What, Like It's Hard?

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Upon returning to Yelena's sorority house and climbing the stairs to her room, Kate found it to be exactly what she expected- as femme and bubbly as the woman herself.

"You like?" Yelena asked, taking off her worn white Nikes off upon entry.

"It's like Hello Kitty vomited everywhere."

"In a good way, I hope?"

"Of course."

Kate lingered by the door, trying not to stare as Yelena slipped off her hoodie.

"You can watch, you know," the blonde said as she took off her shirt before tugging the hoodie back on. Kate's cheeks went red, and Yelena cupped the taller woman's jaw with a smirk. "Aw, Bishop, cat got your tongue?"

"Yeah," she managed, taking hold of Yelena's hand.

"You talked a big game earlier. Look at you now..."

"Sorry, beautiful women make me nervous."

"Keep talking like that and I may just keep you."

Yelena flopped down onto her extravagant bed, decorative pillows threatening to swallow her. Kate stood awkwardly in the doorway, staring as Yelena flipped through channels mindlessly on her small television.

"What kind of movies do you like?" Yelena asked, eyes still on the screen.

Kate took a tentative seat on the foot of the plush mattress. "Action, I guess. Thrillers, maybe?"

"Unsurprising. You coming up here or what?"

"Like, in the bed?"

"No, the ceiling." She chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. "I've gotten to you good, huh? Yes, the bed. Unless you plan on sleeping on my floor."

"No," Kate said, kicking off her worn sneakers and climbing into bed. She scooted to the edge farthest from the blonde, but that didn't stop Yelena from rolling over and laying her head on Kate's shoulder.

"Is this okay?" Yelena asked, speeding through channels so fast Kate could not even read the titles.

"Very okay," Kate mumbled, wrapping a loose arm around Yelena's shoulder.

"What's gotten into you? I don't make you nervous, do I?"

"Yeah, a little bit. I don't know. Just don't wanna mess things up."

Kate half expected to be made fun of, maybe mocked, but instead Yelena placed a tender kiss on the taller woman's cheek, speaking softly. "There's no reason to be nervous. You like me, and I like you. We're just hanging out is all."

Yeah, just hanging out, Kate thought. Because friends cuddle and kiss in bed, right? Though the warmth of the woman beside her was distracting, Kate tried to stay calm as Legally Blonde played on the small television atop Yelena's dresser.

"So, you like me, huh?" Kate asked once her heart rate slowed enough. "You're direct, Yelena, I'll give you that."

"I just don't like wasting time. I won't be young and hot forever, might as well make my intentions known, you know?"

"It's true you won't be young forever, but hot, on the other hand..."

Yelena chuckled. "How are you so charming one moment, and a hermit the next?"

"Just trying to match your energy, I guess."

"Tell me, what's my energy?"

"Not entirely sure sometimes."

Yelena looked up from the movie, studying Kate's big brown eyes. "Not sure about what?"

"I don't know. You say you want your intentions known but... I'm kinda slow, I guess I haven't picked up on them yet."

The blonde bit her lip. "I like you, isn't that enough for now?"

"I-I guess." Kate tugged Yelena to rest more of her body weight on Kate's tall frame, and the blonde leaned in gratefully. "Can I ask you something?"


"Would you go on a date? Like a real date."


Kate glanced down to the blonde, whose eyes were back on the movie. "You like me, yeah?"

"Don't make me say it again, Bishop."

"All I'm saying is... I don't know, let me take you out."

"Out," Yelena almost laughed. "You're funny."

"I'm serious. Let me treat you for a night. We can see where this takes us."

Tensing almost imperceptibly, Yelena sighed. "I don't know..."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"What if you, like, end up hating me? Or even worse, what if I end up falling in love?"

Kate chuckled. "Oh, what a terrible fate that would be."

"One date, Bishop. I'll give you one date."


"Yeah, so you better go all out. I don't go on many of these, but what the hell, you're too cute to deny. Like a little puppy you see at the shelter that's just begging you to take it home."

"I'll pick you up at eight on Friday, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Yelena confirmed, attention mostly on the film flickering in the low light of her sickeningly pink bedroom. Kate held the woman closer, on the verge of sleep. She rested her chin stop Yelena's head, wondering what thoughts bounced around inside. Kate got the feeling Yelena didn't go on many dates. It probably wasn't for lack of opportunity, as Yelena was too gorgeous and too bewitchingly confident to not have suitors. Perhaps she saw dates as a waste of time. She was young and knew what she wanted- why spend precious hours awkwardly putting mini golf or staring across someone at a way too expensive restaurant for an evening?

Yelena sighed internally. What was she doing? Her own rule number one was never get too close, both to keep yourself from getting attached and to not toy with other people's hearts. This was common knowledge in Yelena's circles, where sorority relationships were little flings that ended as soon as they started. But Kate wasn't from her world. She was a down to earth skater, a breath of fresh air from Yelena's perfume filled, air headed acquaintances.

Of course, Yelena loved her sorority sisters, and flings were fun, but sometimes the blonde longed for something different, and it scared her. Flings came with the knowledge that it would end one day soon, no strings attached, and no one got hurt. Relationships, real relationships though...

The blonde glanced to the already sleeping form of the strong brunette beside her. With a slightly sad grin, Yelena cuddled into her side and closed her eyes contentedly, hoping she would never have to break this woman's heart.

This is like quiver and crowns much happier sibling. What do we think so far? I'm having fun with it.

Ps if you leave me a comment I'll literally kiss you on the mouth (unless you're a man)

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now