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"My whole life you rearranged, my outlook on love have changed."

- Honey bee by Diana Ross and The Supremes.

The faintest smell of pancakes filtered into Tori's bedroom the next morning

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The faintest smell of pancakes filtered into Tori's bedroom the next morning. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the surprising smell. Slowly she opened her eyes, taking a moment to stretch as she shuffled to the end of the bed. She looked to the other side of the bed, frowning at the absence of her mate.

Opening the door to her room, caused the amber-eyed girl to squint her eyes at the harsh stream of daylight that slapped her in the face. Her arm covered her eyes as she left the room and began walking down the hallway. She cursed the Cullens windowed design of the house only for this reason.

Tori descended the stairs, the smell of fresh maple syrup-covered pancakes luring her to the kitchen. Despite seeing the large stack of pancakes of the isle, a frown made it's way onto her face at the lack of company. As she approached, she caught sight of a small piece of paper laying beside her plate and cutlery. She took a seat at the bar table, picking up the piece of paper as she stabbed her pancakes with the other.

Good morning Tori, We are sorry we won't be home when you wake up. We are making arrangements for our leave later today, we will be back shortly. Edward stayed home to ensure you wouldnt be alone. I hope you enjoy your breakfast dear.

Love Esme

Tori smiles, feeling a little sense of relief. It was sweet of Esme to make her breakfast despite not being here. She felt cared for. A smile made it's way onto her lips as she forked another mouthful of pancakes.

The silence was surprisingly calming. Her mind began to wonder about how the day would unravel. The Cullens were handing in last-minute resignation letters to their work and school, as well as making arrangements with flights. Tori hummed in thought, trying to avoid the sadness that threatened to overtake her happy mood as she thought on how to address her leaving, to her loved ones. The pack wasn't much of a concern, considering she could come to visit when she deemed fit. She would give Paul a call later before leaving, wishing him well and to inform Sam of her temporary leave. She would ask to meet with Angela in person. The kindhearted girl deserved a goodbye in person, she meant a lot to Tori.

Bella was the difficult goodbye. Tori sighed as she thought about the reasoning. If Tori were to tell Bella she was leaving, before Edward had the chance to, it could cause more heartache for him than needed. On the other hand, after Edward has bid goodbye, she couldn't begin to imagine how Bella would react. He was her world. Tori didn't think it would be wise to show up after her heart gets broke, to add to the pain.

Her appetite was suddenly lost as the realisation dorned. She couldn't say goodbye to Bella. Not in person, not today. She would have to tell her a few days later, once she had already left. Tori tried to reason with the optimistic side. Bella would be safe. She would have a future with the possibility of children and grandchildren. She could live a human life.

Tori rose from her seat, cleaning up her mess before making her way back upstairs. Edward was here, to make sure she wasn't all alone in their large house. She had yet to hear a sound from him. Tori approached his closed bedroom door. A wave of nervousness washed over her as she raised her hand, knocking on the wooden door gently.

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There was no reply. Not even a sound could be heard from his room, though she knew he was in there. She smiled pitifully, it was the most punishing for him. He had brought Bella into his world, and now he had to rip it away, to protect her. The love of his life.

I'm here for you Eddie.

Tori opened her mind to him, before turning back to the staircase, taking the next flight of stairs upwards.

Tori began to get ready for the day ahead, entering her bathroom. The hot water created a mass of steam that filled the room. She slipped into the shower once disgarding her clothing. A sigh left her lips as the boiling hot water rained down on her, relaxing her tense shoulders swiftly. Like most people, her mind was one that liked wonder to random places as she showered. Her thinking space. It wasn't a surprise when her thoughts drifted towards the honey-blonde man who had burrowed his way into her heart. A familiar tune sprung to mind as she imagined his perfectly chiseld face and posture. (Song above).

"When I first saw you standin' there, temptation filled your smile." She smiled as she pictured him in her mind, her eyes closing as she focused.

"I had to hold onto my heart, but you were so peristent, you wore down my resistance." Her grin grew as she imagined his dazzling smirk. Her body began to sway slightly as she grabbed her soap and sponge.

"Honeybee, you're such a part of me, honeybee, keep on stingin' me."

She sighed as the cold soap washed over her skin.

"You started a fever burnin' deep inside of me, since you stung me with your sweet love."
Her hands moved to her head, massaging the shampoo against her scalp, enjoying the feeling.

"My whole life you rerranged, my outlook on love has changed." Tori hummed the rest of the song as she stepped out the shower, turning the water off. The smile never left her face as images of Jasper's smile filled her mind, memories seeming to play one after the other.

"This taste of honey you've given me, has sweetened all my bitterness, and finally pushed my fears aside." Grabbing the towel off the rail, she began to dry her body gently.

"In return, I'll send in your direction, all my sweet love and affection."

A sigh left her lips as she came back to reality, her body clean and soft, dried by the fluffy towel. She wrapped it around herself before leaving the bathroom, walking across the hall to her bedroom. She drew open the curtains, fed Banjo and got herself dressed within half-an hour.

Today she had decided to wear a white long-sleeved top that had different colored butterflies all around. She tucked her top into a deep blue denim skirt accompanied by a pair of white converse on her feet. She decided to style her hair straight, with slight waves at the ends. Just as she was finishing up with her hair, she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in!" She called, turning slightly in her seat to see who was there. A sweet-smiling Esme appeared at the doorway. Tori returned the smile, beckoning her mother-like figure to come in. Esme obliged, moving to stand behind the girl.

"Morning Tori, how was breakfast?" She places soft cold hands on her shoulders as she watches Tori brush the ends of her hair. She smiled up at her reflection in the mirror opposite them.

"It was delicious, thank you. And thank you for leaving the note, I really appreciate it." Esme's smile widened at her words, nodding in response.

"We have everything set to go. We will be staying with our cousins in Alaska until we can find somewhere for us to settle. We have plane tickets booked for later this evening." Esme paused as she squeezed her shoulders affectionately. "There are tickets for you and Jasper if you wish to join us." Tori grinned up at the woman.

She placed her hairbrush back on the dressing table, before swivelling on her seat. She jumped to her feet, surprising Esme as she threw her arms around her waist.

"Thank you Esme. I'm not sure what Jasper has planned, but whereas he goes, I will go."
Esme smiled, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

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