Chapter 16: Ambush Tree (Second Draft)

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As much as Galan didn't want to admit it, Rhyne was beautiful. It was no Yeltic for sure, but the diversity of this land was immense. Galan was mostly used to Yeltic's open golden fields, but here they were a vibrant green, some riddled with flowers. More than he'd seen in his lifetime.

Galan wasn't stupid, he knew what people called Yeltic... 'The Monsterlands'. Typically, people didn't know where Yeltic is was on a map, let alone that it existed. But he knew why. He knew what others were taught about Yeltic all around the world. A harsh barren land full of monsters. But it's not, just full of different people. Anyone can be a monster.

If he had to take a guess, he'd think that's why he enjoyed traveling with such a diverse group of people. With these people he wasn't 'the half-orc', just Galan. Besides, no one ever called him 'the half-elf' despite it being just as true. Outside the group though everything was appearance based. Part of him hoped that doing good and helping people would make Yeltic look good too. But prejudice wasn't that simple to fight.

Unfortunately, Donald and Koh had said things during their travels that ate away at him. He knew they didn't mean it in any negative way, but that didn't make it any better. He wanted to let them know what they were doing, but each instance was so small there was a risk in it being an overreaction... And everything was appearance based.

Everyone had been getting along rather well other than that. Galan and Kag were even talking. Sure, it was about how gross the General, General Store was as they plotted it's downfall, but it's a start. Reef and Donald spent a ton of time together practicing their magic together. Gray offered to be their teacher but her lessons surmised to them hearing her shout about how plants give her power and she's immortal. Suffice to say she went power crazy. Koh of course was doing their own thing.

Reef couldn't help but to feel guilty. At one point in his life, he couldn't do magic at all, and now he was granted power from some magic sword. All while Donald taught himself a spell out of sheer determination. Sure, it was only half a spell but still. Reef really enjoyed seeing Donald make progress on his magic, it made him want to work harder.

Kohrok hadn't seen a single monster and was beginning to feel disheartened. He promised himself epic fights and perilous encounters, but each night nothing attacked them. He even caught himself glaring at patrolling guards that kept the roads safe. Sure, he got to fight a spider lady and a few zombies, but those battles were so long ago and now he was just itching to fight. Koh struggle to toss his frustration aside, but was able to escape into his art. sketching his travel buddies was a good way to pass the time.

Other than complaining about the GGS, Kag was relatively quiet the entire trip. Galan didn't mind this one bit. Kag never had a need for social skills, so despite his mother beating those lessons into him he never paid attention. Instead, he focused on the task ahead of him. Luckily for him Donald was the opposite. The strange duo was actually able to relate a bit about stress of responsibility.

Donald brought up how he was finally doing what he wanted with his life. While Kagrenar lamented he had already gotten all he ever wanted and threw it all away. Now, he wasn't even sure what he was doing. If he was being honest, he couldn't care less about why they were resurrected, but couldn't think of a single other thing to do, so he found himself complacent, letting the world happen around him. So there he was on a cart in the human kingdoms.

Gray on the other hand ended up spilling everything she could think of about herself. Likes, dislikes, he hatred of shoes. Her words never annoyed and her chaos brought some joy to the dull travels. Every chance she got she'd either make sunflower seeds grow in order to get more sunflower seeds... that or she would turn into a horse and run with Whiskey and Sunflower. The one thing you could say about Gray is that she enjoyed her life as it happened. She refused to let the dark thoughts win.

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