Met Again

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Lily woke up quite early, it was 05:48 AM, she walk downstair to see her parents eating breakfast with Lilac, for some reason she felt uncomfortable near her parents so Lily quickly runs off to the bathroom

Lily gets ready for school, when she was about to go out her house she saw Lilac crying out loud at the kitchen, she didnt really care so she just ran off

Lily waits at the bus stop, it would take quite long enough for the bus to arrive since she got here a little early today, she decided to go somewhere for a second to kill time off

She goes to a convenience store, she looked around the store and buys a sandwich, when she walked to the bus stop, she saw Charlie waiting there for the bus

Lily : "Charlie!"

Charlie : "Lily!"

Lily : "im really glad your here!"

Charlie : "miss me much?"

Lily : "not really"

Lily laughed while Charlie was (jokingly) offended

Charlie : "so uh this might be personal but can i ask you something?"

Lily : "hm? What is it"

Charlie : "how was you and your family yesterday, did they apologize to you or maybe scolded Lilac?"

Lily : "they did neither of them."

Charlie : "Whaaat?! How come they didnt apologize when their literally accusing you about the rumours??"

Lily : "its just.. maybe im the hated child, they always, you know? Neglect me"

Charlie hugged Lily

Charlie : "its okay, atleast theres me here"

Lily : "thanks Charlie.."

Lily hugged Charlie back, shortly after they hugged the bus arrived

07:13 AM

They both walk together to class, they had plenty of free time before class started

Charlie : "So, what do you wanna do this weekend? Should we meet up at Fountain park?"

Lily : "i never heard of that park before but sure!"

??? : "Hey girl!"

A tall guy approached them

Charlie : "Huh? Wait.. your that 9th grade guy! what do you need?"

??? : "yeah, so i heard the rumours were false, congratulations on your case, miss detective"

Charlie : "uhh thanks? Oh, Lily this is the guy that gave me your address before!"

??? : "eh?"

Lily : "wait how do you know my address at the first place? I thought it was some of my classmate who gave it"

??? : "Well uh- err, Long story"

Lily : "Ookay? But even so, thanks for helping Charlie out!"

Charlie : "yeah, helping draining my money out"

Lily : "wait what"

Charlie : "He literally made me pay 50 dollars just to give me your address!"

??? : "its a good price though"

Charlie : "why did you came here though?"

??? : "uhh, personal reasons, i better get going now, these 8th graders are looking at me with a strange look bye!"

Charlie : "wait i didnt even know your name!"

??? : "its JOooo...."

The tall guy run in a full speed

Charlie : "Jo who? Joe mama?"

Lily laughed her head off hearing Charlie jokes

Lily : "your a crackhead [giggles]"

Charlie : "a SMART crackhead"

Lily : "i think he's interested in you"

Charlie : "nah, a senior could never fall with a junior, even if he did, hes not my type"

Lily : "that sure is quite harsh"

They both chit-chatted with eachother while walking up to class, once they sat down they started talking

Charlie : "i just cant wait for tomorrow! Maybe we could have a sleepover at my house?!"

Lily : "thats a great idea!"

Charlie : "we should buy snacks for tomorrow sleepover, and then we can trade our snacks and maybe we could buy some ice creams or cake, and then we can maybe buy some comics at the bookstore, you know that Magical PonyTail Power comic? It has Vol 8 now! Im really gonna spend my time reading it! Oh and -"

Lily : "I really like ur ideas but, i dont think i could afford things that much"

Charlie : "arent your parents wealthy?"

Lily : "they only gave me a slip of dollars"

Charlie : "Dont worry then, cuz I'll pay everything"

Lily : "Wait no, you shouldnt-"

Charlie : "shush, its our first hangout afterall, so we need to make it fun!"

Teacher : "quit talking for a moment please"

Charlie : "Y-yes Ma'am!"


It was a Saturday morning, Lily was quite energized once she woke up, she quickly dress up for the hangout, just then she remembered to buy a snack for the sleepover soon, she grabbed her bag and stopped at a Convenience store, she was looking around the snack section, deciding which one to buy

??? : "looking for a good snack?"

Lily : "huh?"

Lily turned around to see Clyde standing next to her

Lily : "Clyde? What a coincidence that we Met Again"

Clyde : "it sure is"

Lily : "i wanted to thank you again for the umbrella yesterday, it was quite cute"

Clyde : "oh its not a problem, im glad that you liked the unbrella"

Lily : "what are you doing here?"

Clyde : "i usually stop here to buy some Chocolate Grapes"

Lily : "Chocolate Grapes?"

Clyde : "its a chocolate but has a sour-sweet taste, you should try it"

Clyde grabbed the snack he mentioned and gave it to Lily

Lily : "maybe i should give it a try, thanks for the reccomendation"

Clyde : "come to think of it, i never got your name before"

Lily : "O-oh! Your right, my name is Lily, im sorry i didnt introduced myself yesterday"

Clyde : "its not a big deal so its alright, i'll keep going now see ya Lily"

Lily : "Bye Clyde"

Lily goes up to the cashier to pay the chocolate grapes and heads to the Fountain park

Lily : "hmm i wonder if this snack taste good, i hope it is cause i dont wanna make Charlie eat them if its bad-"

Lily tripped on a rock and fell, her knees were injured a little

Lily : "gosh, why do i have bad luck these days"

Lily looked around if anybody saw her trip, she quickly standed up and brushes her dress off, when she arrived, the park we quite crowded, there were childrens playing, some couples having a date, and a old pairs spending their time together

Lily : "now how am i supposed to spot Charlie on that crowd"

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