Detective Michelle looked at Maiya with the familiar serious face she gave earlier in their house. They were sitting in the police station with several police officers outside. "You know I didn't kill her. Why do you think I did?" Maiya questioned with a more angry tone. Detective Michelle looked down, sighed, and leaned back in her chair crossing her arms. "I'm just doing my job, and to add on, this body was found in your house." She said, almost yelling. Maiya was astonished by her tone, and got even angrier. "I would never kill a little girl!" Maiya yelled, standing up and slamming their hands on the table. Detective Michelle didn't flinch from the loud banging, but laughed by Maiya's anger. "Sit down." She said quietly. "What?!" Maiya asked angrily. "Sit. Down." The Detective said louder, standing up slowly, crossing her arms. Maiya's face softened, but didn't sit down. They just stared at Detective Michelle with a poker face. They stared at each other for a couple minutes, but then looked away immediately when a couple of Agents walked in. One Agent with a different name from the rest of them grabbed Maiya and took them out of the room. "Hey!- Where are you taking me?" Maiya yelled, but the Agent didn't answer. They were just straight up furious at this point. The Agent calmly put Maiya on the chair and sat down in front of them. Then she put her hand out to shake Maiya's hand. "I'm Agent Red, or R, the detective in the other room isn' qualified enough for this case." She said, while shaking Maiya's hand. "I already know your name, so no need for introductions." Agent R said. "...can I leave now?" Maiya questioned. "No, your home is being investigated at the moment, so I've placed you in a hotel." She said, handing Maiya the hotel information and card. Maiya stayed silent, holding the hotel information and the card. "Oh! one more thing! The other agents and I will be monitoring you, so nothing will happen to you." Agent R explained. "O-Oka-" Maiya said, before getting cut off. "Annnndddd, I will drive you to the Hotel right now!" Agent R declared. Maiya didn't say anything, but was a bit annoyed by the Agents energy. The Agent then left the room, indicating Maiya needs to follow. Maiya followed the Agent to the car, and drove to the Hotel.

Their Hearts in Exchange for Yours
Mystery / ThrillerIn a case, there is a killer on the loose. The killer seems to be ruthless, giving away clues Wait a minute, they're in love!! Omg, that person must be very unlucky. The detective solves clues and clues to figure out the identity of th...