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"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."

1 Corinthians 13:4-8


"I SHOULD HAVE FORGONE THE CORSET," a familiar voice whispered grumpily. Malaya looked up and saw her friend Alice wearing a gold ball dress that complimented her chocolate skin wonderfully.

Malaya grinned at her friend. "The corset makes it feel real," she said, enjoying how hers fit her snuggly. "You shouldn't have laced it too tight. Mine fits perfectly."

Alice twisted her arm to reach her back, fiddling with the laces of her low round bodice. Unable to loosen the laces, her gloved fingers moved to fidget the soft fabric trimmed with lace that draped from one shoulder to another over her chest.

Malaya put her gloved hands on top of her friend's hands to still them and teased, "Are you trying to undress in front of all the guests?"

Her friend sighed begrudgingly and gave in, "Perhaps it wouldn't look as gorgeous if I didn't have a corset on." She busied her hands by tracing the horizontal plaits on the front of her skirt. "Does this dress make my behind look big?"

Laughing heartily, Malaya played along, peeking at the back of her friend's skirt. The dress had a trained skirt covered entirely with plaited flounces of white gauze, accentuating her behind. "No honey, it looks lovely and curvaceous," she chuckled softly. Malaya's skirt was just a voluminous as Alice's. It also had a train covered in white plaited flounces. She wore a baby blue ball dress with small pink roses that accented the soft white fabric draped around her chest and shoulders. She sewed a pocket in her skirt, concealing her phone and earphones in it.

She hooked her arm around Alice's and pulled her toward the stairs that led to the entrance of the stately home.

Thanks to Police Inspector Edward Harris, also known as Alice's husband, they acquired an invitation to a Victorian era-themed charity masquerade ball held by the English Heritage. Edward was given an exclusive invitation allowing him to bring a plus one. But being a dedicated inspector, he opted to serve during the party to maintain security and order. He, instead, gave the invitation to his wife and let her bring along her best friend Malaya.

Malaya smiled giddily, her fingers slightly brushing the baby blue mask tied around her head before smoothing over the fabric of her draped skirt. She looked forward to this ball and hoped that it would be the closest she could get to experiencing a 1900s social gathering.

"Oh my days," Malaya breathed out in awe. She let her eyes wander to the painted ceiling as they entered, almost forgetting the security dressed as a footman welcoming them by the door. The top half of the wall to her left was also covered with a massive painting. Dozens of people occupied the checkered floor, all wearing their ball dresses and dark coats with colorful masks covering half of their faces.

A man dressed in all black except for his white shirt under his waistcoat approached them. He didn't wear a mask like the other guests, and looked like a friendly grandpa. He introduced himself as Mr. Martin and led the two women to a group of people. Once there, they were introduced to the members of the group as Miss Valle and Miss Harris.

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