odette lahey never planned to get pregnant. the thought never even crossed her mind. she already had enough problems as it is, from fighting werewolf alphas to dark spirits. any sane person would choose not keep the baby. but then again, when has od...
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WAKING up with the warm sun spreading across her face, odette woke up, looking at her alarm clock. she lifted her upper half up, dreading the day. a sudden rush of sickness washed over her, making the girl run to her bathroom.
scott and isaac were making their way downstairs for breakfast when the sound of hacking and coughing made them come to a complete stop. they both looked at each other then to their sister's room. "odie?" isaac called out. the two made their way to her door. "i'm fine" they faintly heard the girl respond.
"are you sure?" the alpha asked her. "just go away!" the two looked at each other, slightly stunned. odette wasn't one to raise her voice at anyone unless she was upset. they figured it was over the kate news. they wouldn't be surprised if it physically made her sick to her stomach. so they made their way downstairs and let her be.
the girl flushed her toilet and walked back to her bed. she took her phone off the nightstand and immediately went to searching.
'morning sickness usually starts at about 6 weeks of pregnancy and goes away in the second trimester.'
6 weeks? it was impossible. the girl couldn't even have been 4 weeks right now. the girl got dressed for the day, making her way downstairs to the kitchen. she ignored her brothers' eyes on her and walked to the fridge. she grabbed a small container of strawberry yogurt. she sat down at the table, catching a faint whiff of the strawberry.
she tried stayed composed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to refrain herself from gagging. it worried her. because she wasn't suppose to be having these symptoms until later in this pregnancy. "what's up with you?" isaac asked her. "what's up with your face?" she snapped back. "heard malia used it to focus" she smiled mischievously.
the boy's cheeks grew slightly red. "that's what i thought" she taunted, sticking her tongue out and choosing on a making a peanut butter and jelly. the family finished their breakfast and the three teenagers made their way to school.
⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
"can i speak rhetorically?" the lahey girl blurted out of the blue when walking towards the school building with her brothers. "that depe-"
"what if you knew something that could affect something else that you didn't even know was something but now can't be anything due to that first something you know that came from the other something you didn't know was a something in the first place?"
"what?" they spoke in unison as they stopped, looking down to her. "useless, this is why i never tell you guys anything" she scoffed, rolling her eyes as she walked way from the two, leaving them dazed and confused. the girl stopped by her locker, putting some books into her bag.
the girl was stuck in her mind. how the hell was she going to tell stiles? she couldn't. she just couldn't. the girl shut her locker, jumping at the sight of stiles stilinski who smiled at his successful attempt at scaring her. she was so caught up in her head, she didn't hear or smell the boy approaching her. "so isaac and scott were right"
"right about what? they're both idiots and if you think something is wrong with me just because they told you, then you're an idiot, too"
"so something's wrong"
"stiles, can you just drop it?" the girl walked off, heading to her first period. unfortunately, stiles had the same class so the spastic boy followed. "no, odette, i cannot just 'drop it'. something is bothering you now are you going to tell me or not?" the girl stopped once they reached the classroom door.
she looked up at the brunet. he looked at her expectantly. "i just got a lot on my mind, okay?" she answered loud enough for him to hear, walking into the room. the girl sat in her seat, ignoring stiles' eyes on her. throughout the whole period, stiles couldn't stop thinking about what could be wrong with odette.
the girl didn't even look at him once. something had to be truly bothering her if she was paying attention in history. odette hated history. and he had a feeling that it had to do with what happened between them. either way, he was going to figure out what was wrong with odette and he wouldn't let anything else distract him.
as mr. yurikima talked to his class, a ringing of a phone disrupted him. "phones off, everyone. does anyone kno-" a phone rang yet again. "i said, phones off!"
"dad, that was yours" kira raised her hand as she told the man. "oh" he mumbled, pulling out his phone from his brief bag. "scott, call lydia" he read out loud. this was what snapped odette back to reality.
⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
"i don't think he's just younger in body. i think he's younger in mind, too" deaton explained. derek hale had woken up and ran away from the clinic, injuring deaton in the process. "he didn't recognize either of us" lydia said as she wrapped deaton's arm up. "and he was scared out of his mind"
"so if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where would you go?"
"a wolf goes back to its den" said scott. "but derek lives in a loft" replied isaac. "he didn't when he was a teenager" said his twin. "the hale house?" asked lydia. "but he doesn't remember the fire. it wouldn't have happened yet"
"we have to find him before anyone else does" said the alpha. "and say we do find him. what are you going to say to him? that his whole family's dead? adult derek may be a dick, but right now he's just a kid" spoke the brunette.
"i guess i'll tell him"
"good luck with that"
⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
"i want you to be honest to me" noah spoke as he looked in between the four teens that stood in front of him in his office. "absolutely and completely honest...have you been time traveling?"
"hang on, what?" his son replied, as scott furrowed his eyebrows and the twins giggled to themselves, moving their heads down in sync as they stifled their laughs. "because if time traveling is real, you know what? i'm out! i'm done, you're gonna be driving me to eichen house!"
"we found him like that"
"where? swimming in the fountain of youth?!"
"no, we found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane....in an aztec temple in mexico in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake..."
"you told me you went camping!"
"yeah we were!...in-it was in mexico..."
the man lifted his finger, so much rage yet no words being able to come out his mouth. "i would like to point out that i'm a good child and did not go" the four men turned to look at the girl who was smiling. it fell once she saw it didn't humor the three. "sorry" she apologized in a stiles like manner. the alpha turned back to the sheriff, "he's been aged backwards. he can't remember anything"
"we just need to talk to him" the alpha told the man. "yeah, so far, he's not talking to anybody." he replied. the wolves looked back towards the derek child. "he'll talk to me" he confidently said.
"why would i go anywhere with you?" derek spoke. he was now in the office alone with the three wolves. "there was an accident" the alpha started. "you lost your memory but we can help you get it back"
"how much of my memory?"
"a lot. but you can trust us" he assured, kneeling down to his level. he flashed his ruby red eyes. "you're an alpha" odette looked back to stiles who was looking at his father's desk. he slid a piece of mail that was over another to read it clearly. both teens read over the red letters on the pink slip. 'second notice'. from eichen house.
when stiles was possessed by void, deaton was momentarily able to put the fox away. during the time where stiles was actually himself, he made the decision of taking himself into eichen. a mental institute. it seems the nightmare that was void was coming back to haunt them.
her attention was turned back to the hale boy when he started to raise his voice. "okay, who are you? and who are they?" this snapped stiles out his mind. he turned back to the beta, "oh, we're the guys keeping you out of jail."
"let us help you"
"okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there. you need to listen to us, and that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf-man, you got that?"
"i'm fine as long as its not a full moon."
"you still have trouble with the full moon?" odette asked. she knew how hard a full moon could be. she normally couldn't control herself so she couldn't imagine a 15 year old. it was almost a trigger in her. an instinct to ask. a motherly one. this might be the grumpy, no happy, always having something to say derek hale, but right now he was just a kid. a scared kid who didn't know where his family was. and it gave the girl all more reason to want to help him.
"i said i'm fine."
"all right, you coming with us or not?"
"you want me to trust you? where's my family?" the three looked towards each other. "there was a fire" scott began. odette could already saw the pain in his eyes. there was no way odette wanted him to know the truth now. so she spoke before scott could continue.
"they're fine. everyone was able to make it out in time. except you. that's why you can't remember anything. the department had gotten the call. they're not in beacon hills because they think the fire wasn't an accident." all three boys were caught of guard and look in between each other.
they watched as the girl walked over to the boy, kneeling down to his level. "what they do know is that you're with us and they trust us to look after you. that's why you should trust us. because they do. we're going to take you back to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back. i promise"
the three boys looked at each other, looks on their faces. odette was never the type to step up. nor would she ever been nice to derek hale, kid or not. she enjoyed annoying him much more. so why was this different? the hale boy sighed, trusting the girl. he smelled the pure comfort and care radiating off of her. he nodded his head, looking back to scott. "okay."