Relationships are hard, no matter how accepting or prepared you may be. [part 1]

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general descriptions of depression
implied bad eating habits
self loathing

⚠️this is set in the point of the 'Main Story' where Sapnap has a very negative mindset for a while because of his fear of being left out and forgotten⚠️

Overview: Sapnap's having a rough time adjusting to sharing his boyfriends with each other and also Schlatt.

Sapnap's had a bad day. He's in one of those cycles of mental exhaustion that sleep alone won't fix. He's tired, but not literally. There's a heat burning in his chest that's unlike his normal flame, it's so hot it's cold, causes him to stay in bed longer and call it quits earlier in the evening than his partners.

He's woken up to a depressive episode with absolutely no heat to his body. He feels cold to the touch, bright warm eyes now a stagnant diluted red, fingers slow and stiff from his personal freeze, and chest feeling vacant and painfully sharp with each shallow breath. He's in his separate room from everyone else; which unfortunately means no one is here to help him as he lets out a broken, shaky whine and forces himself to curl tighter into the sheets surrounding his shivering frame.

Although... someone with pretty good hearing does notice the noise. Someone who had just finished soothing a young boy that had woken in the middle of the night due to a bad dream that left him stumbling to his father's room.

Schlatt was about to slip back into said room before he heard what he only assume was Sapnap being in pain. He and the others know Sapnap isn't feeling well, but the man is a deep sleeper. So for him to make a distressful noise this late into the night was cause for concern. Not that Schlatt cared, though, it's not like he was concerned for the man he was sharing his husband with. Of course not.

He and Sapnap didn't get along very well. For some reason, the two could never see eye to eye unless it was them wanting to beat each other up. But here Schlatt was, knocking on the door to Sapnap's room.

"Better not be dying in there, idiot." He says with clear annoyance, waiting for a raspy (but higher than his own) voice to tell him to go fuck off. This time he simply got another small whine.

And yeah, Schlatt doesn't get along with Sapnap. But he does know the other men in the house do and if they found out he was reluctant to help the guy out he'd probably get yelled at for weeks, maybe even worse. So against his previous, negative judgment he turns the doorknob and opens the door.

Immediately there's a crawl of cold up his spine that makes his head twitch and ears flick. He looks at the demon on the bed with a frown before shutting the door and stepping closer. "...Hey," He starts.

Schlatt doesn't even know what to say. How does he handle a man usually so warm and suddenly cool to the touch? A man usually bursting with fiery passion and drive to do good and be good for the people in his life curled up into a pathetic ball and tangled in thick comforters and sheets? Quackity never gets like this, Karl never gets like this, and even Tubbo who's quick to burn out or have a hit of overstimulation doesn't get like this.

It leaves Schlatt questioning what to do as he sits by Sapnap's feet. He rests a hand on the demon's covered ankle and even that makes him have to shake his head to get the burst of chills out of his body. He realizes he never continued his sentence and steps a hoof into the carpet under the bed in frustration, thankful that it muffled the thud. But even with the softness of the noise Sapnap lets out a small whimper and pulls his legs up, face still nestled in a pillow.

Schlatt hates not knowing what to do. He hates not knowing the answer, and how to solve a problem. He gets angry and mad and overwhelmed when something that might be simple to others comes unnatural to his mind.

He debates going to get Karl. Surely he's dealt with issues like this with his boyfriend before. Maybe Quackity has too, but wouldn't know that for sure. It might even be smart to go get help, but Schlatt's stubbornness as a mule; is to a fault. As he lifts himself just enough to inch himself closer to the demon's curled frame, said demon lets out a breath so weak and shallow that Schlatt's paternal instincts suddenly kick in. He shoots off the bed and side steps with a spin so he's looking down at Sapnap.

"Show me your face, Sapnap.." He whispers in a voice surprisingly soft and gentle, one he probably uses with Tuboo for similar situations.

When he gets an additionally weak whine as a reply Schlatt frowns and kneels, pressing the back of his hand to the nape of the other's neck. It's sweaty but cold as hell. Then it clicks that Sapnap naturally has a very high body heat so being cold must be how demons and creatures alike react while sick.

He stands, whispers something that gets nothing in reply, and then leaves the room.

Schlatt's not gone for long, though. Returning with extremely hot water and some bread. He sets it down on the nightstand and gives Sapnap's shoulder a gentle shake. "Come on. You need stuff in your system. Can't fight this if your running on empty."

Finally lifting his head, Sapnap lets out a small breath, but he doesn't turn to look back at Schlatt as he tries to speak.

"...I don't... I-"

"Bullshit. I'm not waking up Karl and Q for this, they need their rest. It's either my help or none, Sapnap. "

There's a long pause before Sapnap pushes himself to sit up, making pain-filled noises until he rests back against the bed frame.

"Don't l-look at me like that." He grumbles, looking up at Schlatt with tired, cold eyes.

"Like what? Concerned? Worried? Trust me I wouldn't look like this if you weren't making me think you're going to fucking die, man."

"...Just.. I'm not dying. Just a cold." Sapnap's eyes flicker to the mug and bread. He knows he can't stomach much right now, but if Schlatt won't leave him alone till he does he might as well try.

"Can you grab me the mug?" He whispers, voice still just as sore and raspy since he started talking.

"...You can't get it yourself?"

"Thought you said you'd help."

"I am! The mug isn't even two feet away from you though. Didn't think you couldn't move your arms." Schlatt retorts softly, even if his tone is harsh; grabbing the mug from the handle and placing it on Sapnap's lap. The demon forces his hands around it and instantly he sighs at the pleasing burn that runs through his fingertips and up to his arms. His eyes fall shut and his head leans back into the bed frame.

Then come the waterworks.


It's like a dam broke loose, a cascade of burning hot tears flowing down Sapnap's face and sliding down his neck. Some twist and turn to his earlobes, while others simply drip off his jaw or get lost in the slight scruff of his chin.

Schlatt is frozen in place, eyes flickering around Sapnap's contorted expression with a pang of guilt and pity, feeling that once again father-like nature take control. He sits on the edge of the bed, folding his hands together on his lap. Somehow he can tell this isn't just a physical sickness.

"...What's going on, man."


"Sapnap, I know we don't get along well and that I've been a bit rude but... if Quackity cares about you so do I. I really don't want to have to wake him or Karl up if I can fix this."

Sapnap opens his eyes, letting his gaze flicker over Schlatt's soft and wooly features before shutting again. "I feel selfish for feeling this way, Schlatt," He starts.

"I feel selfish for getting anxious about thoughts that I might be pushed aside or forgotten about even if there's like, no proof. I really fucking love Karl. I love Quackity, too. But they get along so damn well and I just- I don't want to lose them to each other."

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