The school bell rang, indicating classes were done for the day. All day I anticipated for it to be over. I was now in the fourth grade. I took my bag and all my belongings in my hand not wanting to waste any more time in getting out.
Instead of going home, I go to my favorite place. It was a lake just behind the school. Everyday, I would go there alone. I would sit down and sometimes throw pieces of bread into the water and watch how the ducks would race for it. The cool breeze from the trees and silence just made it so perfect. It was a place I went that didn't make me tense or feel like I had to belong. Lying on the mat I had brought with me with my eyes closed inhaling the scent of nature, I heard footsteps from behind. One voice I despise the most sounded and once you hear that female's voice you'll know instantly that there were two more.
"Hey Raidne"
"What do you want now Lexxi"
"Oh, well we just wanted to say hi, you know" Brianna, her right hand man said.
"Ooo, what do we have here" Lexxi said walking towards my bad and picked up from the ground my keyholder with a little teddy bear I took from granny.
"Awww....isn't this cute, how about it went down the lake" Lexxi said, circling the keyholder in her index finger.
"Lexxi, don't. Just let me be, is that too much to ask? bye"
"Lexxi, don't you think that's too much " Dierrie said.
Dierrie seemed to have been the nicest amongst the three, one would have thought she was forced to hang out with the two.
Lexxi was a really smart girl with rich parents who probably didn't have her time, but she liked to be sassy and intimidating, like trying to prove she wasn't a nerd.
Brianna was just a nutcase, follows Lexxi around like her handbag. She was basically a yes-man.
Lexxi, lets just get rid of it, anyways whats a fourth grader doing with a teddy she laughed walking towards Lexxi as she threw the keyholder at the edge. As I bent down to pick the keyholder right before it would have fallen, Brianna pushed me in and ran away with her friends, giggling.
After I must have drank enough water and my stomach was now bloated like a little 5months old pregnant lady, I felt the wooden plank and tried climbing up with my small figure. I saw a little hand lemme help I gave my hand only because I was tired of drinking unpurified water. The little girl pulled me up.
Dierrie what are doing here?
I came back to help you, im sory for what they did to you
Like I care. Okay, thank you, please go
im sorry
just- I said lifting my free hand to pause her as I packed my things.
Just great now ill have to walk home soaked. My dad never brought me to school or picked my up. Probably forgot that I was around.
I waked into the house, barefoot, I ran upstairs to take a shower. "hey Devin" he barked in response. I had always wondered how he felt since granny passed away. I always took him on walks as much as I could or go to granny's grave. Living in my dad's house had been....I don't even know , its just there. Atleast I had the house to myself, living with the staff.
"Honey what would you like for dinner" my nanny, Ms. Claire asked me as I came downstairs.
" We have-"
"don't worry, i'll just order pizza, thank you"
"Okay dear, call me if you need me"
" no problem". I said as I slumped on the couch awaiting the pizza guy's arrival.
Devin barked at me weakly. "hey boy, come here" I said patting the space beside me. " you alright" he laid on my lap as I pat his head gently while watching tv. I would say living with my dad, actually living in my dads house wasn't bad or good. it was just the luxury part of it that made it seem good.
I visited granny's grave every now and then, told her everything going on while she wasn't around. I would even imagine the words of comfort she would have given me, which was the only thing I would use to encourage myself. it was the most difficult time of my life. So I thought.
During lunch, I usually sat by myself until Lexxi and friends, more like Barney and friends came up to my excluded table and sat. Not paying them any attention. We sat together while they talked. Getting really uncomfortable, I stood up with my food tray to get to another table, suddenly I felt something all liquid and mushy wash down my body, face to shoes. Immediately, I knew who did it.
" oh my gosh, I am so not sorry " Brianna chuckled as Lexxi recorded with her phone, laughing. Everyone laughed, taking pictures and videos. well to them it was funny.
I was embarrassed, humiliated. I could dig my vey own grave right now.
I ran out to the washroom to get myself cleaned, taking out the food from my curls and wiping my face and my shirt already stained from strawberry milkshake. UGGGGGHHHH...
I walked out of the school premises not like anyone would notice I was gone. About heading to my favorite place, someone called.
"Raidne, wait up"
And there he was, the one and only Theodore Rivers. Everyone loved him , to the girls, boys, teachers, coach, even the Principal. That was the first time anyone gave me attention in school or even called my name. Well except my BELOVED FRIENDS.
"umm... Theodore? "
"yeah, are you okay"
That question went through my head all year long.
" yeah, im fine, thank you"
" im really sorry about what happened in there, was just checking up on you, okay then bye, I've got practice" he waved as he jogged back into the premises.
This had better me a dream, I spoke to myself. Theodore checking on me, I should have probably thanked darling Bri for this. THEODORE RIVERS!!!!