•~°Dating?°~• |Chapter 11

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|No One's POV|

Darryl and Zak were walking in the halls talking to each other like they used too, while the others kept following them (Zak and Darryl have no idea that they were being followed.)
"Sooo, did you like the kiss?" Zak asked teasingly, but Darryl didn't care and just had the confidence to say yes "so what if I did like it? When I literally kissed you first you literally said how soft my lips are, so now I wanna yes" Darryl responded with full of confidence "would you like more?~" Zak asked teasingly again "I don't mind" Darryl responded cackling "oh, well then I'm not giving you any" Zak spoke trying to hold back his laughter "aww, we'll see about that. I don't even know if you won't miss my lips, you literally WANTED to hold hands earlier idiot" Darryl responded "hmm, fair point. But still-" Darryl cutted Zak by pecking on him on the lips. "I'm gonna go buy me a drink, I'm THIRSTY." Darryl spoke giggling "yeah I sure would want more kisses, I can't stop missing them now" Zak spoke teasingly while giggling. "Whatever, let's get a drink!" Darryl responded and dragged Zak with him.

While they were gone the others were very shocked at what they had just seen..

"ARE THEY ACTUALLY DATING?!" Niki shouted in pure shock "I.. guess?--" velvet responded, they all looked at Alex who was devistated. "You okay there Alex?" Antfrost asked tapping Alex on the shoulder but Alex then walked away angrily.. "aw man, poor Alex.." Velvet mumbled "so.. who's gonna ask them if they're dating?" Niki asked "I'll be doing it, since im pretty close to Darryl" Cara responded "am I the only one that finds it cute?--" George asked "nope, infact I do find it cute too but I'm just worried about Alex" antfrost spoke "to be honest in the first place they actually looked like they like each other, like.. I've heard about Darryl's mother saying that he kept crying all the time because y'know.." Cara spoke

•×°Time Skip°×•

A few hours have passed Zak and Darryl were cuddling and watching a movie in the couch until they heard someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it" Zak spoke standing up and opened the door, it was Darryl's friends (also his) and George. "Oh, hey guys! What brings you here?" Zak asked "uh, we wanted to ask a question--.. well- I wanna ask a question" Cara responded "alright.. come inside!" Zak spoke but it was only cara who went inside "yo, come in!" Zak spoke abit confused-- "nah we're just uh gonna be here--" antfrost spoke "okay, you can come in if you want I'll leave the door opened" Zak responded and followed Cara and so did Darryl.

"What's wrong?" Darryl asked confused "so, don't get me wrong.. but we followed you earlier.. and.." cara muttered "YOU DID WHAT?!" Darryl shouted "are you two like.. (👉👈)?" Cara asked which cause the tow to blush a little "no? We aren't what do you mean?" Darryl asked "well we saw you kiss Zak on the lips, AND SO NOW WE FIGURE OUT that you two.. made out in the God damn bathroom I really thought you two were really using the bathroom but instead you both MAKE OUT" Cara spoke "i-- we don't know..?" Darryl mumbled "so what you're saying is you two are just.. friends with benefits?" Cara asked "we DONT know-- we really don't.." Darryl mumbled "yeah, we don't know..yet" Zak spoke teasingly "just say that you both like each other, ITS NOT THAT HARD" Cara spoke "we already did--" Darryl spoke awkwardly "i- then you two ARE together" "WE DON'T KNOWWWWW" Darryl spoke a bit frustrated "maybe we are?" Zak spoke "yeah you both definitely are dstingz you guys have been holding hands, flirting with each other and now MADE OUT WHATS NEXT HAVE SEX?" Cara asked "LANGUAGE, AND NO WHAT?!" Darryl shouted all flustered "just admit that you both wanna be together because I CANNOT. Stand PEOPLE STRUGGLING WITH LOVE." Cara spoke "i- bro we literally were just watching a movie now we're shouting--" Zak spoke "I don't know anymore-- in pretty sleepy I'm gonna go and sleep night!" Darryl spoke ofcourse he was excusing himself to get out of this mess. Leaving Zak all alone with Cara ofcourse he was eaves dropping in the door to hear what they were talking about "So what do you mean by, 'yet'?~" Cara asked teasingly "hmm, I don't know." Zak spoke "whatever we're leaving" Cara spoke and left with the others "okay--" Zak spoke to himself.


it was now all quiet and the sweet mood was now gone, it was just silent. He wanted to check on Darryl but he didn't wanna bother him.
Suddenly Darryl's door opened and he peaked asking Zak if they were gone. "Yep, they are." Zak spoke looking at his phone, ofcourse the movie was paused "wanna continue watching?" Darryl asked smiling "sure, come here" Zak spoke, Darryl scooched in and cuddled close to Zak. "I bet you were listening to our conversation weren't you?" Zak asked cackling "sooo.. are we actually dating?.." Darryl asked all flustered "I mean.. if you'd want too we can~" Zak responded "so.. were dating now?" Darryl asked "sure, guess were dating now" Zak responded and kissed Darryl on the forehead.


The next day came by and it is now Friday, Zak and Darryl prepared as usual and went to school.
"Soooo, what do you wanna do today?" Darryl asked while holding Zak's hand "I don't know, how about you?" Zak asked while looking at his phone to Darryl. "Hmm, nothing either.. maybe later we can go to the cinemas with the others?" Darryl responded back "sure, you pick the movie that you guys like" Zak spoke, and Darryl cheered "you're the best!" "By the way, how are you and Alex going? Have you guys talked?" Zak asked putting his phone back to his pocket "no, we haven't really talked but we'll invite him to the cinemas! Is that okay with you?" Darryl spoke giving a soft smile to Zak "mhm, I'm alright with it as long as no one hurts you" Zak responded and smiled, Darryl smiled back and they continued walking until they reached the school.


Darryl and Zak was walking until the others caught on them. "Hey guys! How's the lovebirds doing~" Cara spoke teasingly while giggling "hm, nothing we were just planning on going to the cinemas tonight. Speaking of the cinemas would you guys like to join?" Darryl asked "sure! We'd love too" Cara responded back "by the way, uh Darryl can we talk? Privately?.." Alex asked "oh uh sure". After Darryl agreed they both went somewhere where no one can hear them. Zak got curious but he didn't wanna follow them since he y'know didn't want Darryl to hate him.

Meanwhile with Darryl and Alex..

"Hey Darryl.. can you please.. give me a second chance? I promise I'll treat you better! Please?.." Alex begged and begged trying to convince Darryl but Darryl already have someone.. "I'm sorry Alex.. I can't.. and please don't be mad but, I only went out with you because I didn't wanna hurt you.. I didn't want you crying.. I didn't want you to hate me.." Darryl mumbled "SO? YOURE JUST GONNA REPLACE ME WITH THAT BASTARD?! IVE BEEN YOUR BEST FRIEND DARRYL! IVE LITERALLY BEEN HERE WHILE YOU WERE GETTING BEATEN UP I ALWAYS DEFEND YOU. YOU. AND NOW YOURE GONNA REPLACE ME WITH SOMEONE WHO LITERALLY BEAT YOU HALF TO DEATH!?" Alex shouted.. he sounded so furious.. Zak and the others heard that and wanted to check it out but it felt like they couldn't move.. "I'm sorry Alex.. but I already know the truth.. he never meant any of those.. he never wanted to hurt me.. I'm very sorry but we can still be friends!" Darryl spoke nervously "AND NOW YOURE SORRY? SERIOUSLY DARRYL? I BEEN HERE WITH.. YOU. and now you're gonna replace me just because you like him.. I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" Alex shouted while the others were still trying to move but can't..

"Okay why the fuck am I not moving--" Zak spoke confused "it's like something's stopping us.." Niki mumbled "I CANT MOVE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I WANNA SEE WHATS HAPPENING" Antfrost shouted.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I'm very sorry Alex.. I'm not replacing you! I'll still be your best friend!" Darryl responded "WHAT IF I DONT WANNA BE FRIENDS OR BEST FRIENDS? I WANNA BE SOMETHING ELSE DARRYL" Alex shouted "..." Silence.. that was all the response.. "I'm sorry.." Darryl mumbled "I wanna be something else Darryl.. I want you to be my boyfriend! I know you guys are just faking this to make me jealous!" Alex spoke " I never faked anything.." Darryl mumbled "SAY IT LOUDER" "I NEVER FAKED ANYTHING I LIKE ZAK I DONT LIKE YOU! I WANT YOU TK BE MY BESTFRIEND STILL AND IM NOT EVEN REPLACING YOU, JUST BECAUSE I LIKE SOMEONE DOESNT MEAN IM REPLACING YOU! yes! You were here, but you never cared about my feelings sometimes.. you only want me to like you or either.. give you attention.." Darryl mumbled (god this part's cringe and I'm pretty confused--)

I Loved You Till The Day We Met || Re-Written ||completed||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن