Chapter 5: Serena's Goal

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Hundreds of spectators anxiously waited inside the Jubilife city's contest hall auditorium while many more watched via television across Sinnoh and even some other regions.

"Presenting our next finalist, Coordinator, and Performer, Serena!!!" The announcer cried to roaring applause.

Four spotlights lit up the center stage, first revealing six Pokemon, all masterfully dressed up in blue and white adornments that didn't restrict their movement whatsoever. The team included Delphox, Pancham, Sylveon, Absol, Roserade, and Charizard. Each Pokemon's attire varied slightly, but Absol and Charizard's were particularly unique as each had a glittering stone, unlike any others. Absol wore his on a ring around one of his front right paws, while Charizard had hers attached to a distinct handkerchief tied up into a bow on her head.

At last, the spotlights revealed Serena herself, standing directly in the center of her Pokemon. The performer wore a similar dress as her Pokemon and was done up in a distinct Sinnoh style, much to her audience's delight.

"Let's go!!" Serena held her hand out, and the Pokemon began their routine to the sound of music.

"Grauuu!!" Charizard spun herself while flying up and over Serena, then unleashed a fire spin.

"Phox!" Delphox took Serena by the hands and began a passionate dance with her trainer, all the while using Psychic to control Charizard's fire spin, causing the flames to move in more artistic patterns around them, adding a fiery flair to their dance.

"Dark Pulse, Petal Dance!"


"Rade!" Pancham and Roserade used their moves without interrupting their dancing, both moves perfectly colliding to give the rose petals a gleaming aura.

"Night slash!" Serena touched a keystone embedded in her ring, and Absol emerged as Mega Absol.

"Sol!!!" Mega Absol's appearance already whipped the audience into a frenzy, which only grew when they saw him slash through the fire and dark petals, carrying them around himself and the other team members.

By then, Pancham and Roserade joined in Serena's dance, each taking their turn with her while Mega Absol moved through the openings. The judges and audience members alike sat in awe at the sheer level of coordination Serena's team displayed. Normally a skilled coordinator would have an extremely well-choreographed routine with precise movements and desired effects, or they'd use a more passionate freestyle. Each had its merits and took great expertise. However, Serena seemed to pull off both styles together, leaving the judges speechless.

However, Serena hadn't even revealed her real trump card yet. The spectators went silent when Serena raised her arms again, revealing that her dress had a wingsuit's glider attachments. She then touched a second keystone embedded into her necklace, and within moments, Charizard emerged as Mega Charizard Y.

"Hurricane!" Serena's other Pokemon cleared away, and Charizard Y lifted her up with the powerful winds. Serena spread her dress's wings and glided across them as if dancing in the sky. All the while, Hurricane carried all of the pedals into the air around her.

Finally, Serena reached Charizard Y herself and joined hands as they began a fiery dance together in midair, spinning, gliding, and climbing. As this happened, the pedals continued to consolidate until each of Serena's Pokemon on the ground unleashed a move into them.

"Heat Wave!!"

"Grauu!!" Charizard Y's fiery wind into the pedals simultaneously with the others' moves, which then exploded into glittering bursts like fireworks. Serena and Charizard Y flew down together, landing and posing with her other Pokemon.

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