Crystals point of view:
I wake up from a restless sleep and try to sit up but have this terrible pain in my back, shooting down my legs. I scowl in pain and look up seeing a gold eyed, dark skinned, brown hair up in a bun, nurse.
She's wearing a white uniform with a name tag saying Alice. "Hello Ms. Boyd."
She smiles. "You've lost a lot of blood. We replaced most of it though now. I also suggest you to not move you have a large amount of damage to your spine and we must let it heal as soon as possible so please don't move. And if you need to sit up press the red button on you remote to the side over there. Ok? I put pain relief in your system but It was light so we might need to put more in your system." She smiles and I started to have heavy breathing and my chest started to feel like it was sinking through me I felt like I was drowning. The nurse comes over and sits on the bed with me patting my back, "it's okay" i heard her say,"you're having a panic attack. You'll be okay." I started to calm down after she told me that. I breathe in hard and exhale hard one last time and see myself hold the nurses hand as she now Is rubbing my back.
Most comfortable person to be around is this nurse.
"I-I need conner.. I need him.." I mumbled gasping for air. "Of course." She agreed kindly. "He's been waiting for 3 days to see you." She smiles. "What? 3 days?" I ask confused. "Yes love, you lost a lot of blood and from such fatal injuries you fell into a comma." She looks at me sympathetically,"I'll be right back with conner. You also have some other people wait to see you. You want anyone else?" Alice ask for assurance. I shake my head and try to sit up, but it still hurts so bad. I morn in pain as silent as I can to keep away from attention. I finally am sat up and hear people walking in my rooms directions. Conner. Alice and conner walking and Alice leaves to give us privacy. "Hey" Conner starts quiet. He wears navy blue shirt and tan shorts with his hair messy, his eyes in shield by his glasses. Conner stands with his hands in his pockets and starts walk over to a chair placed next to my bed. "Hey" I replied looking at him, then the blanket of the bed. "Crystal, I don't really know you, and really think it's odd what happened, how it happened. .. and I scared me I-I just want you to be okay." Conner wished, clearly I'm not, I thought to myself. "I can't grant that wish. I haven't been okay for years.. and look at how much better it turned out." I say frowning. "I'm sorry."Conner announced. "I want to hug you." I say. He crooked a brow, "won't that hurt?" Conner asking for assurance. I nod, "I don't care right now conner. I need a hug. From you." I demand. He smiles and carefully leans and hugs me. It doesn't hurt a bit.... I wanted to hug back, obviously I can't.
"Conner, what happened can never be shared with anyone. " I frown. "Okay?" Conner nods. "Okay." "I'm going to be discharged in two weeks." I let him know. "Okay, good, I want to see you more often. I will visit you everyday 'till you come back to school. " He smiles, I do to. And he leaves because visit Time is over.

Ficção AdolescenteCrystal Boyd has a lot of problems to face. She gets her self in positions she shouldn't be in and make a lot of mistakes. the consequences out of her choices aren't fun to deal with. she always dazes off into a sleep.. but why does she always see...