Chapter 55

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Chase POV:
"I should head home," Alec says.
"No," I wine. "I don't feel good, you have to stay with me."
He sighs, "I know, but I'll be back tomorrow."
I look at him with wide eyes, "pwease?" I ask sounding like Cory.
He laughs, "I'm sorry."
"Can I at least get a kiss goodbye and goodnight?"
He presses his lips to mine, "I love you."
"I love you too."
He doesn't leave.
"I thought you were leaving" I laugh.
"I am," he presses his forehead to mine.
"I just can't believe your awake."
I kiss his nose, "I'm awake, and I'm here. I love you."
"I love you too," he says. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye," I say as he walks out of my hospital room.
My dad walks into the room, my mom following. "Hey," I say sheepishly.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Mom asks.
I look down at my hands, "because I was scared that you would make me stop seeing him..."
"Of course we would have made you stop seeing him." Dad says. "And it's completely inappropriate that you are seeing him."
"Mom did it," I mumble.
Mom blushes, "that completely different."
"Oh, yeah? How?"
Mom hesitates, "okay... Maybe it's not that different..."
"America," Dad scolds.
"Maxon, it isn't different then me and Aspen."
"Your secret relationship with Aspen?" I ask surprised.
"Stop trying to change the topic," dad says, glaring at me.
I glance down, "so, what are we going to do?" I ask, then quickly add, "about the Selection, I mean."
Mom and dad glance at each other.
"Oh, please don't make me do it! I love Alec, please. I can't see anyone else in my future then him!" I say, tears running down my cheeks. "Please! I love him and he loves me."
Mom sits next to me, and pulls my head onto her chest, "shh... Calm down... Don't get worked up... We'll talk about this later, right Maxon?"
He sighs, "yeah, alright. But can I ask you small things?"
I nod.
"Okay... How far have you and Alec, uh, gone?"
"Just kissing! I swear!" I exclaim sitting up fast, a wave a pain rushes over me. I cry out.
"Maxon, that's enough," mom says. "Chase, honey, lay down." Mom says. "Maxon turn off the lights will you?"
I lay my head on the pillow just as he is turning off the lights.
"Do you need anything, sweetie?"
"I'm kinda hungry..." I say.
"Okay, what do you want?"
"Um, just some ice cream?" I ask.
Mom and dad laugh, "sure thing." They kiss the top of my head and walk out.
Sorry! I know it's short... And late... I'm really sorry guys! I was going to update last night but I went to The Longest Ride and then had a sleepover.
Sorry again guys!! More next time!!
Love you guys!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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