My love ❤️

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the ranger in this story is based of will from the book series The Rangers Apprentice book 1-12 ⟟ do recommend it

⟟ am a Ranger not as tall as can be. For I'm as short as the trunk of a tree! But ⟟ soar, ⟟ fly and will never tell a lie not for good not for bad so if you leave me ⟟ wil be sad.
She on the other hand is a head taller than me she fleets and floats ⟟ love her so much how ⟟ wish we could marry, and on one night the stars heard my plea and they wouldn't keep you away from me,so on that lovely night she leans on and gave me a kiss one that ⟟ will always miss. </3

105 words

This one pretty sad 😞 anyway have a good life bye lovelies <33

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