Season 3 - Episode 23: Taking A Stroll

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It was morning.
Tensions were still really high from the night before -
Weach was in a terrible mood,
Blue refused to leave his room,
Steve and Skull were asleep in the living room after staying up all night,
Char was really upset, so he was making crafts in his room,
And Sans...
...was being Sans.

Bobby felt conflicted.
So many things were going wrong lately, and he was doing the best he could to stay positive. But in reality...
...he was worried.
Just as worried as the rest of them.
Out of each of his friends, he was the most vulnerable - Blue has his electric powers, Steve's an experienced fighter, Char can use any Pokémon move he desires, and Zelda has powers from a Goddess.
Bobby...was just a bomb with a plasma gun, and it would just jam 50% of the time.

He got lucky. He got lucky two months ago when he managed to save his friends from The Commander - he wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of Bowser, Sans and Sheik anyway...
Besides, it was Zelda and her powers that saved them from dying. Even if she did pass out five minutes after...

He was worried for his own safety. Not to say he wasn't worried for his friends, but...

They had so much going for them, and they have all these powers and experience, and they keep getting defeated!
If his friends are in danger...
...What chance does he have at all?

He looked up -
There was Zelda, sitting at the counter.
"...Are you feeling alright?"

The bomb sighed.
No point in lying...entirely.

"Yeah, I just...everything's so tense lately. I just want to get away..." he admitted.

"I...know what you mean." Zelda sighed.

"Y-you do?"

"Yes! Believe me - with all of our friends living together, I have never been happier - however, it is beginning to become rather..."
A door slam was heard from upstairs, followed by Weach's shouting - causing the two of them to flinch.
"...Annoying," Zelda finished.

"Oh. Haha, yeah," Bobby gave an empty laugh, "That- that's what I meant."

"I feel as if we could both use some time...away...from everyone else, hm?" Zelda offered, "Why don't the two of us go out and get some fresh air?"

Bobby stopped to consider it.
She grossly misinterpreted what he meant, but perhaps it was for the best. He didn't want her to know he was a coward - even if he did have a reputation for shying away from the unnecessary battle.
Besides, maybe some fresh air would help clear his mind...

Bobby smiled.
"I'd like that."

The two of them walked outside. It was a pleasant spring day, though the weather was beginning to warm up recently. Summer was just on the horizon, after all.
The chaos of the multiverse began to calm down for the most part - every interdimensional "visitor" began to grow accustomed to this strange new world after a couple of months.
There was a lot less...
Panic and noise.

This all provided for a nice and quiet afternoon - perfect for Zelda and Bobby to take a nice relaxing walk together.

"It's a nice day out, don't you think?" Zelda remarked as they walked.
"Yeah..." Bobby forced a smile.
He couldn't help but feel slightly worried that someone would jump out at them - that has been pretty much the only thing on his mind, after all.
But for the sake of keeping himself remotely sane, he'd just try to pretend nothing is wrong.
After all...
Taking a walk like this was pretty nostalgic - reminiscent of the first week he and Zelda spent together before their lives went insane.

"I'll give credit where credit is due...I've always found the Mushroom Kingdom to be strange, and yet very beautiful..."

"Strange?" Bobby raised an eyebrow, "Strange how?"

Zelda laughed.
"Well, I suppose it isn't strange for you. But where I come from, there are no giant mushrooms everywhere."

"Hyrule sounds weird," Bobby remarked.

"Oh, it likely would be for you." Zelda nodded, "It is not easy to be thrown into a whole new world like this...but, for what it's worth...I'm glad I was."

"D'aww," Bobby teased.

"It's true! In Hyrule, I...well, I didn't have many friends," she admitted.
She kicked a rock as they walked down the path, looking down at the ground as she did so.
"You had Skull, right?" Bobby asked.
Zelda laughed.
"Well, yes. Although, he was the only one I had. That's why we are so close," she explained.
"However...I spent the vast majority of my time stuck in the castle doing work. Being a Princess is not easy...but here, I met so many new people and I'm learning so many new and interesting things!"

She smiled.

"It sounds a bit strange, but...For the first time, I feel...alive."

"Wow," Bobby blinked, "I never would've thought you felt that way. I mean - when we first met, you were so worried about getting back!"

"I was," Zelda nodded, "And believe me, I know I still have a role to fulfill. I still must go back somehow, though...I'm beginning to grow used to this life. And as long as we are working hard...Hyrule can wait just a little bit longer. I've already been gone for two whole months - what's a few more, hm?"

Bobby smiled.
"Yeah...I guess you're right."

The two of them arrived at the flower fields - the place they first met.
Bobby was simply looking for Olivia that day, the day he found Zelda lying unconscious in the grass.
They were both...different.
She was kind, but uptight -
And Bobby, well...Bobby didn't even have arms back then.

They sat on the grass and looked out into the water.
There was a nice warm breeze,
Birds were chirping,
And colorful flowers were everywhere.
After so much chaos, so much to worry about,
Bobby finally let himself be at ease.

"Hey, Zelda?" He looked up at her.


"...I just wanted to thank you. For being my friend, I mean," Bobby admitted, "I'm glad we met."

Zelda smiled.
"I'm glad we met too, Bobby."

And it was just then that an idea hit him.
"Hey, y'know what we need?" He smiled.

"Hm? No, what do we need?"

"A secret handshake!" Bobby beamed. He had hands now, so why not? Why not make a secret handshake?

She looked at him, processing his words, and then gave an excited smile.
"I would LOVE that!" Zelda exclaimed.

They spent a few minutes trying things out - and it was kind of a mess - but they eventually found a handshake that worked for them - one that will go unexplained.
It wouldn't be secret anymore if it was elaborated on, after all.

Afterwards, they simply stayed put together and talked. Making jokes, telling stories, enjoying each other's company.
Though it began to get late - and as it got darker, Bobby began to get worried. Less daylight meant it would be easier for the two of them to get snuck up on...
He got up.
"Let's go home. I'm tired..."
"Hah! You're always tired."
"Yeahh, you know me..."

When they returned home, they were met with the same awkward tensions as before.
Bobby frowned.
"Well...thanks for coming with me," he told Zelda.
She smiled. "Anytime. I will be in my room whenever you need me, okay?"
And so she was off.

Bobby decided now would be a good time to return to his own room, too. He felt a little off.
He thought that time outside may help him - and, for a while, it did - but that feeling of anxiety was always in the back of his mind.
Would it ever go away...?
Until they're somehow able to defeat Blue's dad, would he ever feel completely alright again...?
He shook his head.
What was important is that everyone was safe now.

That's what he kept telling himself, anyway.

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