Chapter 5

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A/N wow its been-

*checks watch*

-a really long f*cking time since I updated, I'm so sorry.

I guess that's what happens when you rush into things and have no plotline at all-

Anyways, enjoy this long awaited chapter!

Theo POV

Although his freckled skin and curly, brown hair were beautiful, the main thing I remembered about him were his ocean green eyes. They were the most stunning eyes that I had ever seen, and I only got to glimpse them for a second before he lept off the rock into the water. I had watched where he jumped into the ocean for at least ten minutes, but he didn't resurface. He either swam away and surfaced somewhere else, or he had hit his head and drowned. I tried my best not to think about the second option.

"Your Highness!" I heard someone say. Turning around, I saw a group of palace guards running toward me across the sand. When they got to me, they picked me up and placed me on a stretcher.

"There's no need, I can walk just fine!" I protested, trying to get off the stretcher, but the guards held me down.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, you have just been in the freezing sea by yourself, there's quite a chance you have hypothermia," A woman said. "And walking won't be good for whatever injuries you have sustained."

"But I wasn't alone, someone rescued me and swam me to shore!" I tried to explain, but they all decided to ignore me, whispering something about me being delirious.

"There's no way someone could've swam that far out and rescued her, maybe her brain injuries are worse than we thought," a guard whispered.

"I don't have brain injuries!" I shouted, trying to lash out at the guards, but before I could, I felt a prick in my arm, and everything went dark.


"Where is my daughter!?" was the first thing I heard when I regained consciousness. I tried to open my eyes, but the room was too bright and there seemed to be some sort of light shining directly on my face.

"Dad?" I asked, my voice sounding a little bit croaky.

"Theodosia!" I heard him shout, and I felt him wrap his arms around me. My eyes finally adjusted to the light, and I saw that I was laying in the hospital wing. I couldn't remember why I was here, but I did remember one thing.

"Where is he?"

"Who?" Dad frowned.

"The boy that saved my life," I explained. My dad still looked confused, until a guard came up to him and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and dismissed the guard.

"Theo," he sighed.

"I know what you're going to say," I interrupted. " 'There was no boy, you have brain damage'. Well that's not true. There was a boy, and he swam me to shore and then jumped into the ocean and disappeared. I'm certain of it."

Dad's eyes widened just a fraction, before returning to normal. "People can't survive underwater, Theodosia, that's common knowledge! You were hallucinating!"

"But maybe he wasn't a per-"


The room went deathly silent. Everyone was too scared to mutter a word. Breathing heavily, Dad turned around and stormed out of the room.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" A nurse asked, concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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