no.. way...

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You scary home as fast as you can thinking about what you guys are going to do after you go to Sammy's the walking with your two brothers . you walk into the house say hi to your mom and ask her what time it is she says 5:56 you go upstairs and you put on a pair of shorts that stop just above the knee and you put on a tie-dye T-shirt and you put your hair in a ponytail with a pink scrunchie and you throw on some socks and tennis shoes and then you hear and knock on the door you run down the steps as fast as you can it's for me Mom it's for me then you see him in a neon green t-shirt with his scooter and some Nike shorts a basket in his hand you ask what's the basket for he responds with well I invite you and a picnic did I not Sorry princess but come on let's go down to Sammy's ( a Park)
on you're sitting there with your hand on the door knob and your other hand on the door frame oh my God is this really happening you snap back realizing that you spaced out hi he responds with hey princess you start blushing you close the door behind you not before saying by to your mom you start walking off it's silent for one or two minutes but then he breaks the silence with I like that shirt it looks really pretty on you princess you smile and say thank you .you guys are talking about everything and you guys finally get to Sammy's you guys sit down an and set up the picnic he brings out two sandwiches and some fruit and vegetables and a salad you guys are eating and taking and then this guy that you and him don't know he comes up to compliment your shirt and ask if you made it he looks very upset at the fact that another guy is talking to you like 5 minutes later you guys finish eating you guys pack up and the Sun is setting you two are walking home in the beautiful sunset you feel like you could die happy like today was the best day ever you are so happy you are up on cloud nine you feel like you can dance and you're spacing out walking next to him and then you bump into a guy who looks about your guys age and he says sorry and then you crush pushes him and says back off man and then you tell him cool down I bumped into him on accident and then guys are like around the corner from your house so he says that he's going to walk with you until you get to your front porch just makes shore  that you're safe when you get to your on your porch he hugs you and then kisses you on the forehead and says bye princess see you at school tomorrow and then scooters off.

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