A Fractured Relationship

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Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter if you are sensitive you may skip it.

It is currently 4:30 am and Wellington is sitting by the river's edge. Staring at his reflection in the dark murky water he begins quietly crying to himself. His tears begin gently falling into the water like raindrops causing small ripples. Suddenly he hears a familiar and calm voice.

Victor Nyland: Why are you awake Englishman?
Wellington: I have a name...Stop calling me Englishman and use my name.
Victor Nyland: Fine Arthur. Now, why are you awake so early?
Wellington: Just couldn't sleep that's all.
Victor Nyland: It's very early. I know that your men are not awake this early. I know when they have their little wake up call.
Wellington: Why are you awake then?
Victor Nyland: I'm use to the darkness...The sun sets and rises at odd times where I come from. I'm use to many hours of darkness.

Wellington: I see...
Victor Nyland: You seem upset...Why is that?
Wellington: My brother General Henry Wellesley is here.
Victor Nyland: Why are you upset about that? Shouldn't you be happy to see your brother?
Wellington: Things didn't go well.
Victor Nyland: What happened?
Wellington: We fought yesterday. I think he hates me now.

Wellington starts crying even more and Victor Nyland calmly approaches him and sits down beside him. Wellington starts speaking in a tone full of sadness and guilt.

Wellington: I shouldn't have left him when he lost his wife.
Victor Nyland: Don't blame yourself it doesn't help.
Wellington: What else am I meant to do!? My brother hates me for something I couldn't help stop. I had to leave him because there was a war. I was doing my duty! But now I'm thinking that I shouldn't have left him...
Victor Nyland: Stop blaming yourself you silly Englishman.
Wellington: He's right I am a bastard...I left him when he needed me.
Victor Nyland: You are not a bastard. No one can stop a war from happening...Wars have been happening before you and I were even born.

Victor Nyland gently puts his hand on Wellington's shoulder. Wellington begins sobbing a lot. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm and comforting tone.

Victor Nyland: Calm yourself...deep breaths. Don't blame yourself...It's not your fault. Blaming yourself won't help.

A few minutes later Wellington has calmed down a little bit. But he is still crying and whimpering. Wellington starts speaking in an upset voice.

Wellington: I now have to punish him for what he did. But I don't want to...I still love him even if he hates me.
Victor Nyland: Why do you have to punish him?
Wellington: He started an illegal duel. He struck me and another superior officer. I don't want to punish him...
Victor Nyland: Is there a way where you don't have to punish him?
Wellington: No...If I don't punish him...It will hurt my authority and reputation...
Victor Nyland: I see...
Wellington: I don't want to punish him...Because it will possibly destroy our already fractured relationship...But I have to.

Victor Nyland: I understand that. I also suggest that you go back to bed. Crying doesn't help the situation.
Wellington: I can't sleep...
Victor Nyland: You need to sleep. If you don't sleep it will just make you feel worse.
Wellington: Fine...Your right.
Victor Nyland: If you need to see me again you know where to find me.
Wellington: Yes...

Wellington calmly gets up and begins walking back to the camp through the dark forest. A couple of hours later Wellington suddenly hears someone enter his tent.

He slowly opens his eyes and he notices Lord Uxbridge staring at him. Wellington starts speaking in a calm and slightly tired voice.

Wellington: Uxbridge why are you here?
Lord Uxbridge: Just wondering if you are alright sir.
Wellington: I'm fine Uxbridge I'm use to almost getting myself killed.
Lord Uxbridge: Do you want breakfast, sir?
Wellington: I'm not hungry...
Lord Uxbridge: So what punishment are you going to give your brother?
Wellington: I don't know Uxbridge I would prefer not to think about it. Speaking of him where is he? He wanted to speak to me last night.

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