"So you're telling me out of all places dad's work could have relocated us from California. Hawkins was the best option..." I mutter as we drive into our new neighborhood. "Would you lighten up a bit, I know it sucks now, but before you know it you'll love it here." My mom says from the passenger seat turning to me and flashing me her bright smile. I stick my tongue out at her as my dad pulls into our new driveway.
I'm so glad dad's company paid for the good movers. All we had to do was unpack our rooms and everything else was done and set up for us. Luckily for me I have so much junk it will take me the rest of the day. Yay. Blaring my Metallica record I finally finish hanging my last poster on my wall as my mom walks into my room and lowers my music. "Don't forget you have school tomorrow. Just be prepared to get back to learning and get some rest." She says before she closes my door leaving me to sulk on my bed.
Senior year at a new school? Great.
Getting out of bed was definitely a struggle. Thankfully our house isn't that far from the school that even with me taking my sweet time to get ready and dressed this morning I'll only be 10 minutes late... Did my mom yell at me. No. Did I run out of the house before she can see me be late. Absolutely.
As I am halfway to the school this van thing that's blasting Metallica zooms by me honking their horn making me jump from the sudden noise. Damn startled by favorites. I flip the van off yelling "Jackass!" Which received a honk back from the van.
I finally get to the school and finish talking to the front desk who gave me my schedule. It was time to start this hell of a senior year. As I walk out of the front office I see this guy with long curly hair, denim vest getting scolded by some authority figure. I watch as he mocks the adult before his eyes lock with mine. At first he looked stunned but then it quickly becomes a smirk towards me. I stare back until he's out of eye site. "Weirdo" I say to myself before I find my first period class.
It's finally lunch time and I stand in line waiting for my turn to receive whatever is on the menu. I look around examining the tables to see what kinda people there is in this school. Mostly cliques as usual. Jocks, Cheerleaders, Nerds, and *bang* my thoughts get interrupted as someone bangs their fist on a table followed by a deep taunting chuckle. I look over to see the weirdo I saw earlier standing up at his table being loud for some reason receiving glares from every table surrounding theirs.
I roll my eyes before getting my lunch and finding a empty table. Throughout lunch the same table as before continued to be the main center point of my view considering they were the only table full of cheers and heckling making it hard for me to enjoy my unseasonably food. I did notice the frizzy haired boy kept glacing over at me but I chose to ignore it for my own sake.
Finally in the last class period of the day 20 minutes into our lesson the door burst opens and guess who it was.... yeah that's right, we know exactly who it is. "Is there a reason you are this late in arriving to class Mr. Munson." The teacher asks crossing his arms. "Nope." Munson said before finding his way to the empty seat next to me. The teacher, though annoyed continued on with the lesson. It was pretty boring so I started to draw in my notebook, but then as I was drawing I realized Munson or whatever was watching me. So I thought I would draw him a pretty picture.
Wow he really watched me draw this whole thing. As I finish my drawing I look up at him. He notices I had stop drawing and looks up at me. I point down to my drawing so he watches as I write "OFF" under it. Just then the bell rings. I tear the sheet out of my notebook and slams it on his desk where he just started at it stunned, before packing my stuff and leaving.
I'm hilarious.

Patches. / Eddie Munson
FanfictionMoving to Hawkins wasn't exactly what was on the radar for Maya's vision of her senior year, but here she was having to start over. After meeting a few of the teens of Hawkins she starts to think maybe Hawkins isn't so bad. I mean it is still pretty...