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"Mom?", Shivaay spoke as Annika hung up the call.

She gulped the saliva in her throat. It can't be, "Excuse me?"

He held her firmly by her shoulders while she tried to wriggle away, "You have kids?"

"What the hell! Leave me!", she tried to push him and pull herself but the hold was too firm. She can't let him know about the kids.

"I won't. Tell me! Are you married?", he asked with rage.

"I am not answerable to you Shivaay!", she shouted.

"You are! It's the matter of not just your kids! They are mine too. Tell me! It's Anvaay and Anaay, right?", he spoke what his gut feeling suggested him.

She was startled after listening to their names from his mouth. He knew the names too? She found herself turning week and fragile. But her mind reminded her to stay firm and repulsive, "Who Anvaay and Anaay?"

He sighed and tried to calm his nerves, "You very well know them Annika. Stop kidding me. We are not babies who can be influenced by anyone"

"Exactly. That is why I expect you to act maturely and respect the decision you took nine years back", she told calmly.

"I took a decision to be by your side ten year back", said he.

"And nine years ago you let go of that decision and made a new one. The one to divorce me and stay away from me", she completed for him.

"It was a mistake"

"Sadly, you don't have chance to append that mistake", she told. She scratched and massaged her wrist.

He turned more furious. He knew that she was lying. Scratching and massaging of wrist. She does this only when she is nervous and telling a lie, "Annika, I met two children. Anvaay and Anaay. Twins. Exact copies of us. Anvaay was a copy of mine. Anaay had your eyes. Moreover, they had an Alwaani surname. Your surname", he grew emotional.

She could feel her heart racing against time. Her heart told her to reveal the truth. He deserves to know about his kids. His progeny. His offsprings. Bit her mind contradicted. She chose to stay silent. She needs to remain strong. No matter what. Before she could utter some responce, she felt a snatch and lost of grip of an object from her hands.

The next moment, he had her phone in his hands and his feets rushed towards the opposite direction. He took her phone.

Dammit! Her phone had a picture of her, Anvaay and Anaay as the screensaver. If he sees that, he'll decipher the truth and she can't let that happen. She rushed behind him to take her phone, "Shivaay! Give my phone back!", she yelled.

Too late! He had already seen the picture. He stopped as his eyes formed tears as he saw a portrait of his family, without him, on her screen. He turned around to see her.

She took her phone back and stood numb before him. His questioning gaze was piercing her heart and soul. She wanted to escape but felt as if she had lost control over her feets.

"Would you still say that you don't know them?", he asked as the first drop of tear slipped down his white cheek.

She surrendered but not completely, "Fine I know them but, they are not our kids. They are my friend's children"

He brushed his eyes and sighed, "C'mon Annika. And they call you mom?"

"Yes because every relation need not to be defined. Every relation needs not a stamp of blood. Some relations are made by heart. Like that of me and Mom and Dad and yes, me and Anvaay Anaay too", she yelled before but struggled to speak that last few words.

"Anvaay Anaay, the names"

"They were born before me. My friend's wife died during childbirth and I just named them. Nothing more", she clarified.

"The eyes?", he knew that she was lying. Still he went on to exercise her limit of lies.

"His wife. She had eyes similar to you", she told.

"Stop the crap Annika! I beg please say the truth. It's high time now!", he scowled.

"You don't have any rights to interfere in my life. Stay away and let everything be!", her voice was loud.

"No! It's a serious matter. They are my kids too", he said.

"No. Not yours. They are Armaan's", she said.

"Dadi, you went to meet her right?", he asked.

"I did. I did cause no matter what happened in between us, I can't stop loving Dadi", she told simply.

"And me? Have you stopped loving me?", he asked innocently.

"Since the day you bashed me and my parents with you words. The day you talked about the divorce", she told.

"Still you named our kids as Anvaay and Anaay"

"They are not our kids!", she yelled.

"Anvaay. He has the sme heart disease as me. He looks exactly like me. It can't be possible that they are someone's else kids", he argued. So he had already did a hell lot research on them and yes, found that they were his kids. His and Annika's progeny.

She stomped her feet and tried to leave the area. She had no heart to rebel or oppose him. It was aching. Before she could move further, she felt a tug on her hand and waist and the next time, she was in his embrace.

He had held her closely. His body was crashing against her and her hand were held firmly by him. No hus eyes had no more emotions. It had rage, stubbornness, rudeness and firmness. He wanted his answers at any cost. At any cost. He won't repeat the mistake of letting her go again. And this time, it was not just her, it was their kids too, "They are our kids. Aren't they?"

She gulped. She was terrified. She never saw him in that mood. It was furious one. More furious that what she had ever seen. She felt like she never knew a thing about him, "N---No"

"Stop lying!", he yelled finally at the top of hia voice.

His voice was string enough to send shimmers and sparks down her body. She felt scared and vulnerable, "I--sa--"

"Stop stuttering! Tell me or no one would be able to stop me to barge inside Alwaani Mansion and take them away", he was angry.

She felt as if the floor slipped beneath her feets. Even the though of separation of her children with her haunted her spirit. Her hands starting sweating up, "You can't!"

"Oh I fear I can. As their father, I have complete rights on them!", he shouted.

"You can't! They are my kids. Just mine. Not your's! I am their mother as well as father. They don't need you. They are strong. The situations have made them bold amd fierce!", she shouted back.

"Still they have a father who is alive. I won't let either you or my children drift away from me once again", he told.

She sighed, "Anvaay needs me. I need to leave. We'll--we'll. Umm. I'll go", she reminded and tried to diffuse the situation.

"How is he? The panic attack was terrible", he asked.

"He's good"

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