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Chapter One-Ten

Vibe: Animal by AURORA

Alice. Was. Tired.

And gods, her leg hurt. The enchanted river wasn't even trying to heal it.

"Magic." She muttered flatly, "The magic that brought us back from the edge of death earlier today, I assume?"

The captain smirked, "Not just magic...Real magic."

Leaning into the staff, Alice felt her bottom half growing numb as she nodded, "Right. As apposed to what... fake magic?" She had already reached her limit of 'holier than thou' attitudes thanks to the idiots who'd brought her there. Giving him a hard look she began internalizing an order just for him.

"Ah ah, you do that and Daisy there will use your pretty little head as target practice." He warned somehow knowingly before she could finish the order. "Not that your magic would even work... but it's about the principle—you understand, surely."

So, he could read thoughts now, or something? Predict magic? What was he?

Alice's jaw clenched—the muscles flicking annoyedly under her skin. Turning her eyes momentarily to the dark haired woman sitting at the rocks, Alice watched as this 'Daisy' lunatic giddily stabbed between her fingers in a blinding speed.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" She focused back on the man with greying hair and a scruffy face. "You talk big for someone who is afraid of a little water." She taunted before slapping the top of the river; creating a splash that nearly reached Daisy as she retreated faster than the spray. Chuckling, she tilted her head, "I'm shaking in my boots—really."

"If you're so brave, darling, why don't you exit that little death trap and introduce yourself." He smiled, unshakenly. "You'd catch me a pretty price as well with that attitude. Men love the challenge of making a feisty woman submit."

Glaring hard at him for a moment she looked at George—if she could exit the river, George could surely break her chains. And as long as she had enough energy, she could end the fight within seconds.

However, while Daisy seemed to be bound and whipped by the captain, one word from him and the maniac would surely be released. Alice wasn't a fool—with her in the river, she at least had a chance at dodging her attack. And while she wasn't sure if she had the capabilities to snuff his men out using the mages, the captain didn't know this and thus wouldn't let Daisy attack unless absolutely necessary or if it was an absolute sure shot. Meaning, if anyone on her side did attack and it was inadequate, the captain would attack back and surely win.

While it seemed like they were at a stalemate, the longer Alice hesitated to do something, the quicker the captain would catch on to her bluff. Because who wouldn't use such immense power to wipe out their enemies?

"Alison Arvel of the Arvel Estate." Alice spoke, picking her wet skirt up below the waterline at her waist in an awkward curtsy. "The companion of the Crowned Prince of Audovera." She shamelessly dropped his name as the man's smile wavered, "And I assure you, if you do not leave here in due haste, you will live to regret having picked a most unpleasant battle with me." Her feet were numb and any longer in the soul sucking water, she'd began to take more damage and lose her hold on reality as it pulled her under its enchantment.

Besides—she hopped her way towards the taken-aback Daisy—since when was Alison Arvel afraid of death in this life? She'd died at least three times now, and here she still stood.

She smiled wickedly as she met Daisy's crazy with her own, "Let me predict something for you, Daisy." She purred, wading closer to the rocks as the black haired girl backed away uncertainly. "I am untouchable—completely unkillable. You try, and i'll just come right back with a vengeance." She spoke, stepping onto the rocks, "But you on the other hand?" With a small laugh, Alice shook her head, the water blackening everything living it touched, "Your entire body will break to match that mind of yours if you even try to touch me." Daisy's grey eyes held something cold and hard as she clutched the dagger tightly while Alice hobbled off the rocks and smiled at her, "Be a good little pet and let me talk to your captain, okay?"

Plant Daisy's feet into the ground, make the air heavy around her until she can't even lift a finger, and sew her mouth shut.

Alice riskily ordered as she clung onto the magic infused water dampening her body. She could feel how shaky her control already was having exited the river—the resistance almost painful as if the mages were being pulled elsewhere at the same time.

Controlling her facial expression, she turned to the captain who was frowning now—clearly uncertain on whether Alice was powerful or just suicidal. Alice wasn't completely sure herself but she would bluff until everyone believed it was the first choice.

"We've got ourselves a little problem, Captain." Alice hummed, painfully making her way towards him as everyone stared at her like she was the biggest lunatic there.

The skin beneath the captain's left eye flinched, "One we can solve without bloodshed, surely."

Alice shook her head, "You see, you want a few unharmed heads... but what I've grown to want—" honey dripped off her tongue, sweet against her terror as she smiled, "—is all your heads in a bloody pile at my feet."



*dies from how cool Alice is* Legit getting a nosebleed from her mic drops at this point. I just want to be Alison, gosh. She's so dark and twisted.

Thank you so much for reading! I've noticed some new readers later, welcome to the party, I hope you're enjoying the adventure. Y'all excited for this second match or what?

Oh what do you think of the cover? I was trying to make it lighter/easier to see... is it better or worse? It's so different from the others.

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