Chapter 16

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"We should get going if we want to be there before dark." Menchi says, looking up at the sky.

Everyone boarded the airship. About five minutes after taking off, we landed on a mountain, that was quite literally split in half.

"Now, everyone look down there." Menchi said leading us toward the ravine.

"What is that?"

"A Spider Eagle's web." Menchi replied.

"They build webs down there?" Gon asked.

"Look below the web. Those are Spider Eagle eggs." Menchi said.

"Spider Eagles build their webs in deep ravines, to protect their eggs from predators. This makes their eggs one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain. The eggs are also known as dream eggs." The chairman explained.

"W- Wait a minute you don't mean we..." The rude guy said.

"I sure do." Menchi replied, jumping down the ravine.

"Even if she can grab some eggs, how will she climb back up?" Leorio asked. "Hey she jumped down!" Amazing observation.

"Is she trying to kill herself!" He shouts. "No, she is not." Kurapika replied.

"This ravine has updrafts that help the hatched chicks fly up to the web." The chairman added.

"There, now I just need to boil the egg." Menchi said when she got back up.

"Y- You must be joking! No reasonable person would jump down their!" The rude guy is quite a coward.

"I've been waiting for this!" Gon yells while jumping down.

"Okay! Count me in!" A bald guy yells.

"Wait! I haven't finished explaining!" Menchi yelled.

"That looks like fun." I say before stepping of the cliff.

"Let's go!" Leorio yelled like the idiot he is.

"Not yet." I swear Leorio would be dead without Gon.

"Why not?" Do we need to explain everything to you!

"There's no wind." Killua said.

"There isn't always an updraft." Kurapika explained in more detail.

"When's the next one?" I swear to fucking god Leorio.


The web started to give into the weight. "The web won't hold us all!" Kurapika yelled. Really? Wow I didn't notice.

"Gon, not yet?" Killua asked.

"Damnit! I can't wait for a updraft!" Somebody yelled before jumping to their death.

"Now!" Gon yelled, causing everyone to jump off. I swear they put so much trust into a child.
I quickly grab an egg then allow the updraft to push me back up.

"And the rest of you?" Menchi asks the other applicants.

"It takes courage to concede, too." The chairman responded.

"Hey, Y/n? Why did you jump down, you already passed." Gon asks while we walk to the airship.

"If I pass the hunter exam I will have passed more phases then everyone else, making me better then you all." I explain. "Plus I got food so it's a win-win." I add.

"That's seriously your reason?" Killua asks.

"Yep." I say popping the p.

"That's a dumb reason." Killua replied

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