Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." Mahatma Gandhi

Background so my poor readers aren't completely lost:

There is a group of four turtles who live in the sewers, raised by a rat who was once a man named Hamato Yoshi. The rat's name was Splinter and he was a wise mutant, who raised his sons to be strong and moral.

Among them was Leo, the eldest and their leader. Raph, who liked beating people up. Donnie, the one with a brain. And Mikey, the one who did not have a brain.

These traits defined them, and yet, did not explain their character at all.

The four turtles were named after Renaissance artists. Cora was named after the personality her parents hoped she would have. Integrity, intelligence, and inspiration. The name fit.

Cora is also the name of a girl not at all related to the ongoing vendetta that a man named Oroku Saki had against Splinter. At least not until she was contacted by a green turtle who was experimenting making friendships on the internet.

It was not until a week after his friend request that Cora returned from a trip to the mountains and was able to reply. She was curious to say the least, considering that her social life was a smoking heap of bricks.

And she partly considered the fact that the turtle was a weird type of social predator, which is what motivated her to hack into his computer. This is also what revealed to her the fact that her new friend was a mutant ninja with had three very strange brothers, who at the time, had been arguing in Donnie's lab.

Cora tried her hardest not to be a nosy person, but she just couldn't help herself when she found a series of complex equations on Donnie's computer. Or the numerous times that he tried hacking into TCRI or something.

And as her barely noticed help went, she grew more and more interested in the aliens and ninja lords who were secretly plundering the city.

It wasn't as if Cora had much to do, so every so often, she tipped off Mikey about something she found out or solved one of Donnie's problems for him when he facepanted onto his computer and fell asleep.

Every time something bad happened, Cora would freak out and worry about her friends getting hurt. Even if only one of them knew she existed, she considered all of them friends. She also considered herself a creepy stalker for that reason as well.

Over time, Cora came to trust that the turtles would take care of all the problems that they faced. But it wasn't until the invasion that she realized far too late that the turtles could not handle the newest threat.

And in that moment, Cora found herself running through the streets of New York city, a duffel bag tucked under her arm. Kraang flew around, shooting people with mutagen as they screamed and panicked.

But Cora did not panic or scream. She had her mind set on a very important mission that might reveal to her friends what an absolutely creepy person she was, hut despite that, she still ran.

Straight to April O'Neil's apartment.

Cora ran up the stairs two steps at a time, easily finding the door she had memorized long ago. She bursted through, slightly bothered by the fact that they were in the middle of an alien apocalypse and nobody had locked the door.

She paused, not knowing what to say as Donnie, Mikey, and April appeared in the doorway.

"Uh, hi?"

"Who are you!? Did Shredder send you!?" April demanded, grabbing a kitchen knife.

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