Kate and Phoebe have been rivals their entire life starting with the fact they are sisters. But when both of their studios are on losing streaks. The pair have no choice but to merge studios in the hope they have A Fighting Chance
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"Right let's get started" Michelle said as our 5 walked into Studio B, I won't lie. The combination of people in this room was something I wasn't too sure on. You have Stephanie who seemed over the top confident like nothing could touch her without shattering into a million pieces Like she was the best thing to walk through these doors Then you have Riley, she's the opposite. She's shy, reserved. She was cautious, with this slight mystery to her She wasn't an easily open book like the rest of her team
"And how exactly are we going to get started?" Stephanie asked crossing her arms over her chest "What do you mean?" I asked "I mean, we don't know you. We don't trust you enough for anything" She said making the three of us look at her confused before Riley gave her a nudge
"Riley don't" Stephanie said snapping her head around to making Riley instantly bow her head
"I don't think you stand a chance" Stephanie said before turning on her heel walking out the door
Riley stood there looking at the door in shock, I don't think she even saw that coming "I uh" She started before turning to us "I don't really know what just happened?" Riley continued making the ending sound like a question
"It's alright, we've dealt with enough divas in our time" West said flipping his imaginary hair over his shoulder making Riley giggle lightly "We aren't all like them I swear" She said biting her lip lightly "I reckon you and the boys are alright, the other girls though are questionable" Michelle said making Riley nod "Emily and the girls have always been the 'best of the best'" She said putting it in quotations "But she let it get to her head a long time ago" Riley said rolling her eyes
"And what about you?" I asked making her look in my direction for a second before she shrugged "What about me?" She rebutted "What's your story?" I questioned "I'm her little sister" Riley answered
"That isn't what I asked" I chuckled making West smirk in my direction "I don't have a story yet. I'm always just Emily's little sister" she explained
"Yet" Michelle said grabbing everyone's attention "Your story will start soon Riley, this place could easily be the first destination" She smiled making Riley copy her smile before nodding
Before anyone could say anything else the door flew open revealing Stephanie again, this time she was a little less flustered and her hair was tied back while she had a look of disgust on her face One that I reckon we'll be seeing a lot more of..
The moment she walked back into the room, Riley closed off again, almost like she was fitting back into a mould that she has been forced to take to One I think we could all see she didn't need to fit into
"Let's get this over with" Stephanie said rolling her eyes as she rejoined us
The following day I walked into the Studio an hour earlier then everyone else, Tuesday final periods are usually my free periods. So I tend to just come here But from the sound of Studio, I'm not the only one with that on the agenda
I looked into Studio A to see Riley in the middle of a solo and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect anything like that to come from her
Part of my figured she only danced when she was told to, but this was something else. Like she was dancing for herself It was pretty refreshing if I'm honest
Riley came to a finish allowing me to stand up gently clapping. I knew it wouldn't spook her after all she saw me walk in midway through offering me a small smile "That was incredible" I said looking at the breathless Riley passing her the water bottle on the side "Thanks, it still needs a lot of work though" She explained taking a sip of the water
I shook my head looking at her "I think you should stop doubting yourself for starters" I chuckled as the pair of us walked over to the bench
"What are you doing here anyway?" Riley asked looking up at the clock, in about 30-40 minutes we would be rudely interrupted by the rest of the team And part of me wishes that wasn't the case
Like I'd said previously, Riley is this closed of book but the closer I get, the more conversations we have, the more I want to read
"I have a free period so-" I started "You use the free period to let our a little steam" Riley smiled with a little chuckle "Same for you?" I asked making her nod
She tucked a strange behind her ear before sighing again looking out onto the floor again, something was clearly playing on the back of her mind With in a second she started biting her lip which from what I've seen in the last 24 hours, it's her tell for when she's anxious
"Are you alright?" I asked making Riley blink a few times as if she was snapping back into reality "Yeah" She said attempting to send me a smile
"You sure? You don't know me but you can talk to me, no judgement" I said nudging her earning a soft chuckle as she began to swing her legs looking back out onto the floor "Why do I reckon it's something to do with that sister of yours?" I asked making Riley look at me instantly taken back It was only then that I had realised I had hit the nail on the head first attempt "What's the overly confident blonde done now?" I asked making Riley roll her eyes at the nickname
"It's nothing" She said making her shoulder shrug before remaining hung low as she began to fiddle with the hem of her shirt "Now I know that isn't true" I said
"She seems to have it in her head that I'm naive, I'm too soft to make it through this team" She said making me look at her with a furrowed brow "she thinks I'm not good enough. That the only reason I'm here is because I'm her little sister" She continued which only infuriated me a little bit more
I'm not one for people belittling people to make themselves feel better And that was clearly what was going on here Riley is no lesser then Emily, in fact Riley could run Emily out of town if she truly wanted to but Emily knows that Emily does this to keep Riley at arms length, she does it to make sure Riley wouldn't ever do anything
But I think that could all change
"That's not true, from what I've seen today. I reckon you are level with if not better then your sister" I said offering a smile, Riley looked at me a little confused "I don't-" She started but I shrugged "it's just my opinion. You don't need to listen to me at all" I said making her continue to listen to every single word "I reckon if you were to step out of this comfort zone she's put you in Riley, you would be pleasantly surprised to see what you could accomplish" I said