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hi guys

good luck pulling for xiao and yelan!

also 100+ reads 🤭 tysm <3

sunlight filtered through the closed windows, lighting up dark corners and highlighting objects. the light successfully hit y/ns face, and they winced, covering their head with their arm.

heizou, whos eyes had just been impaled by sharp rays of sunlight, shot up from the floor, already fully awake.

"y/nn~" heizou cooed, aready starting to stand up, back stiff from sleeping on the floor, "its time to wake up!"

y/n stirred on the tatami bed, refusing to leave their comfortable spot. heizou frowned at this, then sighed, "i have to go complete a job, ill be back soon,"

y/n didnt reply, so heizou rolled his eyes and left the cabin, probably going off to mess around in inazuma city.

y/n pried their eyes open, sitting up. since heizou was gone, this was a perfect opportunity to escape and abandon mission.

they stood up from the ground, stretching. if they observed correctly, heizou didnt lock the cabin, and the outside was quiet, meaning soldiers werent awake.

y/n walked over to the door, opening it a crack to look outside. since the coast was clear, y/n slipped out of the cabin, glancing around before sprinting and jumping into a patch of bushes.

they checked around for people again, and then took off towards watatsumi, deciding they would go back to sangonomiya and report their failed mission.
- heizou pov -

heizou watched as y/n left, him standing on the deck of a neighboring cabin. how they didnt notice him, he didnt know. all he was aware of was the aching feeling that something was going to go wrong, and the hurt that y/n broke their deal a day after making it.

he put a hand to his head, sighing thoughtfully. he could follow them, and that seemed like a good option. heizou was known for disappearing for days at end, so no one would acknowledge his absence.

walking back over to his cabin, he opened the door, walking over to a stand to grab a few odds and ends. heizou hummed, looking down at his vision. he had seen other anemo vision holders use their vision to travel quickly, but he seriously doubted he could do the same.

he'd just have to make do with walking, plus, y/n seemed like someone who was a slow walker.
- y/n pov -

y/n was far from the kujou encampment, at least thats what they hoped. the surroundings were a bit different from their trip here, maybe they had gone down the other beach side.

they passed some treasure hoarders digging around in crashed carts before coming up to a shallow water area.

y/n glanced over to where the water led: the mikage furnace. deciding it would be best to just pass by, they started wading in the water. every second the water was brushing against their legs, there was a small electrical shock.

y/n hissed in pain before splashing over to the other side of the water, and immediately swiped off the water droplets.

who in their right mind chooses to live here? all y/n had seen were huge storms, electrical water, and electric gasses, "if i didnt know any better, id say this is where the electro archon actually lives," they mumbled to themself.

a small snicker was heard from the bushes behind them, and they spun around, polearm now held out in front of them, "stop hiding and show yourself!"

a figure emerged from the bushes, that being the short tenryou commission detective. he plucked a leaf from his hair, "hi.."

y/n retracted their polearm, eyes narrowed, "why were you following me?"

heizou awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "well, you did agree to our deal being you sticking around and helping me.." he looked up into y/ns e/c eyes slowly.

y/n heaved out a sigh, refusing to make eye contact with him, "i dont care. i need to report back to the resistance,"

heizou pouted, "can i come with you then? ive been to watatsumi multiple times!" he asked, eyes glimmering.

"what help would you provide? youre walking onto enemy territory!"

"so did you, a day ago," heizou pointed out, fiddling with his black gloves, "itll be fun! i promise not to cause trouble.."

y/n turned around, polearm disintegrating, "dont be slow," they said, before starting off towards yashiori.

so far, y/ns plan were now ruined, since they now had a random detective following them around.

not even 5 minutes into the travel, heizou decided to do some icebreakers, "hey y/n, whats your favorite color?"

"f/c," y/n responded, still facing forward to look for dangers.

"do you have any family?"

y/n hummed quietly, "nah. my dad left my mom years ago, and just recently my mom died,"

"oh." heizou mumbled quietly, "um.. whats your favorite.. flower?"

y/n stopped in their tracks, effectively making heizou collide into their back. he quickly took a step back and placed a hand to his forehead, "oww.."

"i dont have a favorite flower," y/n said, "howd you get from colors to flowers anyway?"

heizou shrugged, taking his hand off his head, "i dont know, youre just really boring to talk to. im just trying to spice things up a little by asking you random questions that i normally wouldnt ask."

y/n narrowed their eyes at the explanation, but shook their head, "whatever, just keep up,"

heizou hummed, "okay! next question, whats your favorite food?"

".. f/f i guess," they responded, looking around for treasure hoarders that might decide to rob them.

heizou thought for a moment, "oo! i have another question! have you ever dated someone? or had a significant other?"

"what?!" y/n yelped, face turning a bright shade of crimson, "n-no! i have no time to think of such things!" they insisted, hurrying ahead of heizou so he wouldnt see their red face.

"hehe, what a loss for everyone else," he laughed softly, a slight smirk forming on his face before it melted into a small smile.


anyway i have no idea if im writing this fanfic wrong or badly lmao

bear with me ig

also if i accidentally called y/n she/her instead of they/them just tell me-

for you.. the world | heizou x gn!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora