RECAP OF CHAPTER 8: Shay breaks up with Ant because Alyssa is always on her mind. Chelle wants Shay to come stay with her at her dads. Shay takes this opportunity to see Alyssa. Shay picks up Alyssa and goes to Chelle's house. Shay and Alyssa begin to kiss, as they make out, Chelle's grandmother walks in......
So we were just making out when Chelle's grandmother had to bring her self into the room. That definentley ruined the moment if you ask me. We had quick reflexes I guess, but I know she still saw it. It worried me a little bit. Only because I thought they would make me and her leave, and the thing with that is only my grandmother knows where I am. I didn't tell my mom or dad I left my grandmothers. So for all they know I'm still at my grandmothers.
She had came in there because she was going to tell Chelle she couldn't be on the computer, which it was to late we were already using it for music. So Alyssa and I tried to turn all the systems off and casually walk away. I know how Chelle's grandma is, she's messy. By tomorrow the whole family will know she saw me kissing a girl. I mean I don't care that she saw us, I just don't need this to mess up me and Chelle's friendship.
We all decided to go down the hill back to Chelles' dad's house. Chelle told is she was going to take a nap. I took Alyssa to Chelles' brother's room. We got on the bed.
We started kissing, that led to making out. In the heat of the moment we started undressing each other. She pulled my shirt off. I slid her sorts down. Then she took off her shirt and I my shirt. I layed her on her back and started kissing on her neck. She loved that, or so I could tell from her moans. I put my hand on her back and pushed it up and began licking her chest. Her body is so soft. Right now ,I'm at the start of her bathing suit bottoms. I start kissing right below her navel. Up I go until I'm back up to her lips. She's got her fingers in my hair. Grasping the back of my head to pull me closer. We switch positions. She climbs on top of me and started kissing me. From my lips to my chest. It feels so good,lord!
The moment came to a stop when we heard a truck pull up out side. We hopped up and quickly put on our clothes. We ran out the bedroom back to the room Chelle was in. She was on the mattress that was in the floor. Alyssa and I sat on the couch, and awaited to see who walked through the door. Chelle's brother walked down the hall and looked at us as he walked in his room. Alyssa and I looked at one another and started laughing. The fact we were just on his bed, that he had just went and got on, was so humorous to us.
I guess we laughed a little too loud because it awoke Chelle from her nap.
Chelle: What are y'all laughing at?
Alyssa and I: Nothing! *trying not to laugh*
Chelle: I'm sure!
Chelle's brother walkes in and ask us if we want to go to the creek.
We all three said yes.
Chelle's bathing suit was up the hill so she ran there to get it. One again Alyssa and I were alone. She again , because she's abusive, pushed me on to the mattress. She climbed on top of me and started kissing me. I put my had in her bathing suit bottoms and slid my finger up. She softly moaned. The fact we could just be ready at any moment to do anything at was funny to me. We heard the door open so we stopped. It had literally been less than five minutes. Chelle told us to come to the truck.
A little two door, three seater, red Chevy. Chelles brother ,Chance, was in the drivers seat. There was another guy in the passenger seat. I do not personally know him, I just know his nick name is PorkChop. Yeah, he's not a small guy, if you caught my drift.
Me: So how's this seating arrangement going to work?
Chance: Y'all three can sit in the middle, y'all aren't that big.
Me: Alyssa you can sit in my lap.
Alyssa: That's fine.
Pork chop: uh oh, we got us here some lesbian shit *in his hill billy voice*
Chelle: Actually they're really gay.
Me: yeah that's my girlfriend, please don't disrespect us while we're with you.
Pork chop: Ohhh that's sexy.
I swear this guy can not posibly get any more annoying. I hate childish guys. Childish people in general.
We all pile in the car. Alyssa and I our beside Pork chop ,sadly. He keeps asking us pointless questions and asking us to kiss. It bothers me just for the fact he's being stupid.
On the way to the creek we have to pass my dads house. Us, three girls have to duck our heads. My dad knows how all three of us look.
As we pull down the dirt road to the creek, we all get happy. We love swimming. It's an everyday joy to us.
The fact we are in Gulfka, the country part of Hill Valley, there aren't very many black people. Except the ones who have Dixie girls. All I see are a bunch of jacked up trucks with coolers and people in the truck beds. Everyone here has a beer in there hand. Music is playing loud, kids are screaming with laughter, and the druck hillbilly's are talking mess. I wonder if I'm the only one who can't understand a word they say.
We all climb out the truck and head for the water. It's freezing cold creek water. I dive in so I can quickly get use to the water temperature. When I come back up I begin to laugh. My poor baby looks like she is about to be frozen. I swim to her and wrap her legs around my body. She wraps her arms around my neck. I only know the people I came here with, so I assume no one knows who I am. So I don't mind anyone seeing us. We kiss.
Chelle: Shay! Come jump off the T-Tree!
Me: *looking up at the tree* Are you crazy? Do you not see how tall that tree is?.
Celle: I know but we can go together and hold hands.
Me: Ugh, okay.
Inside I'm scared to death, heights arent really my thing.
We swim to the other side of the creek, climb into the wooded trail, and walk to find the tree beginning. When we reach the tree, we start climbing our way to the top. Half way up I do a stupid thing, I look down. We're so high and not even all the way up yet. I start shaking but still reach the top. We stand on the piece of wood nailed to the tree. I look down and see everyone below. All the drucks are looking up and yelling "Jump, Jump, Jump." Celle and I look at one another and grabbed each others hand. We counted to three and jumped..... Half way down we let go of each other. I hit the water, worst pain in my life ran up my body. I landed wrong. Here's the thing, always keep your feet together. The hard impact made my swim bottoms go up my butt. I for real got pissed at the water. I laughed, but felt like crying . I tried my hardest to swim back to Alyssa. When I reached her she laughed. Thought my pain was humorous. The day slowly fades away. On the way back to the house Celle, Alyssa, and I lay in the truck bed.
*7:00 p.m*
We're back at the house now. Celle and I tag team Alyssa. I tried taking her bathing suit top of. It took some strength. I got it off, but covered her boobs. I just laughed. Then I hear the boys coming back down the hall so I help her retie it. They knocked on the door, I opened it. It was Chance and Pork chop. I stopped and felt as if my bottoms under my shorts were off. I tell the boys to hush and I put my hands in my shorts and feel for the strings to my bottoms. They're broke. Alyssa tried taking my bottoms off earlier. She must have snatched a little to hard. I just untied the other side and slipped them out my shorts.
PorkChop: Ohhhh, we got us a stripper.
Me: Ha ha ha, your so funny. *being sarcastic*
He tries chasing us and we all run to the living room, he has us cornered. Chelle and Alyssa push me to the outside.
Me: Bruh, I'm the one with no under wear on and y'all gonna pay me to the outside.
Chelle's dad pulls in the drive way, so Pork chop settles down. Thank God.
Its getting late now so Chance and Pork chop go up the hill to stay the night.
*10:00 p.m*
Alyssa is about to take a shower. So I go annoy her in the bathroom.
She's undressed completly. With a towl around her body.
Me: Baby, come here. *sitting on the toilet lid.*
Alyssa: Yes, bae?
Me: *Grabs her waist* I love you.
Alyssa: I love you .
Me: Gimme a kiss.
She kisses me. I don't know what really happened but Alyssa somehow dropped her towel.
I just looked at her body, up and down, every little detail. She was perfect. She blushed so hard. She was embarrassed I could tell. No reason to be, I mean everything about her was amazing. She quickly picked up the towel and wrapped back up. Then she looked at me.
Alyssa: Get out or get in.
Me: *Standing up* Alright, fine I'll get out.
I waited until I heard the water running. I told Chelle to watch what I was about to do. I busted in the door and jumped in the shower, clothes and all............SORRY THAT'S THE END OF CHAPTER 9. I think this is the longest chapter yet. Hope you enjoy
Leave comments if you wish .
KIK: Ashaila_Compton( did not proof it because I'm sleepy so sorry for any errors .)

What is Happiness?
RomanceA young lesbian "Shay", is caught up in Love , but with who? She's not sure who she wants. Follow her throughout her life and see if you would pick the girl she chooses in the end . (Love, Hate, & Heart Break)