New School Same Story ༆/☮︎

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Requested: OldFashionedVillain_

Warnings: bullying, bad language, weed use, past trauma and a little violence

Normal- y/n pov
Bold- Eddie pov

I started going to Hawkins High about a month ago now and just like every other school I go to... I get bullied. I have a huge scar going from my left eyebrow down to the middle of my left cheek. I had a conflict with some robber a few years back and it ended badly for me. Well now it's like a huge target for bullies and bitches to hit.

I was sat in between two people I didn't know at a stupid announcement for a basketball game that's coming up? As if anyone cares. Well some loud pop music started playing through the speakers that wasn't supposed to be there meaning every teacher left to find where it was coming from.

When they left Jason looked at me and smirked. Oh no. "Y/n. Could you please come down here? I want to apologize personally." He said with the most fake smile ever but I didn't like being stared at so I went down. Jason put his arm around me and squeezed really fucking hard to the point where I winced. "Y/n. I am so very sorry... For that huge ugly scar going across your face but look on the bright side. At least you're probably better looking than before." I head humoured gasps and laughs coming from the stand everyone was sat on.

Usually I'd cry at the bullying but I've had enough. I'm not being the centre of his ego. He shoved me away a little before going to join the rest of the team. It felt like a switch had been flipped, I walked over to some freshly inflated basketballs and I picked one up. I never knew my own strength until it happened. I threw the ball at his head and he almost fell to the ground. I thought he was okay until I heard his groans of pain. I look around to see everyone looking at me like I'm the devil.

I ran out of the room only to find 3 or 4 of Jason's team mates chasing me. I panicked hard, I managed to lose them after rounding a few corners until I got tired so I decided to go into a random room. "Hey you can't be in here." I heard a guy yell at me. "Oh I'm so sorry. I'll go. I'm sorry." I barely got out because I was crying way too hard. "Woah wait, are you okay?" The long haired boy with deep and dark eyes asked. I think his name was Freddie or something? "Yeah I'm fine, I'm sorry for disturbing you." I said as I went to leave the room but I stopped when I heard footsteps and people shouting my name. "Shit." I said while crying even harder. "Go over to that old locker and get in it." The very handsome, dark eyed boy said.

I ran to that locker and went inside then closed it over. I peer through the gaps to see what was happening.

Great. The jocks are getting their ego-germs all over the D&D lair. What do they want with the new girl though? "What business do you have in our club room?" I asked squaring up to them a little. "Have you seen the new bitch?" One of them snarls. "No. Why are you looking for her?" I asked genuinely concerned if I'm protecting a murderer or something right now. "She almost concussed Jason with a basketball. He might not be able to play our next game." That same Jock said. Wow. She's a complete freak, I love that.

"Well I'm sorry man she ain't here." I said trying to shoo them off. "We have a game to finish and I'm sure you have to practice so just look for her later." I need them to leave. "Fine, if you see her freak tell us." With that they walked out.

I decided to walk out of the locker once they left, only to have all of the guys in the room look at me with complete shock and a little horror. "I'm sorry about that... And thank you, you didn't have to do that." I was blushing but it's kind of dark in here so you wouldn't be able to tell.

I walk out of the room and got to an exit of the school before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I panicked and turned around with my hand held in a fist. "Woah sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to ask if you were okay?" He smiled at me, he had a really nice smile. "Yeah I'm fine thank you." I didn't know what to say after that I just looked up at the ceiling and ran my tongue over my teeth. "I also wanted to say that I think you're really cool, first thing I hear about you is that you attack the biggest jerk in this school!" This kind of hurt my feelings, I don't want to be known as this violent bitch.

I just turned and walked out the door and sped walked to my car. "Wait! Please wait I'm sorry!" I heard behind me and I turned around. "No it's not that, I just don't want to build a reputation on that because that's not the kind of person I am." I started getting a little teary. "Well... Tell me." He said "tell you what?" I questioned. He looked almost through me rather than at me. "Tell me who you are."

We sat on a bench outside school, Eddie told me about himself first because I was a little anxious. He is a freak. He likes metal music and playing D&D. He also plays guitar, his guitar is like his baby. Eddie also told me about his drug dealing but I understood. We all need some way of getting through life. "So what about you?" He asked after speaking.

I sat there trying to think of something interesting about me. "Well, I used to play bass but stopped after a while, my favourite band is Nazareth, I used to be a hippie for a while and I've never had a healthy friendship or relationship." I tell him "there's not much more than that." I genuinely wasn't that interesting. "Am I okay to ask about your scar?" He questioned.

"My ex payed one of his friends to rob me. He had a knife I don't think he intended on using but did so. I only knew it was his friend because when he tried to leave I grabbed the mask, stupid I know but I needed to see my attacker. They both got community service and I got trauma... Either way it sucked for me." I nervously laughed towards the end of that. Eddie pulled a joint out of his pocket, lit it and handed it to me. "Looks like you could do with this, sugar" he breathed. "Thanks." I laughed a little at the reaction on his face.

We shared the joint and spoke more on music, I mean there was other topics too, but mostly music. "Thank you Eddie. I really needed this." I blushed as I spoke. "Well I'd love to do it again sometime and I'd really love to get to know you more y/n, you're a lot of fun to talk to." He turned to me and smiled. "Yeah we should do this again. You are the first person I've spoke to at a new school that I don't hate." I giggled. "How about tomorrow? At the bench just through the woods over there?" He asked. "Sounds good to me."

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