Ch-23{In a Forest?}

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•| Ashi's pov |•

As soon as we reached home..We saw the whole house being a mess..Cushions were on floor..Food items spread over the table, Tv was on and Manushi was sleeping on Couch..

"What the hell?" Sid yelled making my ears go deaf while Manushi jumped from her sleep and looked at us with wide us..

"Is this my penthouse or what?"Sid looked all over again..

I quickly picked up the cushions that were near me and kept them on their places..

"I am sorry..I will clean this" Manushi said not sounding sorry at all..

Within 10 minutes she cleaned everything and stood infront of sid..

"Where were you all the night?..I was feeling so alone and bored here..Don't ever do this again" She said clinging on sid..

Do she know that clinging onto a married person infront of his wife is not good?

Not that I am jealous but still she should maintain a '6 feet' distance from atleast my husband..

"I have to go to film shoot..Get ready"Sid said backing away from Manushi..

But why is he saying 'Get ready' to Manushi?

OfCourse bcoz she is his assistant!

He went in his I mean our room just after him Manushi left to her room..I turned off the Tv which was still on..


It's 6:00 pm now..Sid had gone to his filmshoot since 9:00 am..And here I am getting hell bored..I just turned from channel to channel on tv but everything was boring..I was sitting looking here and there trying to pass the time..

The door bell ringed and I quickly got up with a smile walking towards the door thinking sid and Manushi are finally home..I opened the door without even peeing into the eyehole which turned to my biggest mistake..

There were nearly 4 mens who were wearing face masks standing at the door..I tried to close the door without delaying...

But do you think a single women can defeat 4 bodyguard type looking man..No nah?

The pushed the door and barged inside..

"Who are you?" I tried to sound confident but only I knew how scared I was from inside..

They didn't said anything but sprayed something infront of my nose and before I could fo something I lost my senses and everything blacked out..


My head is pounding like hell..I opened my eyes while holding my head tightly..

I looked around and saw myself in a completely different place..There were trees all over here..

Am I in a FOREST?

What the hell!!?

I tried to remember what happened but everything was blur..Slowly slowly I started to remember that those 4 mens came and made me unconcious..

Did they left me here..

It was so dark that I didn't even saw anything..My phone! I checked my pockets but my phone was already gone..The hell!

How am I even gonna go back?

I started walking in one direction to find some road but the forst didn't came to an end..After nearly walking for 30 mins I didn't have energy so I just sat where I was..

How will I go back?God send someone for my help..

My eyes started to sting with tears..

Will I die here?..I don't want to die so soon..

The dam of my tears broke and I started crying as much loud as I can thinking someone will hear my cries and come to rescue me..

Suddenly I heard a sound of something from behind the bushes..Who could be there?

"Anyone there?" But there was no reply just a groaning sound..

Just then I saw 2 white dots apperaring from the dark and the thing which was behind started coming closer to me..

NO WAY!! It's a











It's a wolf!

I took a step back in fear while that wolf started coming near me..

I can't die now! I didn't even completed my dream..I just got married what will happen to Maa and papa?..And also what will sid do?And what about uncle he still needs me..

I can't die..

Thinking this I ran as fast as I can..I looked behind a little while running the wolf was not behind me..I am saved..

This was the last thing I remember before something hard hit me making me black out..

•| Sid's pov |•

It was 8:00 pm when I came back home..My mood was totally fucked up..

"Sid I am sorry" Manushi said while clinging on my arm..

"Stop clinging onto me everytime..Don't you understand that I don't like it?" I said while jerking her hand..

"But.." She tried to say..

"Shut up" I said while getting into the elevator..

My mood was not good bcoz of Manushi..It was her first day to work with me and instead of doing work she was taking selfies all day and when we were coming back she just barged inside my car and sat with me..

When everybody clearly knows that I don't like anyone sitting with me in my personal car..

Ok that's was true till now but you know I like when Ashi sits with me in my car..

Ok just forget that!

I walked out of the elevator after it dinged indicating that my floor has arrived..It's a personal floor no one can come here other than me and people I know..

As I walked close to my penthouse my lips began to form a smile..I am getting happy at the thought of seeing Ashi after a long hetic day..The bad mood I was in is slowly fading at the thought of her beautiful smile..

Ok this feeling is new for me..I don't felt like that for any women before this..She is surely getting some magic on me..

My smile faded as soon as I saw tge front door of my penthouse open..Why has ashi kept the door open?

Did she got to know I was here?

I went inside quickly but didn't found her..

"Ashi" I said but I got not reply..

"Ashi are you in there?" I knocked our bedroom door..But again no reply..

I checked the bedrooms,washrooms,kitchen, laundry room,balcony even the closet too..But she was nowhere to be seen..

"ASHI" I shouted in panic but no reply..

I looked towards manushi who wasn't even bothered that her sister wasn't home..She was scrolling her Instagram sitting on the couch..

I ran my hand through my hairs angrily..

Picking up my coat from the chair which I throwed while entering the house..I went out towards my car..


How was the chapter?..So tell in comments.

Ignore my grammar mistakes❤


Lots of love to you guys,

ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ʷⁱᶠᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵃ ᶜᵉˡᵉᵇʳⁱᵗʸ✔ (Celebrity Series #1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα