned it." I smiled a little. "Yeah! I would never plan something like. Please believe me." "Maybe you have to prove you didn't." I don't know why I was being so mean to this dude. But it was fun to tease him. "I promise I will get your trust and prove it to you!" He said and then heard a timer go off. He looked at his phone and realized he had to go to class 30 minutes early. And now he is five minutes late and not even to school. "Ah! I have to go! See you around miss." He said quickly and went running. "Um bye?" I said while waving my hand. Okay that was weird. Wait I didn't even get his name! He said he was going to get my trust so I'll probably see him again... I continued to walk to school. I was about 20 minutes early but it was fine because I had to go to the office anyways. *time skip* My first class went by very quickly. I found out I had a few classes with Sara so that is fun! When it came to those classes we wrote notes to eachother. I saw the guy from earlier in some of my classes too. But I never got a chance to talk to him. I at times got on dozing off in class then Sara hit me with a letter note. We kept on talking about random stuff and next thing I know it was lunch time. But instead of eating I looked at the clubs. I walked around the halls looking for some interesting clubs. I didn't find any at the time though. Maybe Sara has some clubs I can join. I then heard the bell ring. I quickly went to my next class. The same thing with passing notes, whispering, and dozing off. Then finally I heard the last bell. I quickly got my bag. And walked over to Sara. "Okay ready Sara?" "Yeah! I told Ryoko and Joe to meet at the front entrance. And I told my clubs I has something to do after class." She said to me while putting one last notebook in her bag. We then walked to the front entrance and waited a little. We saw Ryoko come out first and wave to us. She came over to us and started to talk. "Joe said he will be out in a few minutes he just had to talk to the teacher. I guess he is failing because of not doing homework." "Oh, well I mean during one of my classes he tried to get my answers. But I told him it was homework and it should be done at school. But he just tried to use excuses. I still didn't give him any of the answers." Sara said after Ryoko. I just stood there kinda awkwardly. I then remembered about the guy who bumped into me. "Hey Sara?" "Yeah??" She responded after me and Ryoko looked over. "When walking to school there was this guy-" "Did Y/n already find a true love!?!?" Sara quickly said. "Um, no. But the was this guy that bumped into me. He made me fall. Then I realized his face was in, well in my chest. And then he was oddly suspicious about it. He then said he wanted to get my trust." "He sounds like a pervert." Ryoko bluntly said. "This is why you don't date dudes. Like there is beautiful women everywhere." "True to that!" Sara said. I nodded with them. Then I looked away then heard them saying hi to Joe. "Joe you finally made it! We were starting to think the teacher killed you because of your grades." Sara said to Joe. "Yeah yeah." He said back to her. I realized I heard that voice before. I quickly looked up and saw the dude from earlier. "The pervert from earlier!" I said and pointed to Joe. "The girl I ran into earlier!!" Joe said back to me. Sara looked back and forth from me and Joe. "Um, Joe are you really a pervert like that? I know people have secrets but, really?" Sara said. "What No! I am not." "Sureee." Ryoko said. Then we started to tease Joe about it. Joe kept on apologizing but we just kept on teasing him more and more. Then Sara looked on her phone and realized the time. "Um I'm sorry guys but me and Ryoko planned on having a small dinner with eachother. So we have to get going. So I'm have fun with eachother!" Sara said as she pulled Ryoko with her. They waved then left eyesight. "That was weird." I said. "Yeah it was. But! So you're Y/n?" "Yup and you are Joe?" "Ya! Sara told me a lot about you. Even some weird stuff you use to do in kindergarten." "Ah! She told you all the stuff I did?" "Well probably not alllll. But a lot." "Um oh okay." I started to blush. "From the stuff she told me you sound awesome though! Like you would be an awesome girl friend!!" I started to blush even more from that. I know what he means. That I would be a good friend that is a girl. But still it caught me off guard. "U-um thank you." Joe smiled at me. I looked at the time. "Uh Joe I have to get going. I promised my mom I would be home before she went to work." "Yeah that is fine! I'll even walk you!!" "Really?" "Yup! You can even hold my hand if you want!!" "Um okay." I grabbed his hand and held it. "Wow! You don't crash my hand like Sara normally does." "Wait are you and Sara a... you know a thing?" Joe started to blush and shook his head no. "What no! Never ever!! She is my best friend. Yes I love her but just as a friend. Nothing more. Plus I think she has a thing for Ryoko." "Oh true her and Ryoko are pretty close. I'm sorry for assuming something." "No it's fine." It was then just a comfortable silence. I then started feeling really light headed. I started to kinda shake. Joe looked over because he felt my hand kinda shake. "Y/n? Are you okay? You look kind of sick." I shook my head in a yes motion. "I'm fine. Please believe." "Fine! I'll believe you but you have to believe me about earlier today." I just hummed in response. I started to feel even more light headed. "Joe." "Yes?" "Can we stop for a moment." "Yeah sure." He turned to me and I hugged him. "Y/n?" "Are you okay, Y/n?" I didn't respond. Next thing I know all I could hear was Joe calling my name. Then blackness. *Joe's POV* "Y/n?" "Are you okay, Y/n?" There was no response from her. "Y/n?" "Is everything okay?" "Please tell me?" "Did I do something?" "What can I do to help?" "Please say something." "Y/n?" I looked down and she was sleeping? Uh no! Did she pass out or something? Wait I need to get her home. Maybe this just happens normally with her. But Sara never told about this. Maybe it started to happen after Sara left. Maybe Y/n's mom knows what is wrong? But I have no idea where she lives. Ahhh!!! Why did you have to pass out Y/n!?!? Dammit! I could text Sara. But that might just freak her out. But I think that is the only option. 'Sara, don't freak out.' - Joe. 'Joe? What happened?' - Sara. 'Joe don't tell me you ate glass again. Or maybe you ate another magnet because you think it will make you able to stick to your refrigerator. I promise to you it doesn't. Or maybe-' - Sara. 'No it is actually very serious not something really with me.' - Joe. 'Did you do something with Y/n!?!?' - Sara. 'Not really my fault but..' - Joe. 'Joe.... what happened?' - Sara. 'Um well I don't want you to freak out so. Um, where does Y/n live?' - Joe. 'Did you murder her or something!?! Because that is a very weird question to ask.' - Sara. 'No Sara!' - Joe. 'Fine. *your address* here. This gives no right to go to her house at 3am and start yelling about snakes not having legs. Or yelling song lyrics.' - Sara. 'Thank you Sara. And I'm not promising to any of that right now.' - Sara. 'Joe you-' - Sara. I then turned off my phone and tried to find Y/n house. When I got there I rang the doorbell. A woman opened the door. She gave a confused look. Then that confused look turned into worry when she saw Y/n on my back. "Y/n! Sweetie!!" She quickly said. She then grabbed at my blazer. "What did you do to my daughter!?!?!" She said. It looked like she was ready to beat me up. "I didn't do anything! I was walking her home because we stopped hanging out with Sara and Ryoko. Then she just passed out." She gave me an untrustworthy look. But she let me in to her house. "Um please put her on her bad. It is upstairs. You should see it when you get up there." "Okay, Mrs. L/n." "Um please don't call me that. Please call me Miss. L/n." "Oh okay!" I said to her and went up the Y/n's room. When I got in there it wasn't what I expected. There was a lot of pusheen plushies and posters of shows. Then some um disturbing pictures of death on her wall. Um well.... I put her in her bed. I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Y/n." I then thought about what I did. Was that weird?? Yes, no, maybe so? I don't know. I then walked back downstairs. I heard her mother say to me something. "Please come here." "Okay." I went to sit on her couch next to her. "Are you her boyfriend? I didn't expect her to get a boyfriend so quickly." "What!?! No I am not her boyfriend." "Really?" "Yes really. I just met her today. Sure I did hear a bunch about her for Sara. But this is the first actual meeting with her." "Okay. Her last boyfriend she broke up with her. He kept on cheating on her. She couldn't take anymore. At first she sounded so happy with him. But slowly when she found more and more about him. She stopped doing a lot of stuff. And stayed in her room. She said it was just because of her homework. But I have heard some rumors about the dude she was dating. But I told her and she didn't listen to me. She slowly stopped eating the food I gave her. So I got really worried about her. Once when I knocked on her door there was no response. I got so scared. I thought about the worst option it could be. So I slowly opened the door. I saw her passed out on her floor. I called an ambulance and she went to a hospital. This has happened before too. When my ex-husband and I got a divorce. She did the same. Even her friend, Sara, got really worried. Y/n stopped going to school. And refused to go anywhere but her room. She gets so depressed when someone leaves her. It just reminds her about her past. About how everyone in her life leaves. I keep on saying I won't leave but she doesn't listen. She does pretty much whatever I want because she is scared if she doesn't I'll leave her. But now since she has passed out with out eating. If she misses some meals she gets lightheaded and passes out." Her mother explained it to me. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I haven't even told Sara, her closest friend. Maybe because the way you looked so worry when you showed up to my house? The worry and slight love in your eyes." She looks up at me. "If you and my daughter do end up as a couple don't treat her badly. Be there for her. Don't say anything like you want to leave not even as a joke. Don't use the fact that she will do everything just to keep you from leaving her to much. If you do even think about leaving her I won't forgive her. Be there with her all the time. Help her with the stuff she needs help with. Even if she says she got it. No she doesn't. She just says that so she doesn't burden anywho else. So if you don't do that I won't forgive you." "Uh! Yes I will. Even though I doubt she likes me in that kinda way." "You never know.." "..." "You can sleep in the guest room or go back home. Do whatever you want. Please keep an eye on Y/n I have to go to work. So bye." "Bye! Have a good day at work." She then smiled at me. She walked out the door. I went to check on her. I put my hand on her forehead to check. I sat next to her on her bed. I doubt she would want to sleep in her school uniform. But- I can't possibly change her. But what else do I have to change her? What does she have in her closet to wear. I opened the door and a lot of blackness. Does she have anything that doesn't have a tad bit of black on it?? I found an oversized shirt and some shorts for her to wear. I started to undress her. Trying my best not to look. When I was done I was about to get up and go to the other room to sleep. Until an hand grabbed me. "Please don't go." Y/n said quietly. "Um! Okay..." I kept on blushing but if she wants me to sleep in the same bed then okay. I quickly turned of the lamp and the room turned to darkness. Y/n put her hands around my body. I quickly fell asleep with Y/n. *Y/n POV* I woke up with a slight headache. I felt something hot on my body. I looked over and saw... Joe? What Joe?? I got up and went to my bathroom and changed into my school uniform. I got of my bathroom and got my phone. I looked on my phone and there was over 100 messages from Sara. Before I could see what she sent I heard movement on my bed. Joe was waking up. "Y/n?" "Why were you in my bed? And why do I have an awful headache. You better not have gotten me drunk and then took advantage of me." "What! No no no!! You don't remember any of yesterday?" "Yes I do. I went to school met you. You walked me home the blackness. So maybe you tried to kidnap me." "No! You passed out. I asked Sara for you address and when I got here. Your mom let me and I put you on your bed. I then um kinda changed you because your mom had already left home. Then I was going to the guest room but you said you wanted me to stay." "Whatever you say Joe-the-pervert!" "I am not!" I looked on my phone and checked my messages from Sara. 'Y/n!' 'Are you okay?' 'Y/n?' 'Are you home and safe?' 'Me and Ryoko are worried about you.' 'Joe just texted me' 'I hope you don't mind me giving him your address.' 'He sounds really worried.' 'Y/n please answer.' 'Did Joe kidnap you?' 'Did Joe do something to you?' 'Do you know why Joe is saying to me not to worry?' 'Hello?' 'Y/n...' 'Did Joe make you do something stupid?' 'Did Joe say to eat a magnet?' 'The last question is because of past experience.' 'Just so you know. No it doesn't make you magnetic.' 'Y/n?????' 'Hello!!!!!' 'Do you need help?' 'If Joe starts going over to your house and bugging you.' 'Um.' 'Don't blame me.' 'Yes he does come over to my house talking about how snakes don't have legs.-' 'At three in the morning.' 'I'm sorry.' 'Are you really okay?' 'Did I do something worng?' '*wrong?' 'I promise I'll make it up to you.' 'Anything you want' 'Please Y/n' 'I swear if Joe did something I'll kill him.' 'Well since I'm texting you do you know what the answer is to question 8 on the math homework?' 'I need help with it' 'It's evil' 'Ajqiwkwksoeoskdjeow' 'Y/nnnnnn' 'Hwllo' 'Hello' 'Did sonethisjnf happen?' '*sonethinf' '*sonerhing' '*somerhing' 'Dammit!' 'Something!' 'There finally I spelled it corret' 'Dammit not again!' Then it kept on going with misspellings, asking of I was alright, or nonsense. 'Um hello?' - Y/n. 'Y/nnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!' - Sara. 'You finally answered me!!' - Sara. 'Did Joe do anything?' - Sara. 'No I'll explain to you when I get to school.' - Y/n. 'Okay.' Sara. I started to walk out the door. Then I realized Joe wasn't moving. "Are you coming or not?" "Oh yeah just give me a second!" "Okay." We ate some breakfast my mom made for us. Then we got our stuff and started to go to school. While walking we just talked about life and random stuff. *Time skip* "Y/nnnnnnn!!!!!!" Sara cried out to me. She met me halfway and hugged me. "Y/n, are you okay!? Did Joe do something to you? Why were you walking with him? Pleaseee tell me! You worried me sick. You worried Ryoko too!!" Ryoko shook her head in a yes motion. "Never do this to me again!!! Okay!?!?" "Okay, Sara." "Okay, now tell me what happened and if I should beat up Joe for you." She just kept on hugging me. I told her and Ryoko all last night. With Joe saying the stuff that I didn't know. "I should've been there!!!" "It's fine Sara." The rest of the day went on and it was pretty normal. That was pretty much for the whole week. Until Joe started to acting weird around me. *time skip to around a week later.* *Joe POV* "Sara!!!!" "What? If it is about the homework do it yourself. Not helping! And don't go to Y/n about it either. You know she has a hard time saying no." "No it's not about that." "Okay. Then what?" "Um! I think I might be in l-love..." "Huh!?!?" "Yeah..." "Really?!?!" "Yup." "I have to go tell Y/n!" "Wait! Don't tell her. Please don't!" "Hm? Why not? Wait!! You're in love with Y/n!!! Omg Joe!" "Uh- I- um. I mean maybe." "Don't try to play stupid now! You are going to have to confess to her." "Sara! I don't know if she likes me back though." "Oh yeah. I mean she does call you a pervert. Also if you keep on acting all weird around her. She will catch on." "You're right, Sara." Sara smiled to herself. "I'll confess to her!" "Wait what!?!?" "I mean I have no idea what I am going to say but I am going to do it before next week." "Joe.. you know it is already Thursday?" "Wait it is???" "Yup." "I am still confessing to her before next week!" "Okay Joe! I hope she likes you back!!" *time skip to lunch* *Y/n POV* "Sara have you noticed Joe acting weird around me?" "Yeah I have actually." "Why do you think?" "Hmmm. Maybe he is in love?" "Why would be acting weird around me though if he is in love?" "Dummy! I'm saying maybe he is in love with you." "Oh. I doubt. Plus I don't even know if I see him that way. Sure he does act like my knight and shining. But I'm not sure." "Y/n, when it comes to love you have to wait for your feelings to come out." "Yeah. You right Sara. Still I am not falling in love with a pervert!" Sara then laughed. Normal classes went by. Joe glancing at me every once in a while. I hate when people just look at me. Do I have something wrong about me!? Ugh! Even if it is with him being in love with me can he please stop staring at me. Maybe I write a note next time I see him stare at me. I looked over and saw him staring at me. I wrote a letter saying hey. I passed it to him. He opened it and blushed a little. I gave him a confused face and then the teacher called on me. "What is the answer to this question, miss L/n?" Crap! I wasn't listening. "What was the question again?" "Hmph, what should true love feel like?" "Oh. Um true love feels different to everyone, correct?" "Yes, good job." He kept on going on about love, relationships, consent, and intercourse. Multiple times Joe looks like he wanted to laugh but he kept it all in. I found myself staring at him admiring him. Ah! No don't fall in love with another person. He will just leave like the last one. Right? I kept on questioning that question. I thought it was the same answer a while ago. But now I'm questioning myself. The next day came and it felt like something will happened today. Joe was acting more and more awkward around me. "Hey Joe. What are you doing this week-" "I'm sorry I have to go!" "Wait Joe!" He ran away from me again. I guess I can try again after school. But that is my last chance because of it already being friday. "Saraaaaaa!!!!" I said. "What?" She looked at me. She was talking to Ryoko. "Joe keeps running away." "Hehe see true love!" Sara said while Ryoko chuckled. "You two look like true love." I said. They both blushed. During class Joe now didn't even look at me. When ever he did look over to me and I saw he quickly I mean quickly turned his head away. Ugh why Joe? When it comes to Joe I don't know if I see him as this guy I can see myself with or not. He is so nice but I don't deserve that. He deserves someone better. Next thing I know it was already lunch. I sat at my normal table with Sara, Ryoko, and Joe. I sat next to Joe. But then he flinch when he saw me. I smiled at him and blushed so hard. "Hey Joe, do you like this food?" I showed him a piece of food I didn't really care for. Joe shook his head in a yes motion. I picked it up and fed it to him. "Here!" I smiled and Joe just blushed even harder if that was even possible. "I- uh! T-thank you!!" He said to me and I just smiled wide. Joe kept on blushing when I did something. Sara and Ryoko definitely realized it. I mean anyone would. Lunch came to an end. I went to my next class and went along with school. During a class with Joe I got a note from him. I smiled because he is actually acting normal for once! I opened it and it read. 'Please meet me after school. At the front gate. If you can't then that is perfect fine. :)' I quickly wrote back to him. 'Yes I can meet you there!!! I can't wait! I love hanging out with you. :D' I then passed it to him and he opened it. He read it in his head. Then he turned redder then a tomato. Classes came to an end. Which means school is over. While trying to make my way to the front gate. I was pulled into a room. I didn't know what was going on. "Huh?" I said. I looked up to see a male that I have talked to a few times. "Um- I wanted to ask you something!" The male said. "Okay." "So Y/n! I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable. But I am in love with you! I mean madly in love with you! Please be my girlfriend or something." I thought about it a little. This dude. I've heard rumors about him not being the nicest to women. He uses them for school. Then he breaks up with them when they find out or he doesn't need them anymore. "I'm sorry. But I am not interested. Plus I'm not really looking to be in relationship. Also if I was to say yes I don't even know your name." "It's Evan!! Please be with me you are like the nicest person I know. I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you. I mean it! Please accept me." "I'm sorry but no!" He started to pin my to the wall. His grip tightening. "I said no! Please let go!" "Just accept and then I'll let go of you." "No! Stop!!" He started to try to do some stuff with me. He put his knee in between my legs. "Please stop! I am not interested, okay!!" He put his finger on my lip. He brought his face to mine. I felt his lip on mine. All I thought at that moment was 'fuck what is happening? Can I get out of this? Will Joe help or will I do something to get out?' "Let go of me!!!" I started to tear up. "Please!" I started to struggled under his touch. Please stop this.... I let my body go limp. "Help! Please stop it!!" He started to get closer and closer to me. Doing worse and worse stuff to me. Until I heard the door open. *Sara's POV* I was walking with Ryoko down the hall. Then I could've sworn I heard Y/n. But I just brushed it off. I kept on feeling that something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. I haven't even seen Joe after Class. I then heard Y/n again. "Please!" I quickly turned my head. I let go Ryoko's hand and listened for another sound. "Sara!" I heard Ryoko call after me. But this was more important. I'm sorry Ryoko. Then one last time I heard another sound from Y/n. "Help! Please stop it!!" It was just in this room. I tried to open it but it won't. Then I saw Joe right next to me. About to kick it open. He kicked it and the door went flying open. I looked around and saw Y/n pinned to the wall. By Evans. I knew about him. How he was a player and how he just used women. "Y/n!" Joe yelled. Y/n looked over. She had tears in her eyes. She was in pain. Joe went over to her and pushed the other male to the side. I went up to the dude. And well um beat the crap out of him. *Y/n's POV* I saw Joe come up to me and hug me. He pushed Evan out of the way. "Y/n." "Joe." "Y/n I need to tell you something." "Joe, I am so sorry. You asked for me to meet you but I didn't meet you. I'm sor-" "No, Y/n. You don't get to say sorry. It's not your fault. If anyone should say sorry it's me." I tried to say some but Joe continued. "I wanted to ask you something though. But I don't know if this is the right time. But I am going to ask you anyways. I know you have a thing about thinking people will leave you. But Y/n please. Know I won't leave you ever. So please Y/n." "Joe?" I looked over to Sara. She was using Evan as a seat while this was going on. She had a huge smile on her face. "Y/n! Um- I've had a huge crush on you for a while now. Well if you think a week is long. But you are so caring. So sweet. So beautiful. Just know I won't ever leave you. I won't even think about it. So even if you don't accept just know I won't leave. But Y/n will you please think about being my girlfriend?" "J-Joe?" I started to cry a little. Joe realized and kinda freaked out. "Why are you crying!?!?" "I am happy crying Joe! I am happy you asked that question. Because I was thinking about it. I have always thought people will leave me if I didn't do stuff to keep them. And well I still believe that. When think about you. I know for sure you will never leave me. The only way you will leave me is if you die. But that will be a while. Since you are only in highschool. So I don't have to fear about that. But I always thought getting another boyfriend will just be like my last ones. Which used me and used me over and over again. But you aren't like that. I know that. You're a cute boy who is shyer then a kindergartener. You would never be like that. If you even tried you would fail. You would tell me straight away. And if you don't then I have Sara to tell me all the news. And Sara will tell me if you are cheating on me. But Joe. Yes I will accept your offer. I want to be your girlfriend more then anything else! So I'd gladly accept!" Then Joe hugged me so tightly. Then I heard Sara yell something. "Kiss already!!!! Come on kisssssss!!!!!!" Joe and I both blushed. But Joe pulled me in and I felt his lips on mine. I kissed back so fast. Sara cheered in the background. We then heard the door creak. We looked over and saw Ryoko. "Ummmm what happened!?!? I walked in on Y/n and Joe kissing. And Sara sitting on a dude that looks hella dead." Sara then explained. "So Ryoko you see! Joe and me telepathically heard Y/n yell for help. So we both ran to this room. Joe did an epic kicking down of the door! We then saw the evil Evan trying to do the nasty with Y/n here. Then price charming Joe went and hugged Y/n and pushed the dude away from her. The me the knight and the second hand man. Came and beat the crap out of this dude. Then Joe confessed Y/n and Y/n confessed to Joe. Since we all knew they would end up together. Then they had a sexy kiss!! Then you came through the door." "Oh okay. In thanks Sara." "You know Sara. You tell Joe and me kiss. But the real ones who should kiss is you and Ryoko." I said. "Um-" "Sure" Ryoko said and kissed Sara. Sara kissed back. I smiled at my friend group. "Who knew someone could fall in love with Joe-the-pervert!" I said which made Ryoko and Sara laugh. "Hey! I said don't say that!!" We all then laughed. *some weeks later* "I love you, Y/n!" "I love even more!" "Come on lovebirds! Y/n your mom is waiting for us at the movies. She is going to be mad if you spend all the day with Joe!" Sara said while holding Ryoko's hand. "Okay okay Sara!!" I yelled back. I then looked up and Joe and smiled. The perfect thing that happened in my life. (I am not saying if this is in the same timeline as the death game. So they could get kidnapped still... hehe.) I hope you guys like my first story in this book! It's probably not very good. But I tried my best! Also if there's a misspelling somewhere please tell me. I'll go in and fix it. But with that, I hope I see you guys in the next story!