fernweh - an ache for distant places; places you've never been
Last night, I went to see Top Gun: Maverick, and I sobbed. I started crying almost immediately and didn't stop until we had already left the theatre. Now, I don't want to spoil it because I hate when people spoil things but I'm in love with that movie. At one point I was crying for the fact that I was there, watching a world I so badly wanted to be in. My mom was concerned because I was crying so hard that I was shaking; it was not pretty at all.
In one hour, I will be going to see The Multiverse of Madness for the first time. I know its been almost a whole month since it came out but I've been busy. Now the MCU is a soft spot for me. So because I'm already in the longing for a world I can never have, I'm sure I'll cry more today. I hate that I'll never be happy in this world, that I'll always want the world I can't have. From Marvel to Disney to The Dead Poets Society, I will forever be longing.