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Hannah wakes to a feeling of something heavy on her. She opens her eyes and sees the gorgeous man wrapped up against her. She smiles as she looks at him while sleeping. He looks cute and adorable. His mouth slightly parted while taking soft even breaths. He had his arm tightly around her waist and, although she's hot, she feels content. She still can't believe what happened the day...and night before. She had sex. And it wasn't with her ex. Jungkook was only the second person she's ever been with. She thinks he enjoyed it, that she did a good job, by the way he sounded....and the fact that he's still laying here with her. They were in HIS bed, but if he didn't enjoy it he would have asked her to leave, right? She tries to not let her insecurities creep in and just enjoys this moment. She reaches up with her free hand and brushes some loose hairs that are covering his eyes away. He stirs when she does this and opens his eyes. "Mmmmm. Morning beautiful." He tightens his grip around her and she giggles and says, "good morning." He smiles and says in a husky morning voice, his accent thicker than normal, "what time is it?" She looks around and finds a clock hanging on an adjacent wall. "It's 9:30." He takes his hand from her waist and rubs his face. "I'm hungry. I used up all my energy last night for some reason." He looks at her and finds her blushing. He giggles. "You're too cute Hannah. I love how easy it is to make you blush." She blushes harder at this which makes him laugh again.

Hannah sits up and stretches her arms up in the air. "Sorry about that." He smiles as he runs his fingers down her bare chest. "I'm not complaining." Goosebumps cover her at his touch. "I should go back to my place and shower." He grabs her waist and pulls her as he buries his face in her stomach. "I don't want you to leave though. Shower with me...here." His whiny voice is so soft. This man has such duality. Hannah laughs as she runs her fingers through his wavy locks. "I don't have any clean clothes here though. Or my toothbrush." Jungkook groans but sits up next to her and looks at her. He admires how beautiful she looks first thing in the morning. Hair a mess, naked...he could look at her every morning like this. He pokes his lip out and pouts. "Fine. I'll let you go. But only because I need to answer some emails and write down some lyrics that are running through my head." He leans over and kisses her lightly. "Id like to see you later though." She smiles and decides to tease him, having a newfound confidence that he brought out from her. "I AM your neighbor. I'm sure we'll run into each other again." He narrows his eyes at her as she's now standing in front of him dressing. She sees his tongue poke the inside of his mouth, followed by him clicking his tongue. "Mhm....okay Hannah. Maybe we'll run into each other again." She laughs before leaning down onto the bed, giving him a kiss. He leans forward as she pulls away and stands back up. "See ya later gorgeous." She says, then turns to walk out. She heard him groan and can't help but laugh.

Today has been fairly productive. Hannah called her mom, as promised, and she told her she was fine and not to worry. She left out the part where she met a guy, that wasn't her business. Then she checked her emails and emailed her boss about a new client she was referring to him because she was on an extended hiatus. She then grabbed a notebook and pen, along with her chair, and walked down to the beach to try to write. She felt very relaxed and thought it was time to give it a try. She was surprised at how easily the words flowed from her pen to the paper. She credits Jungkook as her inspiration to being able to write. The story was a romance and she quickly had written three chapters. She didn't realize she had been writing for several hours until she heard her stomach growl. Hannah closed her notebook and headed back to her cottage to find some food. Once she got close she heard a beautiful sound coming from Jungkooks cottage. It was faint but she heard it nonetheless. It was singing. Was that Jungkook? She found herself very curious and stood still to listen more. The voice was amazing. If that was him she couldn't believe he's not a star for vocals. She wanted so badly to walk over there, but didn't want to seem clingy or anything. So she sits at her table on the patio and listened until the voice stopped. After she heard nothing for a few minutes she went inside to find something to eat.

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