Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

Today was the day.

I'm finally going to propose to Annabeth.

I've just come back from doing five quests given to me by Athena.

I'm so happy I don't notice the looks everyone is giving me.

I head toward the Athena cabin to tell Annabeth to meet me on the beach.

I knock on the door and wait. Malcom opens the door. He has a dirty look on his face.

"What do you want traitor." He asked.

"One, tell Annabeth to meet me on the beach. Two, how am I a traitor." I replied.

"Ask Annabeth when you next see her."

I walked away confused. I head back to my cabin and open the door. What I see breaks me.

A boy stood there with Annabeth. But not only that they were kissing.


"Well, why can't I be in MY cabin with MY girlfriend." The boy said calmly.

"Percy you cheated on me. That's why I broke up with you." Annabeth said.

"WHAT! I was doing some quests so I could propose." I cried.

I threw the box at her and ran. Straight to the beach. Jason saw and ran after me. I dived in hopeing Jason wouldn't follow. He just grabed some wind and made a tornado so he could follow.

I made it to my dads palace and straight past the guards. They stoped Jason not me. I made my way to my dads throne room. Luckily my dad was there. He was talking to Triton. When he saw me he excused Triton and swam over.

"What's wrong son." He said while hugging me.

"She broke up with me." I said between sobs.

"There is a Mr Jason Grace wanting to see Percy." A guard said.

"Tell him to come in." My dad said.

A few moments later Jason's tornado came in. My dad told him to stop the tornado and he would give him the ability to breath under water for the moment. He stoped and started breathing.

"What do you want Jason." I asked.

"I want to know what's wrong." He said between breaths.

I told him the whole story. After I had finished he had a very confused look on his face.

"That's practically exacly the same as what happened with me." He said.

"WHAT! Piper broke up with you?" I said very confused.

"I've got an idea." My dad said with a smile. "We're off to see (the wizard) the Olympian counsel."

He grabed mine and Jasons arm and flashed us off to Olympus. When he got there he told us to wait outside. While me and Jason waited a wolf crept up behind me and bit me.

Jason's POV

A wolf crept up behind Percy but before I could swing my sword at it. It bit Percy on the soulder. I managed to kill it afterwards but Percy had already passed out on the floor.

I burst though the doors to find them all not shouting. I think I've gone into the wrong room. I asked for Apollo to come and help Percy. Apollo flashed out and back in. But when he came back he had Percy in his arms.

"What happened son." Drama Queen, sorry I mean Zeus boomed.

"A wolf crept up behind him and bit him before I could do anything." I replied.

Posidon and suprisingly Artemis flashed next to Percy.

"Sorry this wasn't just any wolf. It was a werewolf." Apollo said.

'Oh no' I thought.

Percy woke up groggily.

"Percy you are now a werewolf demigod." Apollo said noticing Percy had woken.

"And we have one thing to say to you and Jason." Artemis said.

"We want to make you two Olympians."


First chapter. Tell me what you think.



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