Ambition Weaves A Web...

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"Mr. Osborn, I'm telling you, attempting to replicate the Super-Soldier Serum will cause unprecedented conflict globally!" exclaimed Dr. Curt Connors emphatically.

His colleague, Dr. Rajit Ratha nodded. "There's no telling what side effects could take place."

Norman gritted his teeth. "Dr. Connors, Dr. Ratha, both of you have families, correct?"

Both men nodded nervously.

Norman grinned like a shark, teeth glinting. "Well, it would would be a shame if something...unsavoury, happened to them."

The scientists eyes' widened in fear. "We'll get to work right away," said Ratha hastily.

Peter Parker really didn't have the best track record with field trips.

When he went to the aquarium in Grade 3, he'd gotten bitten by a turtle.

In Grade 6, a goat chomped on his finger at the petting zoo.

Thankfully, there were no large animals to bite him this time. Still, he still felt apprehensive.

Peter groaned loudly as he slumped in his assigned seat. It was an unflattering tone of grey, the corners peeling off.

"Please let this be a normal field trip," he lamented, then immediately regretted saying so when Hobie Brown, who was sitting beside him, Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn, who were sitting in the seat in front, turned to him with an evil grin.

"With the Frizz? NO WAY!" they screamed, prompting all 43 kids in the schoolbus minus Peter to start singing the Magic School Bus theme song.

What else would you expect from a group of teenagers?

Mr. Ditko, the bus driver, turned around to glare at them. "What's the matter with you kids? You've never been on a school bus before?"

After touring multiple of the lower level labs, the archives, and the food court (for lunch) they finally reached a door labelled with the words "RESTRICTED ACCESS."

The tour guide, Victoria Hand, smiled at them, before saying, "Mr. Osborn has made an exception for your school to visit one of the experimentation labs. Many of these are classified projects, which is why we had all of you sign Non-Disclosure Agreements beforehand. Once again, do not touch anything unless you ask first."

Ms. Hand used her key card to open the door. Walking inside, all of them gasped at the amazing sights going on around them. Even Harry was amazed, seeing as his father hadn't allowed him to come down here, ever.

Unbeknownst to anyone, a small indigo and scarlet spider had escaped her casing and was crawling up the side of a desk.

The class crowded around a glowing plasma ball.

Attracted to the vibrations it was sending out, the tiny arachnid climbed onto the table, but no one noticed.

Peter raised his hand and asked to touch it, to which the tour guide nodded.

He pressed his fingers to the plasma ball. Startled by the sudden movement and unexpected interruption of the vibrations, the spider jumped up and bit the boy on the back of his hand.

A searing pain spread through Peter's hand. He lurched back, clutching it in pain, throwing the spider onto the ground and crushing it with his foot. Mr. Harrington and Ms. Hand rushed over, looking frantic.

Part 2: When The Clouds Are Blotting Out The SkyWhere stories live. Discover now