Chapter Nineteen: Heated

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The restaurant Claudia picked was one Almenira had never even heard of.  Unsurprisingly as well, since the price tag on most things was something no average college student had any business of even entertaining. Though, Almenira supposed she wasn't just an average college student any longer and probably never was.

She was basically Cinderella in fact, if Cinderella was a mob princess and lesbian.


They drove for an half hour to escape the suburban oppression that was identical colonial houses and community bake sales. As they drove, Almenira imagined that Claudia would just keep driving. And Almenira would watch in silence as they passed town line after town line, never once questioning where they were going but knowing that they would be alone and together and that was enough for her.

But they only drove as far as the metropolitan city that was a few miles out from town. The restaurant was on the top floor of a tower that Almenira didn't have the chance to determine the entire purpose of before Claudia swept her into an elevator.

"I remember promising a dinner date?" The woman had said a few hours before and Almenira blushed at the memory, then began to recant the promise.

"Oh, don't you even start. It's the least I can do to make everything up to you. I'll make sure it's a bon a fide date too. Dresses and cocktails."

Now Almenira was planted stiffly in a dim, fairly bustling room.

She stared blankly at the menu, many items were written in French... or perhaps it was Italian? Either way she had no idea what anything actually looked like. But Claudia studied the menu studiously so Almenira pretended to be deeply enthralled by the options as well.

"Good evening, may I get you started on refreshments this evening?" Almenira is startled by the saccharine voice that comes from a slender brunette waitress with elvish features.

Claudia lifted her eyes, unperturbed, and gave a slight eyebrow raise that silently asked Almenira if she had anything in mind.

"Oh— erm..." Almenira's eyes flitted down to the menu, combing over the too-long words with too many accents in a panic.

"How about classic lemonade? I'll have Pinot Grigio, thank you."

Claudia offered a courteous smile to their waitress and Almenira took notice of the affection behind the smile the waitress returned.

Instead of a twinge of jealousy or possessiveness, Almenira could only sympathize. Claudia could charm her way to get the nuclear codes. Almenira understood completely, being enchanted by even her simplest actions.

The spell was broken once the waitress turned away from the blonde woman to collect Almenira's menu. She presented Almenira with a smile, of course, but it was the kind that was meant to be polite and nothing else. And Almenira couldn't be mad at that. Compared to Claudia, she was little more than a shadow that followed closely behind

Almenira gave a diffident smile towards her date, silently thanking her for helping her save face. She awkwardly cleared her throat, unsure of where to focus her attention now that she couldn't bury her face in an undeciperable menu. She talked to Claudia more nowadays than she has spoken to her own best friend, so why was it so nerve-wracking to fraternize with the woman when they were out in public?

Claudia quietly observed her fidgeting with a mellow gaze before she took pity on her sudden loss of how to function. "How're your studies going, dear?"

"Oh!" The relief she felt to be spoken to first was heard apparently through her exclamation. "They're going well, actually. Now that I don't have my Principles of Finance class, my workload has been a lot more manageable. Whatever happened to my old professor, I can't thank the universe enough."

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