Kissing 101

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I avoided Izzy's texts. She asked where I ran off to but I was too preoccupied to think of a lie. Following Aaron, he carried a backpack over his shoulder and kept checking on me. He even reached out his hand for me to take as we trailed up to a nice cliff that overlooked the beach. The small talk was brief until he pulled out the blanket for us to sit on. Then I felt a sum of bashfulness creep in.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Aaron took a seat beside me. "How are you Brynn?"

"I'm a little nervous, as you can probably tell." I kept looking down whilst smiling.

The view was as picturesque as a postcard. He couldn't have picked a better makeout spot. If that's what we were jumping right into.

"Nervous? Don't be, we're about to have some fun. Kissing 101 starts now." He said while reaching in his pocket.


"This is key. Especially since I've noticed you have those." He chuckled deviously. "Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever kissed a girl with braces."

"I hope they don't kill the mood."

"But first you gotta loosen up a bit, Brynn. This won't be enjoyable if you over think it." He squeezed my shoulders and shook them a little. It made me giggle.

"So how do we do this?"

"First, what's this guy's name, the boy you like?"


"This is where role playing kicks in. I want you to pretend I'm Isaiah, it doesn't matter if I don't look a thing like him."


"Let's start by observing that couple over there. I want you to tell me what they're doing." He motioned to the pair on the beach towel.

"They're kissing...clearly."

"Right, but can you describe what they're doing? In details?"

"Ugh okay..." This was a strange request but I carried on with the assignment.

I knew what I saw but I didn't know how to paint it in words. The more I watched, unnoticed, the more I saw intimate art. As I faced the horizon, Aaron's body began to shift towards me. Unexpectedly, his fingers reached for my hand and his face was about a hair's distance from my cheek. My heart raced, pounding so loud between my ears, and I lost all coherence.

My eyes closed to heightened the feeling. His nose pressed upon my hairline as he breathed slowly. I absorbed the warmth and it turned to flutters when he planted little pecks along my temple and cheek. Gently one by one. It wasn't until he whispered something in my ear that I quivered in surprise.

"So how would you respond to this?" He murmured.

I wanted to go straight for his lips but all I did was shrug and look down. He pressed his full lips on my cheek, kissing repeatedly. I felt steam build inside me but all of a sudden he sat back as if nothing happened and returned to his normal tone.

"How would you describe what you were feeling just now? Any build up?" He asked casually.

"Uh huh."

"It's teasing tactics, to build your partner's interest and excitement. Here's another one. Now whatever you do, don't kiss me. Keep your lips perfectly still."

I nodded quickly and waited for the next demonstration. Aaron held on to my chin, leaning so close I swore I could feel his mouth a second away from mine. Only, he stopped. Every few seconds I felt his lips graze mine as he exhaled over my mouth. The warm air was the closest thing to a kiss, but he was right, my anxiety was about to skyrocket if he didn't kiss me soon. The tease became unbearable when his lips nipped mine. How much longer did I have to wait?

"You did well to resist." He grinned.

"Did I? Because that was cruel." I was getting impatient. "When do we finally get to..."

"Tsk tsk, my apprentice. There's no need to rush things. We're learning the pregame... So how would you seduce this Isaiah guy?" He challenged. "C'mon don't be shy about it."

"It's just, you're making it seem so technical and that's just not working for me."

"But you did want to kiss me earlier right?"

"Yeah but then you cut it off..."

"Ah. That's another mistake girls like to do to us. They like to tease and feel in control, stopping and going as they please. Now you just had a taste of what that feels like." He smirked.

I've heard girls brag about that so I knew he was telling the truth. And while it seemed like harmful play, it was also torture. I was beginning to like his teaching methods. If it were up to Jordan's example, I'd swear all men were obnoxious pigs. But Aaron enlightened me to the truth that in every macho man there's a sensitive one.

"Well unfortunately that's all for today. I have a class in less than an hour." He announced.

"What? We haven't even... and what about the sunset?" I was interrupted as he stood up.

And there you have it, an incomplete class with an unsatisfied student. I got to my feet and watched him fold up the blanket. I had no choice but to deal with the disappointment and trek back to his car.

"What the heck kind of half deal was this?" I mumbled in front him. "How am I supposed to seduce Isaiah? Weren't you supposed to help me, dumbass? He think's he can have all the fun manipulating the situation to his convenience. Why not, right? College hottie toys with sophomore girl, sure sounds like fun-"

"Hey, cry baby!" Aaron said right next to me.

I gasped, thinking he was further back as I sped up on purpose. Embarrassed, I took another step but Aaron got in the way. His hands cupped my face and relief washed over me when I felt him kiss me. Whether he purposely tried to work me up for this moment, it didn't matter. His lips felt soft and seductive, enticing enough to shut me up.

His hands felt strong and safe as his body pressed closer. My first kiss, practice or not, but it was real. I would always remember this moment. Possibly forever. I could feel the inside of my lips grinding a bit against my top braces but I wasn't about to interrupt this on account of a little discomfort. His hands moved down to my neck in what I thought was an attempt to choke me. But Aaron held on gently as he was now in total control.

After getting a full taste of his honey vanilla Chapstick, we finally peeled off each other. My lips felt swollen and I liked it. He tucked some hairs behind my ear and slipped the lip balm in my front pocket.

"It's exhilarating when it's unexpected."

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