Chapter 5

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I watched as a little Shu walked hand in hand with the little girl. He looked so happy I like he does now. "Shu! Look it's a kitty!" The little girl dragged Shu over to the the white kitten with brown, black, and grey spots.

The little girl let go of Shu's hand and kneeled down in front of the kitten. "Mew mew mew." The little girl said to the kitten and the kitten seemed to understand since it responded. "Meow mew mew." The girl said back when the kitten responded. I looked at Shu who was staring at this girl in awe.

The little girl stood up with the kitten in hand and looked at Shu. "Shu kun meet Yuki. Mew mew meow." Shu smiled and started petting the kitten behind the ear. "Hello yuki." The kitten purred and responded with a simple meow. The little girl smiled. "She said she likes you Shu kun." She then put the kitten down and it ran off. "I think it's time we go back." Shu said grabbed her hand and they walked away.

I had barely noticed we were in the middle of the woods. I noticed a shadow to the left and tried to go over there but my feet wouldn't move. My vision blurred and my eyelids became heavy. Then darkness consumed me with the same voice at the end. "Soon my beautiful darkness."


I groaned as the teacher was annoyingly tapping my desk with the ruler. "Miss. Kagame wake up." I knew by what she said she didn't here me groan. My right hand reached out and grabbed the ruler throwing it across the room to hit this girl in the head. "Shut up your so loud." I said with an emotionless voice.

"Out!" The teacher yelled at me pointing to the door. "I'm sorry I'm not a cat." She glared at me and roughly grabbed my elbow lifting me up an throwing me out of the class literally. I stood in front of the door for a bit before starting to walk down the hall.

As I walked aimlessly down the hall I noticed a little kitten walking towards me. Awe. It's so cute. I've always had a soft spot for cats and it was the only time I really smiled. "Mew mew (hello there)" the kitten said. "Mew mew mew mew.(hello how are you?" I responded. "Meow! Meow mew mew mew mew?! (how! Did you understand me?!)" the kitten asked shocked and I responded that I've always been able to understand cats.

The kitten nodded and we continued talking for a bit that I didn't notice a certain brother standing behind me. "Kagem?" I grabbed the kitten in my arms and turned around to face the eldest brother, Shuu. "Hello Shu do you need something?" I said as he looked at me almost as if he saw a ghost.

"Mew mew mew meow? (Is he your boyfriend?)" the kitten asked making me blush. "Mew! Mew mew mew! (No! No he's not!)" I continued talking to the kitten until Shuu coughed bringing us out of our conversation. "Schools over its time to go." He said before turning around and walking away. "Mew (bye)" the kitten said jumping out of my arms and running off somewhere. I sighed and walked to the limo.

Once inside I sat in between ayato and Yui. "Kagem is that cat hair?" Yui asked pulling off a piece of cat hair from my uniform. "So what if it is? It doesn't concern you of what I do." I said coldly my kindness with the kitten long gone.

"Why are you so mean to me?!" Yui said with tears threatening to spill out. "I would say take a guess but your an absolute oblivious idiot." Tears fell from Yui's eyes. "Doll-chan you made Bitch-chan cry." Laito said and I made a tch noise. "Like I care." I said and noticed Shu kept his heated stare on me for a while until he closed his eyes.


I internally groaned as Yui kept knocking my rooms door. "Kagem we need to talk!" She said her voice slightly cracking. "Bloody hell leave me alone you bratty girl!" I responded as the temptation of jumping off the balcony became stronger. "No please Kagem!" I groaned and opened the door.

"In before I change my mind." I said slamming the door shut after she walked in. "Thank you Kagem." "Shut up. What do you want?" Tears framed Yui's eyes.

"Why are you so mean to me! I haven't done anything to you! Why do you hate me!" Yui yelled at me tears streaming down her face. I stared are her coldly. "Your the reason for my abuse." I said so coldly it made her shiver.

The loud noises must have caught the attention of the brothers because all six were in my room once those words left my mouth. "What do you mean?! I've done nothing to you!" I glared at her and slowly was losing me cool.

"Yeah I now your the fucking perfect bitch every fucking fool łôvêś and adores." She flitches at me harsh voice. "The girl that the man-whore loved to death and the sluts enjoyed teaching things two. Well guess what bitch not everyone got the same fucking treatment from them." She shook her head. "NO THATS NOT TRUE FATHER AND THE NUNS ARENT LIKE THAT!"

I started laughing at the words that came out of her mouth. "Well seems as if you've been living in a fairytale. Well sorry for the harsh wake up call but 'father' was a man-whore sleeping around with the 'nuns' or in other words sluts. And to add to that they abused me 24/7 when you weren't around to see!"

The brothers and Yui stared at me in shock as I told them this. "No that's not true were never a..abused." She said still in shock. I lifted her up by the collar of her shirt and threw her across the room. "I. Hate.You. Fucking bitch. Where were you when I was crying myself to sleep? Almost bleeding to death!! Tell me whore! Where were you when I needed you! I have always been there for you!"

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I wouldn't allow them. I am strong and I have the battle scars to prove it. "Ouch.." Yui tries to stand up but falls back down clearly when she fell she twisted her ankle. "Oh is the poor defenseless baby hurt? Well boo fucking Hoo. Go burn in hell." I said walking over to her picking her up by the collar again. This time instead of throwing her like I wanted to. I walked to the door and put her out in the hallway crying.

"Tch. Your so weak." I said slamming the door shut. I turned around to face the 6 vampires in the room staring me down. Laito was in front of me whipping away the single tear that fell down. I slapped her hand away. "Out." He frowned at me. "Your so cold doll-chan." He said and then he disappeared.

4 vampires were in my room at the moment only laito and Ayato weren't here. "Your manners are unacceptable and your terribly rude you will be punished later." Reiji said before disappearing along with Subaru and Kanato who didn't say a word.

The only person left was Shuu. "Are you going to leave to?" I asked softly that you can barely hear. "Is that why you have scars on your wrist and thighs?" He asked nonchalantly. I nodded and went to lay down next to him on the bed. "Yes most are from them the others are self inflicted." I said looking at him with emotionless look. He didn't say anything and in a blink of an eye he was on top of me pinning me underneath him.

"So it was your blood I smelled that one day." He whispered in my ear then moved his head down to my neck. I knew it would useless to try and resist him so I allowed what happened next to happen. He moved the collar of my shirt down revealing my neck. He licked it making me shutter slightly in disgust. Then his fangs pierced my neck.

It was painful but I didn't make a sound. "Your blood its sweeter then your sisters." He said pulling away then biting down again and again until I was to the point of passing out from blood loss. "Shuu. Stop..." I whispered out before darkness consumed me.

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