388 10 2

Orlando, Florida

I went to a fair with my 13 year old sister for the first time. I was 10 back then, being naive and can't wait to enjoy the rides.

My sister hold my hands tightly as we walked, on our way to the fair not far from our neighborhood.

As soon as we entered the fair, my gaze scanned my surroundings in excitement. There is cotton candy and a lot of rides. What I wanted to try the most is
Ferris wheel and roller coaster.

"Phoebe, let's try the ferris wheel..!" I pointed at the Ferris wheel excitedly.

"Sorry Kevin, you know I'm afraid of height,right? Let me buy you cotton candy instead"

"No. I want the rides!" I insisted.

"I can't. I'm too scared!" My sister snapped angrily.

My excitement turned into an instant frown, I walked away from my sister.

"Kevin!! Kevin!!" Phoebe yelled but I ignore her and kept on walking.

As soon as I made it out of the fair I heard a whistle from behind me.
I turned around to see a boy my sister's age but perhaps 1 year older than her.

"Why don't you try the rides..?" He somehow knew the reason behind my act.

"I want it, but, Phoebe won't let me" I crossed my arm on my chest, frowning.

He chuckled and said, "I can show you something better"


"Yes.follow me" He replied as he walked into the wooded area located not far from the fair.

I followed him, having no clues of what it could be. being ten, I imagine we're about to discover secret wonderland.

He kept on whistling tunes along the way, then, he stopped right in front of a tree and some bush.

"What is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked him.

"This.." He then dragged what appeared to be a toddler legs under the bush.

I shiver in fear and I let out a high pitched screams.

"You killed him!!!"

"Sssshhh..." he then grabbed me.

"Let go of me!!"

"I won't until you calm down. I didn't kill him. I happened to find him dead" He whispered.

"No! You killed him!"

He then let go of me and now we stood up facing each other.

"Right. I did..and now, I guess I wanted to compare which one takes the most effort, him or you?" He gazed at me with malicious grin.

I sprinted away from him in tears, my reactions sent him into a fit of laughter. His laugh echoed through the woods or at least my head made it that way. It's extremely eerie.

"Wait!! I'm joking !!" I could heard him yelling while half laughing.


I made it back to the fair and now I'm looking for my sister Phoebe.

"Phoebe..! Phoebe..!" I summoned her name while sobbing in fear and mixing with the crowds as a lost little boy.

Not long after that..

"Kevin!!" Phoebe yelled my name, I turned around and I ran at her directions.

The two of us ended up buying cotton candy then returned back home.

At that time, I'm too scared to tell Phoebe what did I just saw.. It's definitely real legs and I'm sure of it.
I never attended the fair for the next 10 years due to the trauma meeting that unknown boy again.

Whether he died in that woods or growing up as a fucking psychopath I'll never know. I never saw him again...

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