La Reina y un Guitarrista

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"Simon! We need to get going!" Ambar yelled as they were leaving their hotel room to meet with Luna, Matteo, Gastón and Nina. Well, Ambar was leaving— Simon was taking ages in the bathroom for some reason. It was very odd. Granted, Simon was not the most punctual person in the world, but he could stick to some kind of schedule if it was important. They were meant to catch the 12:25 train, to Big Ben and he knew it. After that they were scheduled on a guided tour of Buckingham Palace.

"Coming," Simon said, opening the door. "We aren't that late yet, are we?"

"We're supposed to meet them in the lobby at 12:15." Ambar looked down at her watch. "You know how much I hate not being on time."

"Well I'm ready now. Let's go." Simon gave her a kiss on the cheek and was headed towards the door.

"Simon, you aren't wearing shoes."

"Oh." Simon looked down, extremely confused, and Ambar could have sworn she saw a flash of panic in his eyes for a moment. That made her even more confused than before—this was not like him at all.

"Are you alright darling?"

"Yeah, totally," Simon answered as he sat on the bed putting his shoes on, but something about this voice was definitely off. "Why do you ask?"

"You just seem very distracted, almost reminding me of Luna and ..." something caught her eye in the room, or more like lack of something. "... Where's your guitar?"

"Uhmmm." Simon was looking around the room. "I must have accidentally left it at Nina and Gastón's yesterday. But don't worry, I'll get it back, and I don't need it at the moment anyway."

This was the first time Simon had ever forgotten his guitar anywhere. Ambar had a very hard time believing it. His guitar was his baby, his first love, way before whoever had been his first girlfriend in Cancun. He took it everywhere, even on their current England trip. This just added to her suspicion about his behavior.

"Well, should we go?" Simon got up from the bed and took her hand. "Since you didn't want to be late."


"Finally!" Matteo yelled as they arrived in the hotel lobby, where the others were already waiting for them. "What took you so long?"

"Simon almost forgot his shoes."

"Really?" Matteo and Gastón were very clearly holding in their laughter as they dragged Simon forward to walk with them as they exited the hotel. Probably to make fun of him.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked her as they walked towards the subway station.

"Yeah I am, but ... Simon has been acting extremely weird this morning." She sighed. "I just can't put my finger on why."

"Well, don't worry about it. Who knows how guys' minds work," Nina reassured her. "Gastón insisted on bringing our better DCLR with him today, even though we already have thousands of good pictures of the palace. He said he wanted to try some new programming that he had done on it. Don't ask. I stopped trying to understand a long time ago."

"Maybe they're having a competition about who can act the most strange," Luna suggested. "Last night, I confused my suitcase with Matteo's and was looking through it to find my charger and he got extremely freaked out. Like I'd come across something I wasn't supposed to, but I watched him pack, he has no secrets."

They laughed together and Ambar relaxed a bit. Maybe everything was okay, but she thought that she should probably still talk to Simon after their tour. She was genuinely excited about the palace. She had, of course, visited London before, but she'd never gotten to look around until her adulthood. Sharon had always hated sightseeing.

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